Musical palate cleanser, what a day edition

I mean, seriously… May 16, 1966 – greatest day in the history of American popular music, or greatest day evah?

Once upon a time, there were things called “records”, which you played on “record players” and (eventually) on “stereos.” To find “records,” you could play on your “record player,” you went down to a place called a “record store.” And, if you consult Rolling Stone and Billboard, you will discover that May 16, 1966 was a helluva day at America’s record stores.

Fifty years ago, two magnificent pieces of art became available generally for the first time.

Pet Sounds is probably the more influential of the two a) because it lit a fire under The Beatles and inspired them to record Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and b) because Blonde on Blonde has to be seen as part of The Master’s Great Trilogy that also includes Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited, a nine-month explosion of creativity that never will cease to amaze me, and that nearly killed the musician.

Lawdy, mama.  I’m not even going to try to rank those two against each other.  I’m not worthy.

Geez, fifty years later, and “Caroline No” still rips me up every time I hear it.



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8 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, what a day edition

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Boy you can get down to molecular level on the music. Very impressive!


  2. I had a running battle with a friend in college. I was the Beach Boys fan, and he was the Dylan fanatic. I liked Dylan too, but not as much. He thought the Beach Boys were wimpy. The beat goes on.


  3. Russ

    “Love and Mercy” really turned me on to Brian Wilson’s genius. Before that, I’d never really listened to the Beach Boys, but listening to Pet Sounds changed that.


  4. Normaltown Mike

    “I’m not worthy”

    I guess I just wasn’t made for these times…


  5. Dog in Fla

    “Oh, Mama, can this really be the end?”

    Yes, it can…

    “The song was also used as the first and final songs of Mobile radio station 97.5 WABB on February 5, 1973 and February 29, 2012 respectively.”


  6. doofusdawg



  7. Built a fire on main street and shot it full of holes. That song along with Rosemary and the jack of hearts are my favs of his. Pet Sounds is at or near the top of all time and deserves it. Now will go listen to stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again.


  8. Raleighwood Dawg

    I remember the first time I heard Visions Of Johanna (not in 1966, though). It still moves me today, too.
