BREAKING: Jim Harbaugh is still a dick.

Really, this is some world class jerkiness.

As far as the “It didn’t work, but that’s not the point” sub-header goes, is his point to make people root for Corch when Michigan and Ohio State face off?  If so, he’s got a shot of pulling that off.


Filed under Heard About Harbaugh?

20 responses to “BREAKING: Jim Harbaugh is still a dick.

  1. JCDAWG83

    Payback will be hell one day.


  2. gastr1

    It amazes me that people like him–ahem, football coaches like him–actually found some woman to marry them. Because he seems like a world-class asshole. Corch too, for that matter.


  3. The other Doug

    I’d pull for Craig James over Corch.


  4. ugafidelis

    I don’t think they qualify as “style points” if you get them that way.


  5. Derek

    “What’s your deal?” indeed….


  6. Russ

    He gives dicks a bad name.


  7. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Scalpel-like drone strike at the coaches press conference for the tOSU-UM game anyone?


  8. Scorpio Jones, III

    Meanwhile, Dickhead eats cold pizza after getting molested in Happy Valley, too bad, so sad, believe me.


  9. suite jesus

    lets just pray that one of these teams gets a big lead on the other when they meet…then engages in this type behavior….” IT’LL BE PURE GOLD ,JERRY “


  10. So. IL Dawg

    I was at the game. The IL fans started riding him after the fake punt that failed. Michigan absolutely dominated and there was no reason to pull a fake punt. When the IL fans started riding him, most of the Mich fans just sat there because they kind of new it was a dick move. there were a few fans who took exception and started yelling back; but the majority just sat there.

    I know it wasn’t a big game; but the atmosphere was very dull. No one in our group was overly impressed with the stadium or atmosphere. It definitely wasn’t an SEC game. Of course I’m biased toward the SEC. That was the first stadium that didn’t have one single sign or mention of a corporate sponsorship. I know there can be too many promotions at games; but it does add to the entertainment value if done properly. At Michigan, they didn’t have one single promotion which meant there wasn’t any fan engagement. Boring!

    Anyway, I would love for IL to rub it in his face someday. I’m sure he wanted a shutout and was pissed when IL scored a TD too. He’ll get his due someday. I never pull for OSU; but I can’t pull for Mich when they play OSU because of Harbaugh.


    • I was also at the game (although I left just before the fake punt). The atmosphere was subdued, but I enjoyed it. The tailgating scene was great, very short lines for the concession stand and generally a good gameday experience.
      My biggest realization is how Sr heavy their starting line up is (10 sr on D, with one RS Jr: Jabril Peppers/ 8 on O with the other 3 being Jrs) – they better capitalize on things this year, because it will be an entirely different team next year.


  11. Also in breaking news,there is an election approaching, the sun sets in the west and Auburn suxs, Details at 11


  12. Mayor

    What can you say about a grown man who eats boogers? Caught on video!


  13. There should be a betting line on how soon he burns out at Michigan. even winning and beating OSU, he will jump the shark. Some where, some day, he will screw up with the wrong person. He has his entire coaching career.
