War between the states

Well, this is interesting.

Saying that a new Texas law allowing child welfare providers to deny adoptions to parents based on “sincerely held religious beliefs” is discriminatory, California’s attorney general on Thursday banned state-funded travel to Texas.

… Alabama, Kentucky and South Dakota were also added to the list of states with California travel bans. It’s not immediately clear what the economic impact of the decision will have on Texas.

… One of the key consequences could involve higher education — and college sports in particular. Researchers and staff members from universities often travel to Texas for conferences. And California college sports teams play in Texas fairly regularly. Several major sports bowl games and tournaments are played here — including the men’s college basketball Final Four in San Antonio in 2018. The University of California, Los Angeles played a road football game at Texas A&M University last season. The University of California, Berkeley played at the University of Texas at Austin a year earlier.

The California law allows for exceptions for contracts that are already in place, and it’s unclear whether the state’s teams would be banned from playing in the Final Four. But the Los Angeles Times reported in February that UCLA has stopped scheduling games against teams in banned states.

North Carolina’s bathroom ban caught the NCAA’s attention, as we know.  Texas dodged that particular bullet (at least for the moment).  But here we are with a boycott on a new front.  Will California’s move generate any traction with the NCAA regarding next year’s Final Four?  Who knows?  Although I expect Emmert will get questions about that now.


UPDATE:  It’s not just about Texas.


Filed under Political Wankery, The NCAA

49 responses to “War between the states

  1. dawgfan

    Texas was the number 1 growth state in 2016 based on U Haul’s one way truck rentals. California was number 49 barely edging out, you guessed it, Illinois. The state where most of these one ways to Texas is coming from is California. The Republic of Texas is laughing at California.


    • simpl_matter

      The US Census is maybe a little more insightful than gauging growth based on U-Haul rentals https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2016/cb16-214.html


      • Derek

        Who needs you’re FACTS?

        The idea that California has the more people than Mississippi is a librul conspiracy.


        • dawgfan

          Does the US census give numbers of how many people moved from one state to another? Maybe it does but to my knowledge it’s focus is to count people. U Haul stats have long been an indicator of migration within this country.


    • Texas was the number 1 growth state in 2016 based on U Haul’s one way truck rentals. California was number 49 barely edging out, you guessed it, Illinois. The state where most of these one ways to Texas is coming from is California. The Republic of Texas is laughing at California.

      How is this relevant to the post?


      • Hogbody Spradlin

        Well you know lots of people going to conferences and seminars need a trailer for all their gear.

        Liked by 2 people

      • dawgfan

        Texas has a long tradition of independence, could care less whether California state employees travel there or not, and probably doesn’t worry about what the NCAA thinks. California’s ban may well frighten the NCAA though. Your title was “war between the states”. What am I missing besides that second cup of coffee?


        • You haven’t been reading what state officials have been saying to the NCAA, then.

          Go have that cuppa.


          • reality check here

            I am with dawgfan on this one, Senator. This was an inherently political article about the position of the dumbass California attorney general. California is practically bankrupt and as one who has done business with California as well as many other states (including Texas), those are the most arrogant jerks on the planet except for the idiots who work for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. I think dawgfan’s comments lend just the right context.

            I haven’t seen what the state officials have been saying to the NCAA. What have they been saying?


            • dawgfan

              I know what Texas governor Glen Abbot told the NFL when they threatened to pull the Super Bowl over proposed bathroom legislation. He told them to stick to playing football, get out of politics, and stop threatening the people of Texas.


              • Derek

                It worked for George Wallace too. And Jefferson Davis before that.

                It’s all about local control: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/02/27/alabama-passes-law-barring-cities-and-towns-from-increasing-minimum-wage.html


                • dawgfan

                  Different issues, different era, different centuries. We are already almost 17 years into the current century. Come join us. Good grief.


                • Derek

                  That’s what California is saying. I know that prejudice against gay people is more pleasant to you than racial prejudice but it’s the same old retrograde bullshit that in the end loses to progress. It always has and always will. For some reason or another “conservatives” want to discriminate against someone always and they don’t like being told they’ll be punished for it. In the end they lose. In the meantime keep hating libruls and messicans and mooslims and whoever the fuck you and your ilk need to climb under the covers and cower from. We’ll all still be here when your done.


                • Tim in Sav

                  Discriminate Derek? Are you frigging kidding me….. You Sir are a freaking idiot!

                  Liked by 1 person

                • dawgfan

                  Sir, the Senator put up a post about California baring its employees from traveling to several states, including Texas, and wondered if the NCAA might sniff it out. I was just saying that Texas would probably not take kindly to any threats from California or the NCAA. There was nothing negative or discriminatory in my posts about hispanics, gays, blacks, whites, liberals, conservatives, or even Florida fans. Like the late great Glen Frey said, “take it easy”.


                • eric crowe

                  This is not a “travel ban” and calling it such is either disingenuous or ignorant. Travel is not banned, but it will not be funded by the state of California. For football, this means that if Texas or Alabama wanted to play a CA team, then they would have to pay for travel expenses. California is trying to use its clout to influence policy in a way that is similar to the NBA’s and NCAA’s recent actions. How exactly is this not the free market at work? The states involved can choose to boycott CA products which is likely to raise prices on some items while affecting CA revenue. Each side can decide whether or not their stance is worth it.


  2. georgiajeepn

    I am officially boycotting California. But I still want Nancy Pelosi to keep her job.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    It’s political argument day at GTP. Come one come all! Everything will be fine.

    As long as you agree with me. 😉


  4. Macallanlover

    Someone needs to get a jump on working to determine a new name to replace “the United States of America”. Political hysteria and lack of willingness to work with, or listen to, any dissenting viewpoints rules the day. Freedom of speech? Yeah, just kidding, what an outdated concept. And forget civility, even in the South.

    For the record, I absolutely no issue with a wall being built between California and the remaining states as they leave the union. No need to fight a war over that departure. Take your trillion dollar plus debt and all your Congressional folks with you. Buh bye!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Really? I think it would be better for all of us if the fifth largest economy in the world, one that has such a influence on agriculture & technology, stay as part of our country.


      Liked by 1 person

      • Macallanlover

        Shocking that you would only consider the snowflake capital of the world indispensable. You do realize the income portion of a financial analysis is just a portion of the equation don’t you? The more important piece is the relativity of the income and expense/debt lines. When you are spending like a drunken sailor and find yourself $1.3 trillion in debt (and trending deeper, that was two years ago) you may have a problem on the horizon. I don’t care if they stay or go, just don’t come to the rest of us to bail your stupid asses out. Would be nice if they were adults and began to act like it, but they have their heads in the sand, just like you do.

        That same irresponsibility has contributed to us being $20T in debt as a nation. The US has the world’s 2nd largest economy, how comforting is that? When something goes Boom, don’t be surprised.


        • dawgfan

          One thing we are lucky to have in Georgia is a constitution that mandates a balanced budget. We have the highest bond rating as a result. I’m with you, it will suck when the rest of the country is asked to bail them out because of their out of control spending.


        • Like our food supply? California produces more food for our tables than any other state. The produce a majority of the fruit the US consumes. It produces more milk than any other state too.


          But yeah let’s not import that from a foreign country called California.

          Also 1/3 of all the venture capital in the US is spent on the technology sector in Silicon Valley. Yeah let’s import that too.

          Sure by all means show them the door.


          • Macallanlover

            So you suspect they might cut the US off for veggies and technology? You have quite the business mind Jack.


            • JAX

              Hey Mac,
              Any disruption in technology or ag will be back filled by another eager state/opportunity.

              That’s the beauty of capitalism and free markets, and it’s an equation that liberals cannot wrap their heads around.

              Demand for those two items (and wine) will not wane. There are ALWAYS alternatives that enterprising Americans will bring to the forefront. Therein lies the beauty of this magnificent country.


              Adios Cali, and don’t come calling when you need the other 49 to bail your pathetic asses out.


              • Macallanlover

                Yeah, I don’t think this guy is a great thinker or has much understanding about business markets or supply and demand. Not that this is set to happen anytime soon, but a “country” called California facing great debt wouldn’t want to sell to the the largest, and closest market to them? Right. And it isn’t like technology is only available in Sanctuary Valley, and produce/fruits aren’t available from South American markets. Or as you say, other states step up and fill the void. Temporary blip in supply, then they are dead meat.

                Haven’t played this out but it could be kind of fun. They aren’t overrun with military bases but San Diego would take a huge wallop with the Navy withdrawing. And anyone that isn’t a flake would evacuate that area ASAP. What would be the currency, the peso? LMAO. And with the whole state holding the welcome sign out to all refugees, they will look like Mexico City soon enough. Guess the Hollyweird crowd will be glad the didn’t actually move to get out of the US last winter, now they can be out without relocating. And they can probably put about 40-50 of the Mexican and South American immigrants up behind those walled homes since they like to be welcoming. Easy to tell everyone to come on in when you have you own security people to protect your stuff.

                I don’t really care if they leave or not, just don’t want them to throw them a safety net after they have acted like half-wits on how they run their state and thumbed their nose at American laws and rights…not to mention trying to alter/influence our elections!


                • Hmm – earlier you were willing to kick them out of the country. I commented that it would be mistake to kick them out which in your peat vinegar wrecked brain was equivalent to a Cal-exit. It would be stupid for California and the US.

                  You are and your compadre Jax are quite the prize winning laureates of economics. You would think with the overwrought regulatory environment in California and the massive taxation another state rich in resources would have overtaken them in agricultural output. Plus Silicon Valley would have departed for more favorable business environs. But that hasn’t happened so in your delusional brains Texas is going to save us. Didn’t the current Sec of Energy threaten to secede again when he was leading that fine state?

                  I always figured for a Rangers fan, tell us when you wear your #11 jersey do you wear it backwards so you can remember your name Windass?


  5. Snoop Dawgy Dawg

    The NC2 bill was a lightning rod, and poorly designed and written. This bill(I’m no lawyer) seems to address what is actually of material concern to religious adoption and foster agencies.

    If a Catholic adoption agency refuses to place a child with a same sex couple, but puts them in contact with an agency that has no issues with such a placement, has anyone been harmed? This law is to provide a relief valve for the religious agency to avoid lawsuits over discrimination.

    I don’t understand the arguments against this concept all that well, but knowing well that the adoption and foster world in the state of Georgia needs all of the help and assistance it can get, it seems like this would be a reasonable compromise to keep everyone happy. (Georgia had a similar bill on the docket this year that was tabled for another day).

    I also assume Texas isn’t as nervous about the political or financial fallout. NC is a 50-50 split state. Texas is definitely not a purple state right now.


  6. Doug

    Hi, h8erz. Life is fantastic here in California, and no, we’re not “practically bankrupt” (in fact, we’re the 6th-largest economy in the world, proof that not everything’s bigger in Texas). So go ahead and wish whatever horrors you want upon us; I’ll be at the beach, not givin’ a shit. Ciao!


    • The private economy is healthy due to Silicon Valley, entertainment and tourism. The state government’s credit rating is moving toward banana republic category with unfunded/underfunded pension and retirement obligations for state employees.


    • SlobberKnocker

      I think you should have ended that post with either Adios of Hasta luego. 🙂


  7. Hillbilly Dawg

    I reckon the Trojans can recruit in Midland-Odessa now.


  8. Hillbilly Dawg

    Can not recruit.


    • John

      Except the people making the decision that California schools can’t go to Texas et al. isn’t a sports person but rather the State’s attorney general.

      I’m sorta town between “they will allow exceptions” to this policy and thinking the AG probably cannot backtrack on a ban.


  9. John

    Hard to see the NCAA angle on this. The bathroom law had at some some connection to sporting events because the bill could impact fans at venues located in North Carolina. Its a little more difficult to see how adoption policy in Texas impacts the NCAA. I would think there will be an expansion of the exception for post-seasons type events.

    Also, being AG of California must be a sweet gig if you can ban state funded travel to various states on your own determination.


  10. AusDawg85

    Living in the great banana republic of Austin, I can easily support any measure that keeps any more Californians from coming here. 😎


    • dawgfan

      I visited your state recently for a couple of weeks, including Austin. I came away very impressed. The hill country between San Antonio and Austin was my favorite.


  11. Al Ford

    I guess this means no player from Texas will be on USC or UCLA’s roster??


  12. 69Dawg

    Have you not heard California is on the verge of bankruptcy like it’s sister state of Illinois, They DGAS about the laws in other states, it’s just a way to cut the state’s expenses and help the politicians out with their constituents The NCAA picked on North Carolina but they will not pick on the eight states because California has a hard on. Eight states are too many pissed off congressmen and the NCAA is going to need them if they are going to get that Antitrust exemption they need. Politics has nothing to do with morals any more it’s all about the money.


  13. JAX

    So the libera Cali AG wants a travel ban to certain “unfriendly” lgbt states, but liberals want to ban Trump’s proposed travel ban, from dangerous and violent countries that support the murdering of gays.

    That’s consistent.

    Consistent with liberal hypocrisy. “Do as I say, not as I do.”


    • Derek

      I felt the same way about travel bans to South Africa during apartheid. So I can’t play sun city AND we can’t shoot “illegals” on site. Where’s the common sense?


  14. Cojones

    Georgia has been through this morals ringer more than once. State’s Rights groups went through refiguring things after civil rights legislation was enacted, but the seed of denying others the same liberties remains. People with courage stood up for what was right by using economic boycott and the same weapon was threatened by the U.S. gov to enforce civil rights legislation. Somehow, State’s Righters pulled back into their shells for many years, only to step forward again to threaten others according to their religious beliefs or sexual orientation. Economics proved to be a suitable weapon earlier to ensure compliance to civil laws enacted nationally for all states where black people were legislated against and threatened by local govts.

    It will be interesting to see if people will give up their CFB worship when it is used as a weapon between states who disagree as to the very definition of discrimination. If this fails to gain the Righters’ attention, then the economic bludgeon from the U.S. govt should do the trick once again. It is as inevitable as I remember that word used syllable-by-syllable by those who opposed civil rights legislation, IN…EV…I…TA…BLE.


  15. Fetch

    I’m no lawyer, maybe if a decent one is here they can explain how this doesn’t fall under the category of “interstate commerce” and therefore be a federal case.
