A very clever tactical retreat, major.

Ole Miss has been dismissed from Houston Nutt’s lawsuit.  But Nutt’s attorney doesn’t seem particularly nonplussed by the development.

LOL.  That’s the sound of a man who’s already claimed one scalp and looks to be back in state court to see what more he can get.

As a side note, how perfect is it that’s there’s a lawyer named Bubba involved in this?


Filed under Freeze!, See You In Court

5 responses to “A very clever tactical retreat, major.

  1. MGW

    At this point, Ole Miss is basically Austin Powers: “I also like to live dangerously!”


  2. BigD

    You know there’s a room full of young associates in some Jackson law firm pouring through UM phone records while their senior partners wonder what the “more details” could be. Mars has got these guys on the ropes and damn it’s fun to watch.


  3. LakeOconeeDawg

    Could this “Bubba” be from Sparta?


    • Cousin Eddie

      Is he going to have court while sitting on the tailgate of his pickup drinking a “cold one?” Bet he has a spit cup on his judges desk thing next to his gavel.

      Y’all get up, the honorable Judge Bubba is now comin’ in.


  4. There are some serious skeletons in all this mess. Hope like hell, it all comes to the surface. What a soap opera.
