I’ve been loving you too long to stop now.

I just realized the previous post was my 20,000th here at GTP.

Jeez, I need a life.


Filed under GTP Stuff

63 responses to “I’ve been loving you too long to stop now.

  1. Congratulations on another milestone for GTP! I know it’s a labor of love for you, and we all appreciate your willingness to host us.


  2. Timphd

    We are all glad you don’t have a life Senator. Ours is better for it. Thanks.


  3. I’m glad you don’t have a life Senator and that your are dragging us down with you into this glorious UGA rabbit hole.


  4. BCDawg97

    We appreciate all that you do!


  5. pantslesspatdye

    Own it! We are all a part of your life now!
    Awesome milestone.


  6. Daniel Simpson Day

    Congrats! 20k posts in almost 37 million blog hits…thats over 1800 per post. Got to be more than the AJC 😉


  7. Borodawg

    Yep, I remember when you posted your decision to start this site on the Athens Banner chat room.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ozam

      Holy moly. The ABH forum was my go to site before GTP! Anybody know what happened to McDawg? He used to have some great posts.

      Congrats. GTP is how America should be. We may not always agree but we all want the same thing.


      • He posted for a while on the successor board, the one they went to that had a moderator. His health wasn’t good, though, and I don’t think he’s posted for a long time.

        As for some of the others in the cast of characters there, my understanding is that Rolo is still out there posting somewhere, bless his heart. Thomas Brown is the blogger formerly known as paws; he hasn’t changed his posting style.

        I met Lady Dawg in person a couple of years ago in Jax. She’s doing well.


        • Ozam

          Geezus…I have not thought about Rolo in nearly a decade (could he have reincarnated himself as Derek?) Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

          BTW….you are like a drug dealer….thousands of people rely on GTP for their daily fix.


        • whb209

          Senator: a note from my great friend McDawg

           Like Ralph's Alice, you are a riot!
           We had some great debates between some rather unique characters over on the old  Athens Online site. It was nearly seven years ago when I got so tired of dealing with their constant rule revisions on posting that I took my ball and went home. 
           The "Senator",  somewhat like "Lady",  was one of the calmer heads that posted regularly on that sight. Sort of an "Edmund Burke" conservative as opposed to the Joseph Maistre authoritarian variety. Then there was "Pawsie",  who provided a frequently incoherent narrative in a hopelessly garbled barrage of poor grammar and fractured syntax which only resulted in his being labeled the village idiot. 
            In the early morning hours you might get one of GHOST's chemically inspired, but extraordinarily impassioned, prophecies of coming BULLDOG excellence  --- all to be supplied by "war daddies" and "Scottish warriors". Incoming freshmen that would "seal club" our opponents. Now our very own Scottish Warrior has departed this earthly existence.
            As Mary Hopkin sang, in 1967 I think, "Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end ....  for we were young and sure to have our way." As I recall, she also ultimately lamented her youthful delusion that "We'd fight and never lose!" Now we have our "shadow government", or "Deep State" if you prefer, controlling policy making and insuring perpetual war for profit --- but never victory. I sincerely miss old Chalmers Johnson!
           Things change!
          Thanks for sharing that bit of nostalgia. If you can,  forward my reply on to the SENATOR with my best wishes for his continued success with his site.




          • I could never mistake that writing style for anyone else’s.

            I am so happy to hear Mac is still around. Thanks for passing that on to me.


            • Ozam


              Thank you so much for getting in contact with McDawg. Please tell him he is missed. No one can describe a blocking scheme in such eloquent prose. I always assumed he was a retired history teacher and football coach.

              You should encourage him to participate at GTP. His input would be enjoyed and appreciated.


  8. ASEF

    Where do we send the cake? Or should we just call in a gift certificate to Heirloom?


  9. Jack Klompus

    My first read of the day- thanks. But, I counted only 19,999 though. In celebration, I clicked a dog food ad for you.


  10. Uglydawg

    20K…wow! And I’ve read most of them and remain (somewhat) sane! Thanks, and please keep up the great work!


  11. Cdawg

    And apparently, so do we!


  12. mwo

    You think you need a life? This site is my first destination every day.


  13. redraider23

    Outstanding achievement! GTP is the gold standard in sports blogs. Keep up the great work.


  14. Red Cup

    The hardest working blogger in the blogosphere


  15. Ibrokemychair

    I’ve read almost all of them. Thanks for what you do and your readers’ comments. Go Dawgs.


  16. Jack Burton

    Has been the best dawg blog since the beginning. Appreciate you, Senator.


  17. illini84

    You got it goin on Dawg.


  18. Thatguy

    Keep ’em coming, Senator. I don’t know what I’d do with my workday mornings otherwise, other than work…


  19. Rebar

    thanks for all your work and pot stirring!


  20. LakeOconeeDawg

    Congrats Senator! As others have said………..my go to page 1st thing in the morning and numerous times throughout the day. Appreciate what you do!


  21. Otto

    This isn’t about G day QBRs? I kid I kid… thank you for the blog.


  22. Connor

    Keep up the great work, Senator. This is my first stop every day. Thanks for everything you do for UGA fans.


  23. W Cobb Dawg

    Best Dawg gone resource on the interwebs!


  24. doofusdawg

    How many were political… I kid! Congratulations! 20,000 more!


  25. NGDAWG

    Congrats! As many others have said, this is my 1st stop of the morning and numerous times during the day! Best, most reliable Dawg info, bar none! Thanks!


  26. Tronan

    Thanks for the prolific – and high quality – work, Senator. You can be the Paul Finebaum of Georgia if you want … Though “Senatorrrrrrrrrr!” doesn’t roll off the tongue quite like “Pawwwwwlllllll!” does.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. AusDawg85

    37 million hits for 20k posts = 1850 hits per post. That’s gotta be some type of interwebs record.


  28. Russ

    That’s another Bulldog point of pride!


  29. Irwin R. Fletcher

    Lexicon submission…Get the Picture: The essential blog for UGA fans. Thanks for all you do.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. MLB2

    Thanks again for the blog and your thoughtfulness on all subjects. Don’t always agree with you but I’m very appreciative for the free content and open mind. Hats off.


  31. ElectroM

    Congratulations! Thanks for all your hard work.


  32. Thanks for the excellent blog Senator, and thank you for creating a forum that allows us all to discuss and argue about Georgia football.


  33. South FL Dawg

    Great milestone, congrats!


  34. Coweta Dawg

    I came for the GA news & info, but stayed for the other intangibles: NCAA & other team’s foibles, musical palate cleansers, thoughtful post content regardless of subject (BBQ, Porsche, etc.) and great comments & commentators (excluding the trolls that are aptly handled).

    Good on ya!


  35. Macallanlover

    Thanks Senator, always impressed with the breadth of your coverage. Do you really find all this by yourself? Looks like you have a full staff scouring the interwebs. 1850 hits per post average, dang. Take your vitamins, this will get tougher as you age. Hang in there, there are some young’uns who will face withdrawal pains one day.


  36. Spike

    You need a life?!? WE are the ones who need a life…


  37. Got Cowdog

    First stop every morning! Thanks for all you do. Love the blog and the commenters. I wonder if UGAA realizes what is happening here? 😎👍


  38. The Herschel Walker of UGA blogs! Congrats on the milestone!


  39. DawgFlan

    Bravo. Glad to have one Senator without term limits.


  40. You need a life? We are it.


  41. sniffer

    I’ve been here a long time and will be until you turn it off. Many thanks, Senator.


  42. just sayin

    Thanks for the forum, Senator. Best source for Dawg information anywhere…
    20,000 posts and 37mm hits? Nice! Got your eye on the Ferrari now I’m guessing. Here’s to a great season with no turds for a change!


  43. Raleighwood Dawg

    Congratulations on the milestone and thanks for your dedication!


  44. Mayor

    Congrats on the milestone Senator. Another achievement while producing the best blog in football. Thank you for all you do.


  45. Ant123

    Congratulations on this milestone.


  46. Debby Balcer

    Best Georgia blog by far.


  47. hooper

    The Champ of Georgia sports blogs. Congrats.


  48. Athens Dog

    Honored to be part of it.
