“We get it right there on the big screen.”

Georgia’s staff’s been showing the finish of the Appalachian State-Michigan in the weight room all week?  Hunh.

I dunno, guys, but it sure seems like you’d get a whole lot more mileage by replaying the Nicholls game.  Unless you’re trying to avoid making the players nauseous during game week.


Filed under Georgia Football

7 responses to ““We get it right there on the big screen.”

  1. I would be showing that Nicholls game on every TV in the building to remind them constantly of what happens when you don’t take any opponent seriously. Same with Vanderbilt.


  2. Cpark58

    I dunno, guys, but it sure seems like you’d get a whole lot more mileage by replaying the Nicholls game.

    That would be a good idea but I’m pretty sure that game was erased from memory. I have it on good authority that Chauncey Manac mentioned that game in firing up the defensive unit in practice and was promptly forced to transfer.

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  3. Spike

    Replay the Vandy game as an alternative. Vandy!?!


  4. Athens Dog

    Nichols is a better reminder.


  5. Or the Tech game or the Vandy game or the UT game. I sure hope at least the coaches have watched those seeing as how they failed, too.
    Or maybe they’ll show replays of all the big games App State has lost. Not sure what showing one ten year old game is gonna do.


    • 69Dawg

      And what do those three games have in common? We had the lead and could not finish the deal. This is the reason our defense scares me more than our offense.

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