You can take the Dawg out of Athens…

Ben Watson, ladies and gentlemen, repping the G.

Gotta love that.


Filed under Georgia Football

15 responses to “You can take the Dawg out of Athens…

  1. Uglydawg

    Mighty fine young man, that Ben Watson is!


  2. WF Dawg

    They don’t come any better than Ben Watson.


  3. 3rdandGrantham

    Love that guy.


  4. Ben is a DGD and, more importantly, a damn good human being.


  5. DGD. Remember as a Patriot when he ran down Champ Bailey after Champs interception? Kid got wheels.


  6. Snoop Dawgy Dawg

    Ben’s about as good a representative of his family, his university, his faith, and his organization as anyone could ever hope for and aspire to be.

    Also, selfishly, he has a boatload of kids, and I’m old enough now to see the children of players I was in school with get recruited to UGA, so I figure his sons aren’t far behind.

    Also, I graduated in 06, so yeah…


    • Got Cowdog

      You’re just a puppy yet, Snoop.”Rejoice, young man, in thy youth…”


      • Snoop Dawgy Dawg

        as my little minions wake me up with limitless energy all to early each morning, I have the thought youth is wasted on the young, and also, I’m too young to feel so tired.


  7. dubyadee

    I was a TA in the business school back when, and he was a good student. There was no question that he was there to get a degree.

    Not sure I could show up for an early class every day with a smile on my face immediately following mat drills. And he significantly re-shaped his body that spring semester.

    These guys put in far more hours and effort than typical students.


    • I reshaped my body while in under grad too….25 cent beer night Wednesdays at the Doghouse will do that. I put in many late hours also but did you mean on good things? Never mind. He transfered from Duke ,right? I doubt Duke football had the best weight training. He makes my BBA look goooood. DGD

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Debby Balcer

    He represents UGA well. I follow him on twitter and he always makes me think. DGD.


  9. Russ

    Good man and a great Dawg.


  10. Minnesota Dawg

    Right on, Mr. Watson. DGD.


  11. Macallanlover

    One of the finer examples of how you want any UGA grad to conduct themselves, athlete, or not. Double solid man, on and off the field.
