Musical palate cleanser, Nuggets edition, day four

Here they are, the pride of San Jose, California, The Count Five, performing their hit (top five in the US, if I remember correctly), “Psychotic Reaction”.  A stone garage rock classic.

That drummer really works up a sweat, doesn’t he?


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5 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, Nuggets edition, day four

  1. Huh, when I met you at the tailgate you didn’t seem to be old enough to have been there for this!


  2. 209

    This is great when using antipsychotic medication.
    I respect the musicians, great talent.
    But beer and liquor is not going to help an old mentally impaired fart like me get excited about this sound or whatever the correct phrase might be for this type of music. I would need LSD or MDA, maybe both, to really enjoy this.
    Abilify and Lithium might help. Oxycontin would not hurt.

     Only trying to show some humor.. Don't get upset.


  3. Got Cowdog

    Hands down my favorite GTP feature. I may or may not care for the selection (This one is pretty good, and I wasn’t even a glimmer in Ma Cowdog’s eyes when it came out) but if I follow the YouTube prompts I’ll just about always end up somewhere I haven’t been before. Senator, you a Mark Knopfler fan?
