From a head coach to a punchline

By the time the state of Tennessee gets done with Booch, I may wind up feeling sorry for the guy.

Words fail me.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, Political Wankery

40 responses to “From a head coach to a punchline

  1. Cojones

    Well, he just lost the Nashville vote as well as all the other institutes in Tn (except the one in Knoxville) by wearing that shirt. What an asswipe (words do not fail me)!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bill Glennon

    Interesting contrast between the UGA fanbase’s relationship with its former fired coaches: Goff, Donnan, Richt, and UT’s: Dooley, Kiffin, Jones.

    Besides Fulmer, UT has had some ugly divorces.


    • Brandon

      The Vile fan base is disgusting. I regularly read the football forums on Vol Nation as a source of entertainment and with apologies to Master Kenobi, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. They would sacrifice their first born children for UT to return to glory, have pathological delusions of grandeur and self-importance, and once anyone (willingly or unwillingly) cuts ties with UT they immediately become a repository of all blame for everything bad that has occurred to their football program during their association.


      • Brandon

        There are a few posters that seem like decent guys/gals but 85% of them “ain’t worth a pitcher of spit” as FDR’s first Veep said.


      • Argondawg

        and yet the general fan population would have snatched up Lane Kiffin in a second. They are a weird bunch.


        • Brandon

          You are right, they hated him, but that leads back to no. 1, they’d gladly jump back in the sack with that guy, knowing exactly what he is because they think he might return them to glory.


    • dawgfan

      Donnan isn’t held in very high esteem by the UGA folks and others he ripped off after he was fired and isn’t close to being in the same class of individual as Goff, much less Richt.


      • PTC DAWG

        Yet Donnan still gets local radio gigs etc…..he is not the boogie man you make him out to be. I think he still enjoys Athens….


    • Mayor

      You left off Johnny Majors, perhaps UT’s greatest football hero. He was dumped and vilified by the Biles while recovering from open heart surgery.


  3. Ole Dokes

    Hope that dude’s not going for the masons’ vote because that is the most poorly built 4” brick wall I’ve ever seen. What a joke.


    • I wonder if he made Mexico pay for it.


    • Trbodawg

      This was my thought too. What a poorly built wall. IF he’d had a ‘Mexican’ build it, it would look a heck of a lot better. . .


    • Dave

      For some reason, the Stonehenge scene in “Spinal Tap” comes to mind.


    • The Real Big Orange



    • Hillbilly Dawg

      Agreed. But as the son of a mason I must add; those aren’t 4” brick. They aren’t even 6” standard brick. Those are 8” brick pavers. The mud is poorly mixed to boot.


      • Ole Dokes

        We call them 4” walls because of the air gap &/or the round-up. You’re right about the pavers. No head joints, air gaps under the level, mud on the face. A farcical effort. A cat fart could knock over that wall. Bet that dude has never had a callus in his life.


        • ugafidelis

          “Bet that dude never had a callus in his life.”

          It’s funny that you say that.

          Growing up I’ve busted my ass in many jobs where the paycheck depended on the weather and the clock, and as a career Marine altlernating between Reserves and Active duty as a tank mechanic and then tanker, with multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now I’ve got a cushy job as a commercial fuel salesman, and I often wonder if some of my customers look at me and think, “I bet that fellow ain’t never worked a day in his life.”

          Thanks for confirming my theory.


  4. everyone take a deep breath… the Tenn 2nd is the Knoxville congressional district and is R plus 20 (meaning it is a very republican district) and the vast majority of people viewing this ad know that Booooch did this commercial in support of UT football a couple years ago…..a) humor/mockery works in politics and b) this guy is second in the polls. Feel sorry for Boooch if you want but understand the “Flattop” did this to himself. If your immediate reaction is to refer to someone who makes fun of Booch as an asswipe you need to understand that lack of a sense of humor is very off putting to the vast majority of people. In the context of politics ,I don’t know what is worse the humorlessness or the abolish ICE types…….neither are winning strategies. Let the bitching and personal attacks begin.


    • doofusdawg

      Yep. I would have liked your post but I’m still protesting the like feature.


    • Uglydawg

      Man..we’ve gotta have something to leech onto. It’s well into the off season. Nobody’s going to be feeling sorry for Booch if we have another meeting with ‘Bama at the end of the season.


    • Cosmic Dawg

      Self-serving humor at somebody else’s expense is the least creative and lowest, imho – viciousness under the cloak of yuk yuk yuk.

      From the outside, Jones appeared to be inept and obnoxious, but not a dirtbag and probably doing what he thought was best. Perhaps I am forgetting some dirtbaggery / scandals.

      His public crack up and the comments from the players about him not having a sense of humor, etc suggests a very stressed out person…I don’t think it takes a lot of courage to pile on a broken man.


      • ScoutDawg

        It is Tennersee dude. Lighten up Francis.


      • Ozam

        We all should be so “broken”. Dude was paid nearly $20mm. I have zero sympathy.


      • Cosmic Dawg

        Yeah, he should go out and buy some happiness with his millions like Prince, Bourdain, Kate Spade…

        My larger point was not about Jones. It’s about how cheap it is to pick the weakest, easiest possible target to use as red meat to throw to the crowd. Especially one who, iirc, was more inept than evil.

        I enjoyed Tennessee’s and Jones’ descent as much as anybody, but I think there’s a limit to how much shit the guy has earned.


    • ChiliDawg

      We can chant “abolish the IRS,” “abolish the Fed,” “abolish the Dept of Education” all day long, and that’s okay, but “abolish a redundant federal agency that if it were a person wouldn’t be old enough to vote yet” is apparently just a bridge too far….

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Doug

    Tennessee fans, if any y’all think that wall’s ever gonna get built, I’ve got two 50-yard-line tickets in the UT section at this year’s SEC Championship Game I’d like to sell you.


  6. W Cobb Dawg

    I learned to lay brick as a youngun. First, those are pavers (for sidewalks, patios, etc.), not bricks for a wall. Second, that’s not how you apply mortar. And worst of all he’s smeared all the joints. I’d kick that piece of shit wall down and make him do it all over.


  7. lakedawg

    Damn, about as corny as I’m warming to you.


  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    I know nothing about laying brick and that work looks terrible. Almost as bad as the work at my house. 😉


  9. 81Dog

    “Now, my opponents believe we should make a wall out of straw, or mud……”
