Easy peasy

“Just focus on stopping Benny Snell” sounds great, until you try to do it.

That missed tackle stuff… after what I saw in Jacksonville, let’s say I’m not confident things are going to be better in that department this week.


Filed under SEC Football, Stats Geek!

19 responses to “Easy peasy

  1. 79Dawg

    No one has mentioned it here that I’ve seen yet either, but after watching Tech’s new QB steamroll Virginia Tech the other night, the run defense will have to improve substantially against them as well, it is not quite the gimme we all may have thought it was a few weeks ago…


    • Uglydawg

      Yeah…unless Georgia’s run defense gets a lot tougher, the GT game looks to be a shoot-out.


    • Russ

      Tech worries me more than any other team on the remaining schedule. Our lack of containment and poor tackling will give Tech all the chances they need to run up and down the field.


    • stoopnagle

      Yeah, unless Fish Fry starts the senior instead. Because he is!


    • HiAltDawg

      Especially, since VT is young on Defense–only two starters had started against tech before. Also, tech ran their QB up the middle behind what we call a fullback (although CPJ calls it something else to make us look ignernt) that made contact on the linebackers for good effect. Things that are similar to our defense and we haven’t done well. Last year, we covered Roquan with the other ILB to disrupt tech’s ability to read our D and Roquan cleaned EVERY tackle he was in 30 yds of to stymie them. We’ll need a different plan because Roquan ain’t taking the field that day


  2. D as in Dawg

    CKS has played every game to prevent the big play. This is one he may have no choice but to relocate some defenders to the box.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Huntindawg

    Do Natrez’ fly-byes count as missed tackles? I thought you had to be a little closer to the ball carrier for it to count as an actual attempt.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Texas Dawg

      Touche’, or in honor of Natrez, Ole’

      Liked by 1 person

      • Russ

        Man, you called it. Someone needs to tell them to slow down and play under control. 1 out of 4 times Natrez might accidentally run into the ball carrier and knock him down, but most of the time he’s just flying by. “Ole'” indeed!


        • This is why GT scares me more than Snell. The misses from wrapping up are less of an issue in my opinion than the whiffs. Snell might break a tackle, then get swarmed. Tech will make our ILB’s whiff and go to the house.


  4. AusDawg85

    I saw more swarming to the ball carrier against Florida. Perine never really hurt us. There is hope things are improving rapidly.


    • HiAltDawg

      I noticed the gang tackling, too in the 2nd half and agree with you.

      One of the Gang Tackling Style Kirby Smart Defenses that Nate Saben gravvy-trained to great success for years need to make an appearance Saturday.


  5. Dave

    FWIW, I took a look, and he’s averaging 4.29 ypc over his last 4 games. Some due to better defenses on average, some due to it getting later in the year, and some due to a concerted effort to stop him.


  6. 92 grad

    I do wonder, I think our linebackers need to chase actual dogs on the practice field and work on their contain and pursuit. My favorite thing to do is to play and wrestle with my lab out in the yard. It’s fascinating to watch her cuts, vision, and speed. So much fun. And don’t get all “that’s abuse”. I mean playing, I mean watching and learning from an animal that is a great companion.


    • Got Cowdog

      Abuse my ass. I had a Lab (Suzy, passed at 15 years old, 2015) and like yours a day without fetch, catch, and keep away was a day without sunshine for her. She was my all purpose bird dog, as adept at flushing quail or pheasant as retrieving doves or ducks. I would like to say I trained her, but it was more like we got used to working together. I never had to use a whistle, lead, or training collar. There will never be another Suzy.

      I didn’t mean to go all maudlin about it but your post brought back some great memories of (as you say) a great companion. Thanks.


  7. snark

    or maybe chicken like in Rocky !
