Paranoia strikes deep.

Corch is one weird dude, ‘ya know?

During Dan Mullen’s Monday press conference, a reporter shared that former Florida DB Ahmad Black told her that Meyer refused to eat the food in Tallahassee because he worried it might be poisoned. Mullen, who was Meyer’s offensive coordinator at Florida from 2005-08, confirmed that to be true.

I don’t understand how somebody like that gets any pleasure out of coaching, but I’m obviously wired in a very different way from Urban Meyer.  Fortunately for me, I think.


Filed under Urban Meyer Points and Stares

26 responses to “Paranoia strikes deep.

  1. What a clown. The more that the myth of Urban can be torn down, the better.


  2. truck

    Corch just needed a royal taster when he traveled. I’m sure any number of sycophantic donors would’ve volunteered.


    • Cousin Eddie

      My thought was either a walk on or a crappy coach trying to resurrect his career, might explain Saban’s interest in Bootch.


      • ASEF

        Or a penitent reporter. Those guys have always had it out for Urban. Why can’t these losers stay on Urban’s brand? Don’t they understand they’re marketing adjuncts?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. MDDawg

    Eff that guy and his “health problems”.


  4. Brandon

    I’m pretty sure if Corch wasn’t a coach he’d be a serial killer.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. CPark58

    There’s a sad cold pizza joke to be had in this thread somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    That’s very revealing.


  7. Down island way

    Bluto, don’t know you one way or the other….safe to say i’d take over corch 1000 times, for what that’s worth. Should your travels take you to the southern islands, i will put a frothy adult beverage in your good hand! GO DAWGS!


  8. Uglydawg

    Maybe “poison” is too strong a word. Probably more worried about spit…which happens a good bit (I saw it on the internet).


  9. SpellDawg

    He should get into politics with all the other assholes who think they are important. Of course, then somebody might really try to kill him…..


  10. Tronan

    Corch Irvin Meyers: Making Nick Saban seem footloose and fancy free since the mid-aughts.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. TMC DAWG

    Look a a mans personal conduct. Then look at his team. Leadership reflects teams attitude and ability:


  12. Comin' Down The Track

    What a miserable person. I actually feel a little sad for him and his family.


  13. I wonder if he still feel comfortable eating in Columbus?


  14. stoopnagle

    Please college football gods let Georgia play Urbs one more time and stomp a mudhole in his cold, black heart. Just once, please.


  15. Morris Day

    Paranoia the destroyer.


  16. W Cobb Dawg

    Courtney Smith has a nice home-made dinner waiting whenever corch wants to drop by.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. The Dawg abides

    This guys a flat-out freak show. Like a weird cult leader. Just look at the freaks propagated from his coaching tree.

    Liked by 1 person