Just stop, Herbie.

There you go again.

Herbstreit said the change in Georgia has been evident since Fromm became the clear-cut No. 1 and the quarterback controversy talk tailed off.

“I think from the LSU game, they just said, ‘we’re done thinking about that, Fromm you’re our guy,’ and they’ve been a different team,” Herbstreit said. “They put the ball in his hands and this guy has been there and done that even though he’s a sophomore

“I think his experience in this game a year ago, if I were a Georgia fan would give me great confidence, and they’ve got outstanding wide receivers.”

Maybe it’s some kind of weird reverse voodoo.


Filed under Georgia Football

52 responses to “Just stop, Herbie.

  1. Bulldog Joe

    Still salty about Alabama getting picked over Ohio State last year.

    The enemy of my enemy…


  2. UGA '97

    Such deep analysis. After all the Urban Meyer drama, Mickey forced him to turn away from Big 10 and join the dark side SEC at least through the post season. Rinse and repeat.


    • Macallanlover

      I feel it was Kirby’s own decision, not the WWL. I am no KH fan but feel he might have been embarrassed as an alum to the whole August drama in Columbus.


      • HiAltDawg

        and the fact, Buckeye Nation ran him out of Columbus. Now he’s in Nashville and seeing the world the way it should be: through SEC colored glasses.


  3. Spike

    We are in an alternate universe now..


  4. Will Trane

    For all purposes it is what it is now…this late in week and this close to game time.
    As long as Dawg radio play-by-play announcer stays away from his stupid comments and does not jix them in game.
    The last refrain.
    “Hoover’in by my duffle bag
    Try to find a warm place on bus
    To ride back into the night.
    Heavy rain a fallin
    I can hear their voices inside callin
    Go Dawgs
    A rainy night in Georgia
    As we leave
    Neon signs a flashin
    Dawgs win
    A rainy night in Georgia


  5. John Denver is full of shit...

    Welp. He’s gotta talk about something I guess. Thank goodness for this blog to keep us all sane.


  6. Biggus Rickus

    Wait, so because they stopped talking about a QB controversy that never actually existed, Georgia got better?


    • Uglydawg.

      Good point..I thought the same thing. Fromm has been in no danger of losing his job. There is no reason to try to explain his excellent play with some silly meme. Jake is just a very sharp young man..that’s enough.


    • Well, it does seem that they quit rotating the QB’s on the same series since LSU. That was never a good idea.


      • Debby Balcer

        True. They let Fromm keep his rythym.


      • Biggus Rickus

        I never cared much for that either. They instead just left Fields in near the goal line, which wasn’t any more effective, but it at least made sense.


      • Russ

        I agree. Fromm seemed tentative at times up to the LSU game, like he was afraid to make a mistake. Of course I don’t know if the coaches said anything after LSU, but he has certainly played more freely. And as you say, the QB rotation seemed to slow down.


        • Gurkha Dawg

          Exactly. Don’t fuck with Fromm’s head. I don’t know what is happening in practice, but I hope Fromm is getting all the first team snaps. He has to build the timing and feel with his receivers. That looks like what has happened the past few games. Sorry if the Fields fanboys don’t like it, but Fromm’s the man.


          • dawgman3000

            I’ll be willing to bet that you dread the thought of Fields running this team.


            • Uglydawg.

              Can’t speak for him, but I dread the thought of Fromm NOT running this team..although I believe Fields is a hell of a back up and will eventually run this team in an excellent manner. But this is now and that is later.


            • Gurkha Dawg

              You would lose that bet. If Fields was the established QB and playing great, I would say the same thing about Fromm fanboys. I would be saying don’t fuck with Fields’ head, it’s his team. Racists like you always see things in terms of black and white.


              • dawgman3000

                Other than you, who mentioned anything about race? That’s quite telling on your part. I like both qb’s. What I don’t like is the propensity of some fans to knock on Fields because of their love for Fromm. I like Fields because he reminds me of a dynamic former college qb name Deshaun Watson and we all know what he did at CLEMSON, even though he was right up the road from Athens. So forgive me for not wanting to lose a talent like that again.


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  Anyone who can read and understand the English language knows what you were implying. Don’t try and act stupid. If that was not what you were implying, please tell me what possible reason I would have for dreading the thought of Fields running this team. I think Fields is going to be a great QB for us, just not until Fromm leaves or gets hurt. It’s my opinion that Fields will not beat Fromm out, that’s all. Fromm has proven what he can do and Fields hasn’t had the chance to prove what he can do yet. That’s just the way it is.


                • dawgman3000

                  Ok, I’ll admit I was wrong for that and I sincerely apologize for that. I just don’t get why some feel they have to knock on Fields because of their love for Fromm thats all. I just don’t see the need for that. I’ll take my leave now.


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  Dawgman, I hope you read this because I want you to know that I appreciate your post. I’m not knocking Fields at all, I just think what Fromm has done is amazing. He often makes it look so easy, I think people forget how hard it is to play that well at this level. I’m going to back off commenting on the Fromm/Fields thing because they are both great dawgs and we’ll just have to see how it works out.


                • Biggus Rickus

                  I doubt you’re looking for my approval, but I respect your apology here.


                • Russ

                  Not touching the third rail, but I’m not sure I agree with your assessment that Fields never beats out Fromm. I think he will develop the ability to read the field/pass like Fromm, plus he adds another dynamic with his legs. This year, Fromm is definitely the man, but next year could be interesting. Whether that’s a good or bad thing, we’ll see. I hope Kirby can manage it as well as he has this year.


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  I just think that it is extremely hard to replace a QB who is playing well and winning no matter who the #2 guy is, barring injury. Last year if Eason had not been injured, I wonder how things would have played out. With our great RB’s and defense we may well have had the same record in the regular season. I don’t think we beat OK with Eason, but barring a complete collapse I don’t think Fromm would have had the chance to prove himself. Look at Bama last year. Supposedly Tua was much better than Hurts in practice but Saban never made him the starter. It took a desperate situation in the NC game for Saban to put Tua in.


                • Biggus Rickus

                  I almost replied to you earlier suggesting that your implication of racism was uncalled for, but I figured you’d do the “Race? Who said anything about race?” thing. And hey, I was right.


                • dawgman3000

                  Sure, you did.


                • Uglydawg.

                  They’re right and you know it.
                  You went nasty.


                • Uglydawg.

                  Noticed your mea culpa @ 4:39. That was big of you. Don’t see many apologies or many people manning up like that. Well done.


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  That was big of dawgman. Respect.


  7. Go Dawgs!

    As much as I was annoyed the year he was advocating the use of conference championships as a BCS prerequisite and later changed his mind… I think Herbie has always been pretty objective and I think he’s always been pretty kind to Georgia. I’m pleasantly surprised to hear him beating the drum a little to let people know that UGA is a legitimate team.

    That said, I hate that so much of what happens in college football depends on national pundits shaping the conversation because by definition they’re doing a drive-by job of it. At no point was there ever a real quarterback controversy at UGA. Justin Fields did not touch the field against LSU. What changed after LSU seemed to be getting refocused on what really works on offense and defense and committing to running the ball. There was never a point this year where the coaches were really wondering about how their quarterback was. Frankly, the only time a sizable portion of the fan base was came after LSU, not before. Herbie probably knows more about UGA and CFB in general than any of the other national voices, and he thinks that a quarterback controversy lost us the LSU game? Yikes.


    • Uglydawg.

      It’s weird. Maybe HK has seen the light of objectivity.
      It’s hard not to suspect that he has an ulterior motive, though.
      He must be playing a long game here.
      “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” ?


  8. Derek

    Who cares what Herbie says about anything?

    The only Herbie I know of that had anything worth saying sold greasy late night cheeseburgers in downtown Athens, and he’s dead.


  9. Greg

    Kinda fun and funny to watch Jordan Rogers on SECN now….he was a huge advocate of our backup QB early on. Now, the fellow just kinda squirms when on the subject. Little pissant makes me sick….don’t know shat about shat.


    • Macallanlover

      He actually was more anti-Fromm in his comments than pro-Fields from what I heard/read. His assessment of Fromm was blistering; recently, not so much.


  10. Uglydawg.

    Thought..could he be trying to move the betting line?


  11. dawgman3000

    Who knows what KH’s motive is for his sudden warming up to UGA. Every reasonable person knew that the first year or 2 were going to be about Fields learning the offense since he ran the spread in high school. Fields is a smart kid and clearly has more upside in potential, but Jake is clearly the man. The controversy only comes from the media talking heads and fans who put a bit too much emphasis on recruiting rankings.


  12. Mick Jagger

    The media – particularly the AJC – tried so hard to create a QB controversy where there wasn’t one.


    • Uglydawg.

      They did the same with DJ Shockley and David Green.
      Word is there was never an issue except in the minds of the media types that were hankering for one.
      There’s a reason reporters stand out in a hurricane and even fake scenes of perilous winds and floods. They crave attention, even if it means creating a story.


  13. Bill Glennon

    People are trying to do everything/anything to challenge the underlying sense of inevitability that Alabama is going to easily roll past UGA, through the playoffs to the title.

    Deep down, though, everyone knows it probably is inevitable. So, if Alabama rolls UGA, the media’s desperation to salvage interest will reach PT Barnum levels.


  14. Jack Klompus

    Mark Richt has finally lost control of Herbstreit!


  15. Thorn Dawg

    Fromm will be a first round pick in 2020.
