Never really liked you guys anyway.

Oh, hey, Justin.  How’s it going at Ohi…


I don’t know if “more player-friendly environment” is a crack about the coaches or Sasser, but I’m beginning to think Fields must have been a real ray of sunshine in the locker room last season.


Filed under Georgia Football

41 responses to “Never really liked you guys anyway.

  1. I have always wished guys who transferred the best in what’s next. I was glad that Mett had a lot of success at LSU after his dismissal. Even Trigga Tray didn’t have anything to say about the circumstances of his departure from the program. I hope Jacob Eason lights it up at UDub for many reasons. At this point, I hope Fields never plays a down other than as a backup scrub at anOSU.

    He has put me fully back on the side of Khaki Pants for the game referred to by Lewis Grizzard as “two mules fighting over a turnip.”

    Liked by 6 people

    • RandallPinkFloyd

      Had similar thoughts. No issues when guys transfer, but man the more you hear from this guy the more you start to dislike him. What I really think about more than that, though…how the Fromm family never said a peep or made an issue with having their son, who was the entrenched and deserving starter, give random plays to a freshman who might not have been the best teammate.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Yeesh. Obviously this kid never wanted to get off the “Everyone suck my ___ all the time” train, which is why he reopened his recruitment (entered the transfer portal). Now coaches will have to actively recruit players on their own team! No wonder so many of these guys leave for the NFL.


  3. Many dismissed it but his words and body language, walking off the field after the SC game, told me more than I wanted to know about him. I think I kinda dismissed it myself at the time. Same way I felt like he was always on the fence about coming here in the first place.

    What a waste! Now we’re down a QB and the University could get it’s name dragged through the mud. Everything around this kid is the ugly side of cfb and it’s getting uglier and more public.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. JCDawg83

    Two things about snowflake Fields:

    He and Sasser were(are?) VERY good friends. They know each other from years of playing baseball on travelling teams. Fields and Sasser went out together, ate meals together, did a lot together, they were very close. Sasser’s comment during the game was the result of Fields being replaced by Fromm after Fields scored a td. Sasser said “put MY n***ah back in!” because he wanted Fields to keep playing. Fields even came to Sasser’s defense with the baseball coach. Sticklin has told people the whole thing was a huge misunderstanding but he was forced to get rid of Sasser and it was the hardest thing he’s had to do as baseball coach at Georgia.
    I know a man whose son played football with Fields from middle school through high school. He says Fields’ father has been a problem since middle school. Dad has put himself in the middle of every decision every coach of Justin’s has ever made and acts as Justin’s agent in pretty much everything. He said dad is counting on big NFL money from Justin and has been since middle school.

    I am very glad Fields is gone. He was and would have continued to be a cancer on the program. His father would have made things worse and worse and the locker room probably would have ended up splitting had he stayed.

    Liked by 3 people

    • PTC DAWG

      Fields Dad may mess this up for him yet. Sort of sad how parents can’t let their kids be kids.

      No doubt, JF was an issue before his friend, Sasser, mouthed off…I hate it for the Sasser kid.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 79Dawg

        Heard a segment on sports radio a day or two ago about how much the Ball dad has f’ed things up for his basketball playing sons, felt bad for the kids…


    • Bright Idea

      That is the same story that I got on Sasser’s use of the N word. His mistake was not being wise enough to can it when he was confronted by the girl who reported him. He shrugged her off and she didn’t let it go. It was indeed a misunderstanding but he would have been easier forgiven for murder. As for Fields, UGA did everything right by him from getting rid of Sasser to going the extra mile to clumsily utilize him in games to keep him content, which was likely impossible. Marcus Spears said on SECN that it would bite Kirby and UGA in the butt and it did. Now, Like Mark Richt, we get to read daily click bait about Fields on DawgNation and elsewhere for the next few years. Gone but not forgotten. Biggest backup QB legacy since Zeke Bratkowski.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry but Sasser’s mistake wasn’t ‘being wise enough to can it.’ If he’d have said put my friend/homie/dawg/pal/the other quarterback/the back up/#1 in, he would still be playing baseball. Case closed. Regardless of their relationship, a white guy can’t say the ‘er ending or ‘a ending of that word. It’s not ok or cool or anything like that. I also don’t ‘hate it for him’ as PTC mentions. We all make mistakes, and I’m sure that’s one he wishes he hadn’t made, but that wasn’t a mistake that was going to be dismissed without consequence. I would say the unfortunate part of this is that UGA, as an institution, will be dragged through the mud (possibly) for Sasser being an idiot and Fields being a sports baby.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Rocketdawg

          Know one guy who coached him in baseball and others who had kids play with him in football and baseball and can second everything JC said about his dad. JF is not a bad kid but his dad has filled his head with the “you’re the next big thing” talk since he was in middle school and has constantly been in the middle of coaches decisions affecting his son. All I can say is good riddance!


        • CPark58

          Yea, everyone knows being friends with a black guy(even good friends) and being a black guy are two entirely different things. Races are all equal but separate rules apply.

          Double standards always have and always will exist. Don’t seek to change it or normalize it, just know the rules and live by them. Like Tupac said, that’s just the way it is.

          Side note: That entire statement totally changes if you switch out “white” in place of “black” in the first sentence.

          Liked by 1 person

        • PTC DAWG

          I don’t appreciate the PC double standard…that’s it.


          • David K

            After 400 years of being called the N word in a hateful way, the smartest thing black people could do with that word is take it and own it. They’ve completely flipped the script where if a white guy says it it’s hateful racism and they use it endearingly with themselves. It’s pretty genius if you ask me. White guys need to accept it and move on.


            • PTC DAWG

              I don’t use the word…not my issue..keep it out of popular music, etc if it’s that damn bad.

              Liked by 2 people

            • gastr1

              Keeping the term in the language is a reminder of history and a statement of modified power relations. That some people are bothered by the practice illustrates the effectiveness of the reminder.


        • JCDawg83

          I’d say keeping a TA that calls for the killing of white people to be more of an embarrassment for UGA than the words of one baseball player being misinterpreted by a student with an agenda. UGA deserves to be dragged through the mud for their treatment of a student who intended no harm or disrespect talking about a friend and the failure to take any action regarding an employee calling for racial violence.


          • Hadn’t heard of that incident, but just read the article. He’s not advocating violence, in fact he goes further to explain he doesn’t want violence, but it’s likely white people will have to die. Anyway, seems like any further discussion on that incident in particular and it would need to be re-located to the playpen.


        • Hobnail_Boot

          It shouldn’t be used by anybody.

          Anyone arguing otherwise is an asshole.


    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      I never knew all that about Fields and Sasser playing baseball together, etc. Puts a little different light on it. If Sasser had been black and said that it might have been nothing. I am not arguing in favor of Sasser’s actions, though; he should have known better. But I think it’s a reason no one should say things like that (or any number of other euphemisms) because if you can get away with it other people will think they can. too.


    • Debby Balcer

      You keep saying they played together but Sasser was a junior and Fields is a freshman. Sasser thankedthe baseball coaches for the last three years. So they would not have been together much in travel ball. When you google that question about travel ball nothing shows up so what team where they on together?


      • PTC DAWG

        Good luck finding it, it doesn’t fit the narrative, and frankly, I think UGA has moved on.


      • JCDawg83

        They didn’t play “together” as in on the same team, they played at the same time and knew each other that way. Sasser is two years older than Fields but they were/are good friends.


    • Texas Dawg

      Look how much fun the LA Lakers have dealing with LaVar Ball. Is Field’s dad LaVar 2.0?


      • Mike Cooley

        Agree that Sasser should have known better but, I’m sorry, it just isn’t that big of a deal. It is not something that should get you kicked out school or off the baseball team. It just isn’t. The fact that he and Fields are actually friends, yet Fields isnt speaking up and clarifying and is instead letting this guy’s character be assassinated because it helps Fields, is eye opening. Sasser is not the POS here. Fields is. I hope he falls on his ass.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Not sure why people feel the need to defend Sasser here. It actually IS enough to get you kicked off the team****. Also, I don’t think either of these guys are POS. However they are both bonehead kids.

          ****Here’s what saying that word in the real world will get you. (hint it’s fired)


          • Mike Cooley

            Your virtue signalling is adorable to some I’m sure. But not to me. I am not going to bother to click on your link because we are arguing two separate points. You want to relitigate whether or not saying a word will get you fired. I’m already aware that it will. My argument is that it shouldn’t. Not because it isn’t bad. It is. But its a damn word. And if Fields is allowing this guy to be destroyed when the situation isn’t what was originally reported and they are supposed to be friends,yes, he is definitely a POS.


            • Mike, not disagreeing, just curious: has Sasser complained about how he was treated?


            • I personally do not believe that word is just a word. The punishment may not fit the crime in your mind, but it’s still not just a word.


              • Mike Cooley

                Yeah. It is. Now if you want to bring up the historical context and its ugliness that’s fine. But it’s still just a word.


                • Mike Cooley

                  I’ll say this and I’m done. I wouldn’t be emotionally invested either way as it relates to Sasser if not for one thing. Fields and his lawyer are about to drag UGA through the mud, wrongfully, just so Fields can play immediately. Sasser is a means to that end. Nothing more.


                • I can agree with you that UGA seems to be getting the short end of the stick on this situation. Unfortunately all of us here are commenting based on (as best I can remember) speculation as to: 1) Whether they are/were friends 2) What Fields may have said to Sasser behind the scenes 3) What Fields intends to use to prove he deserves to play right way. For those reasons, I hesitate to call anyone a POS.


    • Keese

      Body language and team mate interaction during games will tell you everything you need to know about Fields time at Georgia. I’ll never forget one scene with Fromm going off the field and trying to give a high five and Fields totally disses it on national TV


  5. Athens Dog

    He was a cancer in the locker room. Glad he’s gone

    Liked by 1 person

  6. D as in Dawg

    Is it time for football yet?


  7. Go Dawgs!

    If you haven’t seen the SEC Inside from the Florida game on SEC Network, you should check it out. In the intro, they’ve got a mic’d up clip with Fields on the sideline of the Austin Peay game and he’s complaining about how he’s never been on the sideline before. Coupled with that clip of Fields walking off after South Carolina complaining that he didn’t f’n do anything, you start to get a picture of a guy who really did think that he would unseat a national championship game starter in the first two weeks of the season and was deeply unhappy with the fact it didn’t happen. I have no idea how that impacted locker room chemistry or even if it did. But, as much as I hate to see his talent leave the program, I’m happy that it might portend more stability in the locker room and program going forward. Those caught on audio moments certainly left me wondering if he was vocally pulling in the same direction as team’s leaders.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. CB

    In week 2 of his true freshman season he was caught on tape complaining about not getting to pass the ball. This was his first ever SEC football game. A game that his team won on the road 41-17, against a rival. If that’s not a sure sign of a bad teammate then I don’t know what is.

    That’s why Fields left Georgia, and from all the comments I’ve read it seems like the buck stops at his Dad’s doorstep.


    • SRQDawgs15

      Funny thing is, a quick look at his stats from the season show Fields threw the ball 39 times last year (excluding any sacks or freak outs on his part that show up as a run in the box score) vs running the ball 42 times (which includes those sacks and freak outs on pass plays) while seeing action in 12/14 games. I don’t know how many snaps he took, but his pass vs run plays in this perspective are right about 50/50. For reference, Tate Martell threw 28 passes and rushed 22 times last season while appearing in just 6/14 games. The idea that Justin Fields wasn’t allowed the throw the ball is just as much BS as this whole racial issue!
