Your 6.19.19 Playpen

I don’t agree with Donald Trump on many things — okay, I don’t agree with Donald Trump on most things — but when it comes to his assessment of Joe Biden, I have a hard time arguing.  This is creepy.

At the event, Mr. Biden noted that he served with the late Senators James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman Talmadge of Georgia, both Democrats who were staunch opponents of desegregation. Mr. Eastland was the powerful chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee when Mr. Biden entered the chamber in 1973.

“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland,” Mr. Biden said, slipping briefly into a Southern accent, according to a pool report from the fund-raiser. “He never called me ‘boy,’ he always called me ‘son.’”

How nice.  This is Robert Caro on Eastland:

Screenshot_2019-06-19 Tim Dickinson on Twitter

That Biden thinks this is a solid rationale for supporting him is… well, the kindest adjective I can come up with is out-of-touch.

I’m really looking forward to that special moment in the first Presidential debate when Biden accuses Trump of enabling racists and Trump responds with, “I’m not the racist.  You’re the racist.” and brings up his good buddy Eastland.

Jeez, I really hate the conventional wisdom that we get the elected politicians we deserve.  Because it’s true.

The floor is yours, folks.  Be gentle.


Filed under GTP Stuff

236 responses to “Your 6.19.19 Playpen

  1. Derek

    I’m trying to find the problem here. He says he was able to get along with horrible people. By extension, he’s saying he can work with McConnell et al. to get things done.

    What’s the problem?


    • ChiliDawg

      Welcome to 2019 where we hold everyone else to a different standard than the President, who we just accept is a horrible piece of shit but people will vote for him anyway, so let’s tear all the challengers down with trivial bullshit.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      It’s like Bluto didn’t get the memo that only Republicans can be racists.


      • You sound like you got your history degree from Dinesh D’Souza.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          LOL. For someone who regularly mocks Florida fans for having a limited view of history, your ironically short perspective on American history is amusing.


          • Seriously, you honestly believe I just discovered there are Democratic racist politicians in our national history?

            I prefer seeing your shtick through the prism of “performance actor”, but if you really believe it, hoo, boy.

            Maybe it’s time for one of your clever gifs.

            Liked by 1 person

            • SpellDawg

              Cue his posting of the YouTube video with a black professor explaining how the pro-slavery southerners were all Democrats while the Republicans were the good guys.


            • Chris

              Senator, the awareness of Democratic racism isn’t the issue. The issue many have, and is part of the rise of Trump, is the logical fallacy and outright hypocrisy of the culture war that is Political Correctness.

              The left has brazenly brandished anyone that disagrees with them as ::shuffles cards:: racist. Not only is it usually wildly untrue, it insinuates the left is the bastion of non-racists. The left has taken the sanctimonious high ground, when they are clearly full of shit. No party has a monopoly on racists or shitty people in general. But the virtue signalling SJWs and politicians on the left will be the first to call you the worst things possible if you don’t subscribe to their idealistic, naive world view.

              And I for one, enjoy those clever gifs and memes.


              • Whatever gets you through the night, man. The Proud Boys were marching last night in Orlando. Let me know when they show up in support of a Democrat running for President.


                • Chris

                  You mean like Antifa? Jesus, Senator, have a little awareness.


                • ChiliDawg

                  “bUt WhUt AbOuT aNtIfUhH???”

                  I’ve never seen antifa march in support of anything. They only show up to mix it up with the neo-fascists and Nazis that are attracted to Trump rallies. So, your rebuttal is fucking stupid. There aren’t antifa protestors at Democratic candidate rallies.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Chris

                  You realize the Proud Boys are a direct response to the violence perpetrated by Antifa, right? Right? Because it seems you think it happened the other way around. Which is wrong. But it wouldn’t be the first time you were wrong.


                • ChiliDawg

                  By the way – “antifa” (the blanket term that mouth breathing FOX news viewers use to define anyone who protests at Trump rallies) has no actual organization, and is not a group focused on race-politics, so even if there WERE an “antifa” group that marched in support of Democratic candidates (there isn’t) it still wouldn’t make your point. There’s only one candidate who has ACTUAL white supremacists and neo-Nazis that show up to support him at every one of his rallies – and you know who that is. Your denial is just your refusal to acknowledge the facts which are staring you in the face because you can’t bear the thought of “the libs” being right.


                • Chris

                  If liberalism is a mental disorder, then TDS is the bubonic plague of the mind.

                  Nothing you just wrote is true. You are either purposefully lying or willingly ignorant. Seek help.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Right. Unlike the Alt-Right, which is run by Ben Shapiro out of the Alt-Right Headquarters on K Street. Organization is everything.


                • SpellDawg

                  Little awareness would seem to qualify your understanding of Antifa. They are largely anarchists and socialists with far left views that don’t jibe with the Democratic Party platform. They’ll march against Trump, but you won’t see them holding up pro-Joe signs at a Biden rally.


                • Chris

                  “socialists with far left views that don’t jibe with the Democratic Party platform.”

                  You just contradicted yourself in your second sentence. I have no doubt that the vast majority of Antifia will vote democratic. Too many soy boys not to.


                • Argondawg

                  I get your point but also understand that the proud boys are not exactly run of the mill right leaning folks either. These are the two extreme ends of the spectrum.


              • Xon

                “The left” isn’t a thing. There are lots of different people with different priorities, and all of them (left and right and in between) have to choose which big tent political party coalition to join up with, because we only have two viable major parties. In Europe, you might be able to win a few seats on a narrow slate of issues that are important to you, but in our system only the two big boys share power, and they maximize their respective market shares by grabbing as many different subgroups as they can. It means neither party is monolithic and neither party has just one philosophy which unites all of them.

                If you are anti-racist — as in you take it as an important issue of political organization to try to undercut and repair and reform racist institutions and racial discrepancies which continue to plague our society — then you are going to choose the “left” coalition (and will probably vote Democrat, since that is the major party that has grabbed up more of the left-associated issues). So virtually all anti-racists will be left, but not all leftists will be anti-racists. Other people in the left coalition will have other priorities that don’t focus on racial politics, and some of them may actually be racists. That doesn’t mean everyone on the right is actively racist at all. But if you are self-identified anti-racist, you’ll probably be on the left.

                (And, it just so happens, who knows why, must just be one of those things, that if you are a self-identified anti-anti-racist you’ll probably be on the right. The right (and the GOP as the major party that has grabbed up more right-associated issues) has made itself the home for most of the various ways of thinking that go against being anti-racist. Some of those are genuinely non racist people who simply have other priorities. Some of those are people who oppose anti-racism because they think it’s gone too far (and we can just agree to disagree about whether that’s true). Some of those are people who actually think racism isn’t a problem at all (but believing that, depending on what you actually know and whether you should know better, might itself be a racist kind of ignorance). Some of those are people who think that actually the “real racism” is against white people. Some of those (relatively few, but not zero) will be people who actually advocate explicitly racist policies against minorities and are aware and proud to do it. But virtually all of them if they choose to engage politically at all will associate with the right somewhere.)


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Ascribing motivations to votes is proven folly. The transitive property from mathematics doesn’t apply to candidates. That’s why significant numbers of Bernie supporters refused to vote for Hillary, or actually voted for Trump in 2016.

                  And it also empowers bias in the very hypothesis. Few people (statistically, about zero) would argue that institutionalized racism of the past, such as forced segregation, should continue to be practiced. However, disagreeing with the government’s solution of forced busing doesn’t make one a racist, or an anti-anti-racist, or whatever else.

                  One could be anti-racist and earnestly believe that racial quotas and set-asides are net negative policies that should end. Respecting the property rights of individuals of all races would place one squarely outside the spectrum of either major political party in the USA.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              While a few sentences here and there across the span of months or years isn’t the most efficient way for me to glean your true political views, I’ll take a stab at accurately representing your beliefs. Long ago, Republicans were virtuous and Democrats were scum. Then, in the 1960s, the parties spontaneously switched platforms. Now, Democrats are virtuous and Republicans are scum. Or some variation on that. How did I do?

              As for my shtick, I’ll admit that my true political beliefs center around the fact that coercion is bad. It’s bad when Republicans do it. It’s bad when Democrats do it. It’s bad when it’s done for my own good, or for the children, or to make the world safe for democracy, or to stop all of the three dozen Nazis in this country who are sure to take over if we let our collective guards down for a single second.

              But, when I’m faced with childlike arguments from irrationally angry and self-righteous people, it’s easier to just agree and amplify to point out the stupidity in their beliefs. Memes are surprisingly helpful at pointing out the absurdity.


              • Long ago, Republicans were virtuous and Democrats were scum. Then, in the 1960s, the parties spontaneously switched platforms. Now, Democrats are virtuous and Republicans are scum. Or some variation on that. How did I do?


                Evidently you don’t do nuance, but if you’re interested, this is the best take on Southern conservatism I’ve read in a long, long time.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Funny. You posted your “best take” that essentially argues that Southern political thought is based primarily around racism and then accuse me of a lack of nuance. You’ve just confirmed my summary of your views. Except I didn’t specifically mention racism. So thanks for adding that, I guess.


                • I’m sorry… you’re saying racism doesn’t have anything to do with Southern conservatism? Interesting take on American history, to say the least. And I don’t see how it explains your summary. The whole point to that linked piece is that Southern conservatism is more of a third party that has rested uneasily within the confines of the D and R parties over time.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I’m not denying the history of racism in the South. And in the North. And in the West. But it’s lazy and inaccurate to insist that racism was the driving force behind everything from the Bill of Rights to the modern opposition to Obamacare.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • What year did racism stop being a force?


                • Derek

                  His denial is both general and global that he is a fucking human being.

                  We all know the demonstrable truth is otherwise.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Here you go, Derek.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I dispute that it was ever the primary force behind things like the very structure of US government. But it’s been steadily decreasing for generations. Today, it’s only possible to ascribe racist tendencies to most political policies proposed by using the most circuitous and strained logic.

                  As I said earlier, just shouting RACISM when analyzing every policy or Southern institution is not only wrong, it’s just silly and lazy.


                • That’s not what that article does. Nor is it my position.

                  Bully for your dispute, by the way. And as for “steadily decreasing for generations”, again, when did that start?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Did you read the article? “Southern conservatism held two supreme prerogatives: 1) Central government must remain as weak as possible, and 2) White racial and cultural supremacy must be enforced at all costs.” And, “Our founders were forced to develop a political framework capable of encapsulating a Caribbean slave economy inside a wider classical-liberal project.”

                  The author then insists that Southern racism shaped everything of the past to today.

                  And I don’t really have an exact date in mind for when racism began to decline. But it has certainly been decreasing since before your grandparents were born. And it continues to decline today. Only a fool would believe that racism is still a primary political force at work in the 21st century.


                • I did indeed read the article and believe those two points make for a valid argument.

                  My grandparents were born in the last decade of the 19th century, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree with your take. I assume you’re arguing that the virulent forms the Jim Crow era took were an improvement on slavery, which is a helluva take.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  That’s exactly my take. You dispute that disenfranchising a race is just as much a problem as literally owning them? To borrow a phrase, that’s a helluva take.

                  And things have gotten better since then. Much better.


                • You dispute that disenfranchising a race is just as much a problem as literally owning them?

                  How did things become less racist in the South after the Civil War’s end? Yes, blacks couldn’t be sold as property, but what did that have to do with racist attitudes becoming more enlightened?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Attitudes are less of a problem when government doesn’t give coercive power to them. So while racism was still a problem in the late nineteenth century, the government gave the racism less teeth.

                  Today, the government gives racism very little teeth, less than ever before. And racism is less prevalent than it has ever been. Most people can recognize that simple fact.


    • CB

      Sounds a bit like. “Wouldn’t it be great to get along with Russia?”


  2. Joe Schmoe

    Biden isn’t going to when the democratic nomination so you don’t have to worry about your scenario. Is poll numbers are purely about name recognition and have been falling ever since he entered the race.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stoopnagle

      There it is! Biden has never shown he can sustain a national campaign and the zeitgeist is working against him.

      I have a soft spot for our Trans Am waxing, MGD drinking former VP, but his window closed when he decided not to challenge Hillary (if it was really that open at all).


    • Jack Klompus

      The other issue is that Joe just can’t help himself. He cannot keep from saying stupid things. How quickly everyone forgot that Obama literally had kept him from speaking publically. He’s a fool and I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but he’s too damn old to be President.


  3. I try not to pay attention to Trump, but that interview with Stephanopoulos….good grief. He really does not give a fuck about anything and does whatever the fuck he wants.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RandallPinkFloyd

      The best was when one of his guys in the backgrounds cough to help divert attention away from him saying he’s going to release his financial records and Trump asking for them to shoot that again because the guy is coughing.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. JasonC

    At least 80% in BOTH parties are useless, greedy pieces of shit that only care about staying in office so they can stay on the gravy train that lobbyists and foolish supporters keep them on.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Derek

      And? They’ll do exactly what the electorate will allow them to get away with.

      You want better politicians? Get better voters.


      • spur21

        That is simplistic at best. We have no choice as the parties give us the candidate. We are left to hold our nose and vote for the least offensive.
        We need term limits too.


        • Derek

          Bullshit. This is a democracy. You’re not a victim.

          If you need term limits protect you from your fellow citizens then you’re not much of a proponent of democracy. Moreover, with term limits you only increase the power of the bureaucracy who can just wait out anyone who decides to waste their limited time on reforming them.

          It’s a stupid idea. Democracy means we get what we deserve. You don’t like who we have? Then you just don’t like the choices of your fellow citizens. Artificial barriers to democracy are not the answer.

          We need a better informed, better educated, and a more discerning electorate. Then we’ll have better representation.


          • ronald

            The United States of America is a representative republic. We use the principles of democracy to elect our leaders to represent us. In a democracy all issues are settled by one man/woman one vote to achieve a majority decision/rule.
            Think about the difference.
            I for one think the founders established the correct form of government.


            • Derek

              Really? I had no idea. I guess I’ll stop reading H.R. 234. And I thought I was going to miss the roll call vote.


            • Tony Barnfart

              I agree with Derek that term limits present more bad than good. What I want is a repeal of the 17th amendment and maybe some type of modification to the state legislative selection of US Senators that ameliorate the (supposed) problems of corruption etc. (campaign finance restrictions at the state level). Also, no more out of state or district money in US house and Senate races. That’s akin to “foreign” influence in my book. I’d even be OK with some type of minority party protection since Democrats immediately see a repeal of 17 as 68 republican seats.

              The Senate needs to return to a deliberative, cooling body. I don’t agree with the Merrick Garland blockade, but the Brett Kavanaugh hearing was a total abomination and a disgrace to the US Senate. Maybe if Senators were a layer removed from the hyper partisanship of a general electorate like they were originally intended, we could get back to having adults in the high chamber.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Exactly. Everybody has 1/320,000,000th of a say in who gets elected president. Anybody who wants more representation than that is just greedy.


          • HiAltDawg

            Exactly, Elections ARE Term Limits!


        • ChiliDawg

          “We have no choice.”

          We literally pick the nominees through the primary process. Have you ever voted in a primary? If not then you have yourself to blame for who we get as candidates.


          • MDDawg

            As an Independent, I don’t think I’m allowed to vote in either party’s primary.


            • It depends on your state of registration. Georgia is an open primary where you can take the ballot of the party of your preference regardless of affiliation. Maryland, which I assume is your state of registration, is a closed primary state, so you have to be registered with party affiliation to participate in primary elections.


            • ChiliDawg

              Is there a law that prevents you from registering as a member of either party just for the purpose of voting in their primary?


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            But to be fair, primaries are designed to limit the available choices in the general election.


    • ChiliDawg

      This is what people tell themselves to acquit themselves of their culpability in continually re-electing assholes because of tribal politics. You probably vote for the same incumbent because of party affiliation because you’d be damned if you’d vote for the other party.


  5. Derek

    “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.“

    Trump on 5.30.19 at 6:57:47.


    • spur21

      He is correct – like it or not.


      • Derek

        What happened to Russian interference being a “hoax?”

        Also, “Russia if you’re listening” isn’t “nothing to do with.”

        He solicited their support and he got it. Hardly clean hands.


        • Chris

          Russian collusion was the “hoax.” Russian interference has happened for 70+ years, and they did intend to sow discord in our political system in ’16. Thanks to brave comrades like yourself, it worked. That and the inability of Barry’s admin to thwart it.


          • Derek

            Well he actually denied that they helped an hour later, but you’ve been consistent in your hypocrisy and you love the guy Putin backed.

            Who knew that being a traitor could be such a comfortable spot for so many?

            Btw: can you show me the intelligence report where Russia backed Reagan? We have one on 2016. Dick.

            Sorry. Treasonous dick.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Argondawg

              You are a smart guy Derek and I will never understand why you resort to the petty name calling so quickly out of the gate. It always undermines your credibility and makes you seem so puerile. How you can’t see this is baffling.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Chris

                Derek and his ilk are partisan hacks. There is no possibility of dialogue with these ideologues. I only engage to correct their lies and propaganda.

                Liked by 1 person

              • Derek

                Your mistake is assuming that I give a fuck.

                I don’t. Don’t care to convince anyone of anything. My assumption, which isn’t much of an assumption, is that my targets are immune from persuasion. So I don’t care to try.

                They are deserving of hearing their name.


                • Argondawg

                  You don’t give a fuck yet will probably post 40 times on this thread alone? Ok. We must define that differently.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Your problem is that you can’t recognize erudite and sophisticated political logic. You can’t just waltz into a random debating society in Cambridge or Oxford and hear insults like “fucking treasonous dick,” flung about from middle schoolers like so much monkey shit. You need a ticket to Bluto’s circus to see that show.
                  So sit back and relax. Derek’s just getting warmed up.


        • SouthernYank

          It was an anti-HRC effort. There’s a difference.


        • Chadwick

          Trump got their support via the KGB buying $100,000 in Facebook ads and bots? Lol. You’re comedy gold.


      • ChiliDawg

        “Russia if you’re listening, I hope you find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

        Trying to argue that he had nothing to do with Russian election interference at this juncture calls into question your mental stability.


        • Chris

          Robert Mueller and his band of 18 angry democrats disagrees with you. Maybe you should write a detailed report of all the evidence you have that the $40M investigation was not able to find and send it to AG Barr.

          In Peach Foety Fie!


          • Derek

            There’s a difference between encouragement and a conspiracy, which is the legal burden, traitor.


            • SouthernYank

              So HRC paid Russians (likely Russian Intelligence). So is she a “traitor”?


              • Chris

                HRC paid Fusion GPS, which paid Christopher Steele, who created the unverifiable and salacious Steele Dossier, which came from, wait for it, Russian Intelligence.

                But Trump (jokingly) asking Russia to find Killary’s 33,000 missing (bleach bit’ed and physically destroyed blackberries and servers) emails is treason.

                Quite the mental gymnastics from the left.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  And they kept it secret as part of the PLOT!!! How evil!!!

                  At least you’re an ignorant traitor.


                • Chris

                  Technically, the general public is ignorant of efforts of DOJ and FBI to keep the PLOT secret. But the “insurance policy” is currently being investigated by Barr, Huber, and Durham, and the findings will be released first in the OIG report, and later findings into multiple (yes Barr said multiple) investigations directly tied to HRC in Barr’s report.

                  Sounds like a nice time for an October Surprise to me, although it’s not much of a surprise for those paying attention (i.e. not the MSM). Get your popcorn ready!


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                All Hillary did was accept $500k from a Russian bank and hand over uranium mines. That’s fine. But some Russians bought Facebook ads incorporating sex toys and Pokemon Go to hack the election. And you can’t see that Trump is obviously the traitor here? Dick. Dickety dickless dick.


            • Mike Cooley

              None of you doing all this crying about Russia would give a fuck if Russia had helped your candidate win. Y’all are so full of shit. In Peach Foaty Fie and Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Racist.


              • Derek

                Just because you’re a traitor doesn’t mean I am.

                Stop projecting.

                If Vlad wanted my candidate to be president, and tried to make it happen, and it appeared that the candidate acted in concert (mutual interest short of conspiracy) with Vlad, I would want that candidate resign. That’s why we have VP’s as well as patriotism.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Right. Unless it was Hillary and she took money and dealt with Russian intelligence for opposition research. That would be fine. But if it was a hypothetical scenario that didn’t actually happen involving a Democrat, then Derek and I would be completely principled and insist the imaginary Democrat be held accountable.


                • Mike Cooley

                  Bullshit, Derek. You can tell that lie to somebody else. You don’t give a rat’s ass about anything besides the Democrat lost. If the Democrat had won you nor any of your outraged comrades here would care about any of this. If Hillary had worked with the Russians to achieve victory you would just laugh at anybody who took issue with it. You didn’t give a fuck about Hillary and Benghazi, you didn’t give fuck about Obama and his telling the Russians he would have more flexibility after he was reelected. And it doesn’t matter to you that Barry sat on his ass when he knew about Russian interference because he never dreamed Hillary would lose to Trump. You’re just mad that the Democrat lost. And your mad the Democrats didn’t think of this first. You can call me whatever names you want. It doesn’t bother me. You can type the word stupid until you pull a muscle. I dont care. You’re full of shit, I know you’re full of shit, and deep down you know you’re full of shit and only care about this because you didn’t come out on the winning end. As for me being a “traitor”, lol, you can jam it up your ass. You don’t even know what that word means. One of us in this conversation has served his country in a time of war. You’re too much of a pussy to even consider it. So have a big bowl of fuck you,and you can swing from my dick, you pseudointelectual, wannbe tough guy, bitch made punk. And anybody here who has a problem with anything I just said, good, fuck you too.


                • Derek

                  So you’re a cunty, ironic and angry traitor?

                  I’d say you should know better. It’s sad you don’t.

                  Trump is scum. A willing felon. Says he’s willing to accept any foreign assistance to remain in power.

                  This isn’t about politics or ideology. It’s about loyalty.


              • Derek

                In case you asked, I think Hillary should resign as Commander and Chief immediately because a retired British spy went to Russia and asked questions.

                Can’t have her near the button any longer.


          • ChiliDawg

            What are you talking about? The Mueller report detailed vast and concerted efforts on the part of Russia to help elect Donald Trump. If you weren’t a fucking waterhead who drank from Trump’s dick like a firehose you would know that.


            • SouthernYank

              You should read more.


            • Chris

              What are you talking about? You said, “Trying to argue that he had nothing to do with Russian election interference at this juncture calls into question your mental stability.” I pointed out the Special Counsel’s office disagrees with you.

              Please stop spreading lies and propaganda.


              • Derek

                That’s not what it says idiot. It says they couldn’t prove a conspiracy. That’s not proof of innocence. Not stupid people get this.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Exactly. Smart people can prove negatives. That’s why the law states, “guilty until proven innocent beyond any doubt.” Dicks


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    FWIW even Watergate heroes Sam Ervin and Herman Talmadge joined the southern filibusters in the early 60’s. Conversely you have to give a little credit to Lyndon Johnson for pushing through legislation. Of course Johnson cracked afterward that the laws would “keep them ni***rs voting Democrat for 200 years”, so everybody is a mixed bag.


  7. AJ

    Trump wins in a landslide. Bitch ass dems will argue about who wants to be the bigger pussy and we will be left with the best of the worst options once again.


    • ilini84

      “Be gentle”? Fuck you fascist.


    • Chris

      Remind me of the speech in the movie Team America:

      “We’re dicks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong-ll is an asshole. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes — assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that they fuck too much or fuck when it isn’t appropriate — and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves… because pussies are only an inch and half away from assholes. I don’t know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don’t let us fuck this asshole, we’re going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!”

      I’ll let you decide which category the Chili Dereks of the world fall into.


  8. Anonymous

    Oh, come on. Eastland was only calling for genocide. It isn’t like he said something truly horrible like the idea that there are very fine people on both sides of the question of whether to keep or remove Confederate monuments.


    • Derek

      The senate majority leader Trent Lott (W-MS) said the country would have been better off if one of these bastards (Strom Thurmond, W-SC) had been elected president in 1948.

      I’m not seeing an endorsement or forgiveness in what Biden said. I read it as: “you think I can’t work with Mitch because he’s a total MF? Let me tell you about some MF back in the day, and we were able to get things done despite the fact they were MFs.”


      • Anonymous

        You completely missed my point. Biden was making the same point you were there, but he has also stated that he launched his Presidential Campaign because he fell for the Fine People Hoax. He is saying that he could work with men that openly called for genocide, but Trump is much much worse. This is TDS at its peak.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Derek

          Only if you are hopelessly dumb.


          • Anonymous

            At his campaign announcement, Joe Biden said that he had to launch his campaign because in response to the Charlottesville incident, Donald Trump called Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists “Very Fine People”. Knowing that a dishonest media would report falsehoods, Trump, without being prompted, said “and I’m not talking about Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists who should be condemned totally”.

            The idea that he called Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists “Very Fine People” is a hoax. It is the easiest hoax in the world to debunk because all you have to do is watch the video or read the transcript.

            This is the sad state of politics in our country today. This is not a matter of whether Trump is good or bad. This is a matter of did he or did he not say something. He never said that Neo-Nazis or White Supremacists were very fine people. Instead, he said that they should be condemned totally. This is easily verifiable, but people like you are so deranged by your irrational hatred of him that you believe things that demonstrably false.

            If you have ever wondered why some people are homophobic, xenophobic, etc., it is because they are suffering from the same types of delusions that you are in regard to Donald Trump. Just like you, they think their phobia makes them noble. It doesn’t; it makes you and them look like stupid assholes.


            • Derek

              the very fine people on both sides were:

              Neo Nazis and white supremacists on one side.

              The opposition on the other.

              If you’re claiming he’s just stupid, I’d agree with that part.

              However, he did say both sides.

              Those are the same people that are happy that the Harriet Tubman $20 bill has been delayed. Gotta keep these very fine nazis happy you know.


              • Anonymous

                There were a lot of people there the supported keeping the statues that were not Neo-Nazis or White Supremacists. The NYT interviews some of them here:

                The violence at the event broke out before the event was scheduled to start. The very fine people got the hell out of Dodge because they have no interest in getting into a streetfight with Antifa goons. You can pretend that other people have bad intentions all day, but that doesn’t make you right or a good person; it just makes you delusional.

                Before you go down your rabbit hole of cognitive dissonance to claim that everyone there that supported keeping the statues was a White Supremacist, here is a list of prepared responses to all of your statements. The amazing thing is that they are going to me almost exactly in order that you will hallucinate them.



                • Derek

                  That you don’t get that statues to Confederates IS about white supremacy is the problem.

                  Honoring traitors who killed and sent people to die for the privilege of owning people is not something worth honoring.

                  Unless you are a white supremacist. Then it is something worthy of credit and not of disrepute.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Everything is about white supremacy. Haven’t you read the article Bluto posted? Want lower tax rates? Racist! Think you can spend your money better than Trump or Schumer can? Racist!

                  Do you think the families of people who died defending their homes from invaders can be honored? Racist!

                  Are you a white guy who doesn’t spend all day virtue signaling? Racist!

                  And it’s our job to inform these guys about checking their privilege.


                • Anonymous

                  You didn’t bother to read the part in the second link where 44% of black Americans support keeping the statures. You are literally claiming that 44% of black Americans are White Supremacists. This is why I keep pointing out your TDS. It has caused you to suffer delusions that do not match with reality.


                • Derek

                  You’re too dumb to understand that there is a difference between their intended purpose and whether or not the public is aware of that purpose. There can be a disconnect. What percentage of people know that the Confederate Battle Flag was raised over southern state capitals in response to Brown vs. BOE? A whole lot of people think it was hanging there since the war. People are dumb!

                  Exhibit A: your mirror. Check it out.


                • Anonymous

                  You do realize that you just said that you think that black people are “too dumb to understand that there is a difference between their intended purpose and whether or not the public is aware of that purpose”, right? I would chide you for being a hypocritical racist, but it was already obvious to everyone.


  9. I’m no fan of Biden but a reading of the NYT piece suggested to me that Biden’s point was that he was willing and able to deal with people with whom he had broad disagreement to get a result. The suggestion that anyone should conclude that Biden agreed with Eastman and Talmadge is simply wrong. C’mon man.


  10. chopdawg

    Heavy sigh…I was just beginning to think Biden had a real shot at beating Trump.


    • chopdawg

      On second thought, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. Might be a bunch of former Eastland supporters who’ll finally realize that Mexico isn’t paying for any walls, and they’ll turn and vote for Eastland’s buddy Biden.


  11. Normaltown Mike

    I don’t think Biden wins the nomination. He’s been around for 50 years and never run a successful campaign outside the state of Delaware. Bernie and Warren would be my votes for most likely to win the nomination w/ Kamala Harris as the possible longshot surprise.

    Blasio, Booker, Beto, Boot-Edge-Edge, et al haven’t a prayer.


    • Argondawg

      This is a huge field and nobody stands out yet as having the ability to beat Trump. What a bunch of crap choices on both sides.


      • ChiliDawg

        Bullshit. Literally almost everyone in the field could beat him.


      • Derek

        Given that the worst nominee ever won 3 million more votes in 2016 and trump won by a sliver in the electoral college and given that the lead expanded to 10 million votes in 2018, I’d say the democrats are in good shape with whoever comes out of the primary process.


  12. dawgxian

    After his comment that the GOP is trying to reenslave backs back in 2012, i could almost see myself voting for Trump just to spite Biden


  13. ChiliDawg

    Yeah sure, let’s talk about BIden’s borderline awkward comments just because we’re numb to the obscene things Trump says on a daily basis.

    What’s the latest? Oh, yeah, doubling down on his calls for the Central Park Five to be executed despite their exoneration. When pressed yesterday, instead of saying he was wrong about calling for their execution, he insisted “there were arguments on both sides.” “Both sides.” Where have we heard that before? Hmmmm…. oh yeah.


    • Silly me. I was kind of hoping I wouldn’t have to settle for “not as bad as Trump” this time.


      • Derek

        It’s actually impossible that such will ever be the case. No one is as bad as Trump. No one.

        40% of the people see that characteristic as an asset btw.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          It kills me that people don’t see this. Sure, FDR put minorities in internment camps (concentration camps is you’re AOC). But that’s not as bad as enforcing immigration law. And sure, Lincoln and Wilson jailed newspaper editors for writing unfavorable things. But that’s not as bad as calling it fake news. And sure, LBJ referred to black White House employees as “boy” and “nigger.” But that’s not as bad as suggesting that leftist violence is just as unsavory as right wing violence.

          Why can’t people understand that Trump is LITERALLY HITLER!!1!!1! He’s the worst president that’s ever happened and ever will happen or ever could happen!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Dawgflan

            Change with the times, dude.

            My grandparents had views and language that were an acceptable part of polite society in the 40s, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone else should accept those same views and language as the standard of behavior for today.

            You prove the point that Trump is an anachronism, and a good portion of his supporters/defenders are stuck living life through a rear-view mirror.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              That’s an interesting take. Imprisoning people was just an anachronism that was acceptable in polite society? I wasn’t aware the Bill of Rights was completely ignored before the 1960s.

              It’s not surprising that you missed my point entirely. You think that demeaning blacks through epithets was all well and good in decades past, but enforcing immigration law now, or suggesting that left wing violence is bad, is just beyond the pale? Really? Not even a smidge of self-awareness at how incompatible those two views are?

              FWIW, I don’t think having a historical perspective that extends beyond 2010 is “living life through a rear-view mirror.” I think it’s just helpful not to get caught up in the latest Orange Man Bad hysteria over innocuous things.


              • Dawgflan

                It’s equally unsurprised that you missing the point completely. I’m saying if it is racist now, it was racist then even IF it was part of the mainstream. And what you’re saying is it’s OK to be racist now because people back then did even more racist stuff.

                One thing you definitely don’t seem to be aware of is that the US has had a long hard struggle over who gets included in statements like “we the people” and “all men” that get the benefit of self-evident truths, equality under the law, and the benefit of a Bill of Rights. That struggle continues.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Not at all. I’m saying lazy thinkers are so caught up in party politics they can’t even recognize real racism. So they excuse the racist internment camps of liberal icon FDR in order to accuse Republicans of imaginary hate crimes.

                  I get the struggle. I really do. But when did the Bill of Rights apply to Latin Americans who illegally come to this country expecting the protections given to citizens? And how did it become racist to enforce immigration laws? Or to suggest that perhaps a violent riot isn’t an acceptable response to unpopular political opinions?


                • Dawgflan

                  It’s not racist to enforce immigration laws. It is racist to use rhetoric around immigration to scapegoat those Latin Americans you reference as the most evilest of threats. Enforcing laws doesn’t mean you have to hold rallies where you label Latin Americans as rapists, murderers, and drug addicts frothing at the mouth to gain access to the wives, daughters, and good Christian kids of folks in attendance. It’s an over-generalization, amplification of the true risks/threat, and playing to deep insecurities in order to garner political power. You may fail to see that as an issue.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  So your argument is that FDR’s racist policies, that actually hurt people, were fine because society was more racist back then. But Trump’s insensitive rhetoric, supporting policies that AREN’T racist, is the bigger issue?

                  Agree to disagree. I guess I’m more of a sticks and stones guy. Actions trump (heh) words. And acknowledging that some of the illegal aliens are undesirable just doesn’t raise my hackles that much. I guess I kind of see it as a given.


      • ChiliDawg

        Is that really as bad as Trump? Is it really in the same stratosphere? That’s my point. We’ve endured two and a half years of this grotesque administration which has said and done so many obscene things that we just stop keeping track, and start focusing on the minor flubs of others instead. Biden isn’t my guy, but the juice the coverage that his poorly worded remarks and old man gaffes seems absurd given the raving lunatic that currently sits on the throne.


        • It’s not as bad as Trump, but why do I have to settle for such a shoddy standard?

          And it’s not a minor flub, either. Biden seems to believe there’s real value in enabling a virulent racist. Again, I’d like my presidents to adhere to a higher level than that.


          • Derek

            How did he “enable” him? By talking to the elected senator from MS?

            On that basis, your standard applies to FDR and Kennedy and LBJ. All dealt with virulent racists and actually did enable them politically.

            This is political correctness run amok. Lincoln would have negotiated with Sen. Calhoun full stop. Doesn’t mean they saw eye to eye.

            Churchill would have met with Hitler.

            Churchill and FDR met with and allied with Stalin.

            It’s a complicated world and saying “I worked with someone” doesn’t bring that person to the others level.


          • ChiliDawg

            OK, I can agree with your sentiment on that. I just don’t think that’s what Biden did. I thought it was a typically awkward Biden comment which was amplified because of the race he’s now running, which is why I think he won’t ultimately be the nominee, but I’d still vote for him if he was. That’s not really saying much – I’d literally vote for an inanimate object in the upcoming election if it were on the ballot against Cheeto Mussolini.


    • Anonymous

      Oh, yeah, doubling down on his calls for the Central Park Five to be executed despite their exoneration. he insisted “there were arguments on both sides.” “Both sides.” Where have we heard that before?

      This literally did not happen. He is not calling for the Central Park Five to be executed. He isn’t claiming that they are guilty after being exonerated. His statement about “both sides” was about both sides of the issue of whether or not NYC should have settled the lawsuit for $41M.

      I hope that you realize that you are suffering from delusions sooner rather than later. You are literally hallucinating that Trump did things like call for the execution of exonerated people or call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists “very fine people”. You have been falling for a series of hoaxes. This is no different than how many on the right fell for the Birther, Pizzagate, or QAnon hoaxes.


      • ChiliDawg

        This literally did not happen. He is not calling for the Central Park Five to be executed. He isn’t claiming that they are guilty after being exonerated. His statement about “both sides” was about both sides of the issue of whether or not NYC should have settled the lawsuit for $41M.

        YES IT LITERALLY HAPPENED. JFC, it’s fucking insanity to watch you people deny what happened right in front of everyone’s fucking faces. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, HE WAS ASKED DIRECTLY AND ANSWERED DIRECTLY. He took out a FULL PAGE AD in the newspaper calling for their execution. He has REFUSED to apologize for that. HE STILL SAYS THEY ARE GUILTY. Literally NOWHERE does he say anything about a lawsuit. You fucking morons always try to put different words in his mouth from the ones he actually said to try and explain away that he’s a fucking lunatic.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anonymous

          I’m sorry, but your claims did not happen. Trump did take out the full page ad. We all know that. The issue at hand is whether he:
          1. Was exasperated with the high crime rate and the brutality of crimes happening in NYC in the late 1980s, and wanted the government to institute a “tough on crime” policy including the death penalty for murderers”. or:
          2. He didn’t care about crime, murders, etc. He is just a racist that wanted to execute innocent black people for fun.

          I am arguing that #1 is true. You are pretending that #2 is true. The fact that you believe #2 over #1 says a lot more about you than it does about Trump.

          BTW, Trump didn’t apologize, because he never apologizes for anything. Once you make the first apology, everyone expects you to apologize for shit that isn’t your fault. His point is that he shouldn’t have to apologize for printing the ad because they confessed. When they confessed, he had every right as a private citizen to assume they were guilty.


          • I try to stay away from ad hominems, but in your case I have I’ll stray: you are a deluded tool.


            • Anonymous

              Try refuting my argument. My argument may make you feel uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean it is not true.

              If you look at what I write, you will note that I don’t make comments praising or supporting Trump (I’m not a Trump supporter btw, I don’t know why I have to keep pointing it out). All I am doing is commenting on if Trump actually did or did not say / do something. Here, I am pointing out that Trump did not call for the indiscriminate murder of exonerated blacks and that the idea that we did is really stupid.


  14. Argondawg

    BTW Senator, just finished Justified. That was a damn good series. I am gonna miss some of those characters. Thanks for the heads up on it.


  15. SouthernYank

    The feel good story of the month is the Oberlin College verdict.


  16. dawgxian

    Actually, I’m numb to Trump as much due to all the crap Biden, Obama, and Kerry have been spewing out since 04 as I am to his incessant string of dumbasseries. And if you were not outraged by Obama’s stupid comments on Trayvon Martin before the case was even tried, I don’t care what you think about Trump’s comments on a 30 year old case


    • ChiliDawg

      Did Obama call for George Zimmerman to be executed? I must have missed that.

      Trump’s comments weren’t on a 30 year old case. They were on a case that was happening at the time when he made them. And he still stands by his calls for those people to be executed even after they were proven innocent.

      If you’re outraged over Obama commenting on the Trayvon Martin case, but you’re not upset over Trump’s Central Park Five position, it’s because both cases involved people that were black, and Obama had the audacity to express sympathy for the black kid that was killed, and Trump wanted the black guys executed. That’s why you support Trump. Because he publicly expresses your darkest fantasies about killing minorities.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        It applies to literally every situation.


      • dawgxian

        Support Trump? I voted against him in the primary and general election and will not vote for him next year but don’t let the facts get in your way. Obama was in a position to influence the case as president in a way that Trump as a real estate mogul was not. It was also stupid of him to make that “my son would look like Trayvon” comment as the same thing could be said about Demarquis Elkins. And from what I’m hearing from some Democrats I know, there’s more to the Central Park 5 than Netflix discusses. And drop the black kid crap. Martin was bigger than I am and the scant evidence we have (as opposed to a doctored NBC recording) is that he attacked Zimmerman.


  17. Hogbody Spradlin

    The thing that strikes me about Biden’s comments is something like: of all the things in this world Joe could have said, he picked that. It’s just . . . weird . . . tone deaf . . . inappropriate. Schtick Dreck might have a point, in his usual sophomoric way.


  18. TNDAWG

    How the Democrats got labeled as a civil rights bastion and anti-racist is beyond me. My granddaddy was a southern democrat and voted straight democrat his entire life. He once told me. as I was spouting republican values, that I was a n……r lover, Republican votes in congress won the civil rights bill, not the democrats. It is difficult to understand how so many can be so ignorant of the facts, or choose to ignore the facts.


    • It is difficult to understand how so many can be so ignorant of the facts, or choose to ignore the facts.

      Starting with yourself, apparently. Either that, or you’ve been in a coma since 1964.


      • TNDAWG

        I grew up in the deep south during this time. Graduated from high school in 1964. Lived through this and have more first hand knowledge of the marches and unrest at time than most on this forum. I have not been in a coma and you have no idea what my ignorance is. If you have a question, ask it. Don’t throw out accusations with no basis.


        • I grew up in the Deep South then, too, so I doubt your first hand knowledge trumps mine.

          As far as questions go, how about this one: the CRA was passed with the help of moderate Republicans, largely from the northeast. How many such Republicans remain in Congress today? (HINT: how many Republicans in Congress favored renewing the VRA after Shelby County?)

          Here’s a bonus question(s): How many Southern states went for Goldwater in ’64 after the CRA passed? Did all the racist Democrats move before the election?


    • Chris

      It’s not difficult to understand when you consider they follow the playbook outlined in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” The useful idiots just don’t realize they are mere pawns in a bigger scheme.


      • You couldn’t have typed a more ironic, blinded post if you thought on it for a day. There hasn’t been a more useful idiot (Lenin’s term) against America’s interests than the fool in the White House.


        • Chris

          HRC wrote her college thesis on Alinsky and has a signed copy of his book. B Hussein credited Alinsky for developing his political character while he was a community organizer (lol).

          Of course Alinksy used a Lenin term in useful idiot, Alinksy outlined how to overthrow the American government in a soft coup.

          It’s almost like there are 2 realities, and the left accepts the one that is told to them from there handlers without question.


          • Nothing in the two sentences I typed would indicate that I am “Left”. What your kind of response proves is that you go around looking for a created opponent to validate your hyperventilation.

            And if you believe that the “conservative” audience does not have an 800-lb. media handler there isn’t a point in going any further.


    • By the way, as to your assertion that “Republican votes in congress won the civil rights bill, not the democrats”, here are the final vote tallies:

      House: Democrats 221-61, Republicans 112-24
      Senate: Democrats 47-16, Republicans 30-2

      Looks like it took two parties to tango, but maybe I lack your first hand knowledge of the matter.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Because the major parties suddenly switched platforms in the late sixties. You didn’t get the memo? You need to read the NY Times more.


  19. DawgPhan

    It’s just one of a long list of problems with Biden.

    If democrats can continue fighting to open up elections, I dont think it much matters who the candidate is. But if they dont get out the vote in key states it wont matter who the candidate was. Democrats win by creating a larger pool of voters.


    • Chris

      Which is the real reason Dems are for open borders. More votes!


      • Derek

        And the real reason you don’t want brown people from shit hole countries! Your racism won’t convert to votes!!


        • Chris

          We love our Margarita and Taco making friends from the south. We just want them to come in legally so they can be accounted for and vetted.

          But please continue fighting for the inhumane practice of human smuggling where the coyotes abuse women and children, bring in drugs and criminals, and spread diseases that were inoculated a long time ago in non shithole countries. The left is so woke.


          • ChiliDawg

            We love our Margarita and Taco making friends from the south.

            Can’t imagine why anyone thinks Trump supporters are racists.


            • Chris

              Muh Cultural Appropriation!


              • Derek

                muh racist jackhole

                Why are white supremacists the least of them?

                Its a paradox. You’d think, after a brief inventory in front of a mirror. that they’d conclude exactly the opposite.


                • Napoleon BonerFart


                • Chris

                  Latinos make delicious Latin cuisine, amigo.

                  You must hate those racist economic policies that have produced the lowest hispanic unemployment levels, ever. Not to mention for blacks, asians, and women.

                  Orange Man Bad!
                  Orange Man Racist!


  20. ““When you come out here, it’s a brotherhood. It’s a family. It’s like being at a revival, man,” Joe Biggs, a Florida-based Proud Boys member, could be heard telling another right-wing activist about the Trump rally.

    A short time later, journalists filmed the Proud Boys in much larger numbers as they marched through the streets, chanting, “Pinochet did nothing wrong!” The slogan, popular among white supremacists, is a reference to former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s practice of murdering leftists by throwing them out of helicopters.

    Large contingent of Proud Boys marching next to the Amway Center, chanting, “Pinochet was right,” and “Roger Stone did nothing wrong.” #TrumpInOrlando #TrumpRallyOrlando

    The Proud Boys, known for violently attacking leftists themselves, then attempted to confront counterprotesters in downtown Orlando, but they were stopped by police.

    “The Trump campaign is well aware of the organized participation of Proud Boys rallies merging into Trump events,” an unidentified GOP operative told New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel Tuesday night. “They don’t care. Staff are to treat it like a coalition they can’t talk about.”


    • dawgxian

      And if you didn’t have ANTIFA, you wouldn’t have the Proud Boys


      • ChiliDawg

        That’s literally backwards, dipshit.

        “ANTIFA” stands for “anti-fascists.” If there were no fascist groups, there would be no antifa. This isn’t fucking rocket science. Does polio exist because of polio vaccine? You know what… don’t answer that. I’m afraid of just how fucking stupid you might really be.


        • Corch Irvin Meyers New USC Trojans Corch (2020)

          Yeah… you’re wrong. And Antifa isn’t how you described them earlier. They’re a violent terrorist organization that labels ANYONE and EVERYONE to the right of Lenin as a fascist.

          So while they’re name is “Antifa,” they’re simply violent leftist extremist terrorists.


          • … when you’ve been played and stoked full of irrational fears, just label anything you don’t understand TERRORIST. The Right’s been doing it since 2001. And probably much earlier.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Come on you dumbass. Do you actually think Planned Parenthood has anything to do with abortion? Abortion isn’t even in the fucking name you jackass! Pretty names always accurately convey the motivations and actions of organizations! That’s just Logic 101 shit right there. I can’t believe Derek and I are the only ones who get it.


        • Maybe he’s anti-vaccine. (But pro-vaccine for his Taco Friends)


      • Chris

        That’s not the Fake News narrative.

        Of course they don’t understand the Proud Boys were in response to Antifa. More specifically, they were organized to protect others from the violent Antifa on innocent bystanders.

        Fake News is the enemy of the people.


  21. Corch Irvin Meyers New USC Trojans Corch (2020)

    You think that’s bad? Wait until the next Democrat praises Margaret Sanger, then Google who Margaret Sanger was and how she created Planned Parenthood for the express purpose of the genocide of African Americans, and THEN Google which ethnicity gets the most abortions at PP, and see that her vision is succeeded more than she could hope, aided and abetted with $500M each year from American tax payers.

    Who are the racists again?


    • CB

      At what point do democrats and republicans realize the whole “sure we’re racist, but they’re more racist” point of view isn’t helping either of them?


  22. Rocksalt

    Trump is absolutely the man matching the moment. He’s our president all right, not the president of red America or blue America, but “Comments Section” America.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. dawgxian

    The answer is the Senate. 47 votes was not enough to pass it. The GOP voted as a block for it


  24. HiAltDawg

    Vice President Biden is literally President Trump without the Hot Mic (and that’s coming. Knowing his penchant for plagiarism figure it’ll be word-for-word). He lies, makes things up, gropes women from the cradle to the grave, hooks his coked up son that got kicked out the Navy with shady deals and leverages his privilege as a panacea to the working class. He A) has my Primary vote; B) will probably get into a physical altercation with President Trump during a debate (Awesome); and, C) will probably be ineffective beyond the genericness he’s shown for his total career. I can’t wait for the Anti-Trump Humpers to turn themselves inside out defending him.

    But, to go back to the premise of the initial intent of this post: yeah, it’s a pretty creepy road to go down for the former Vice President. Considering his track record goes far to the right of today’s Democratic Platform he would be wiser (if it’s in him) to cloak himself in President Obama and slam dunk the turnout (in PA, FL, MI, WI) Secretary Clinton lacked in ’16. He literally can go to Philadelphia, Miami, Detroit, and Milwaukee, say “Got Hope” and get around 2% that voted for President Obama but stayed home in ’16. There’s your numbers.

    But what do I know, I predicted Trump was going to win Virginia in ’16.


  25. PTC DAWG

    Hell, the GT news threads are better than this.


  26. PTC DAWG

    After reading back, The Senator should be proud, he has Chili and Derek on his side. The rest of us, just too damn dumb.


  27. Gurkha Dawg

    Record low unemployment for African Americans, the state of Israel is naming a town after President Trump, and the leading contender for the Democratic nomination is buds with vicious racists. Clearly the Democratic Party is the party of racism, anti semitism, and hate. Why do you libs hate Trump so much when he does so much for the people that you claim to support?


  28. Xon

    So my question is — assuming he never died — when did Senator Eastland become someone that conservatives find outside the pale? As in not fit to represent people in public office, not fit to be associated with southern or conservative thought, not fit to have public reach and respect associated with his positions? When did racism go from a genuine problem supported by sitting U.S. Senators to a misleading non-problem used to smear good and honest white voters who don’t have a racist bone in their body? When did Eastland become an embarrassment that conservative voters don’t generally agree with? He sure as hell wasn’t a pariah in 1973. 1980? 1990? 2008? When did racism go from “real problem” to “that was then and now we’re better thanks”?


    • dawgxian

      Couple of ways to respond- when did it happen with the Democrats? Carter talked about being able to “maintain the purity of your neighborhood”. Robert Byrd, a former Klansman, used the N word in an interview in 2000. Hell, look at the governor of Va.
      In my case, I was raised by a big Reagan supporter. While he expressed occasional frustration that he blacks didn’t support the same policies he did, he never condoned denying blacks civil liberties or equal treatment under the law nor held a view that they were morally or intellectually inferior to whites. I’d say this is the part of the spectrum most conservatives live in. Btw- Reagan signed the bill to make MLK day a holiday and was endorsed by Josiah Williams, Ralph Abernathy, and Charles Edgars. They felt Carter was taking blacks for granted


  29. Derek

    World if you’re listening I’m a whore with larceny in my heart. Call me. I’ll listen. You’ll be richly rewarded. I don’t trust the FBI or US Intel either. Call me. Maybe there’s something in it for ya!

    If you support this guy you’re a traitor. And grossly irresponsible.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Gurkha Dawg

    About 6 months ago I thought Biden would be a real threat to Trump. Have u guys seen him lately? It’s really pitiful. I really thought he may have had a mild CVA. But I think it is the fact that he has been castrated by the “me too” movement. I thought he was figuratively castrated by the girls on the view, but now I think he may have been literally castrated by that merry band. He looks exactly like my dog looked after I had him “fixed”. Poor guy, I think he’s still pissed at me. Anyway, the commies are finished. The only chance they had was creepy Joe and he’s done. MAGA!


    • Gurkha Dawg

      Oh, did y’all hear Israel is naming a town after Trump!


    • Anonymous

      That is just his political handlers (i.e. his campaign team) trying to mitigate damage. Biden is a human gaffe machine. He has run for President several times now, and he is horrible at it. That is the general point of the Senator’s post today. James Eastland openly called for the genocide of black Americans. Biden claimed that he could work with a guy like Eastland, but he can’t work with someone as horrible as Trump because Trump said that Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists should be condemned totally (the horror!!).


  31. Derek

    If Biden stood on stage and said:

    “Iran if you’re listening, find and release Trump’s tax returns, I’m sure you’ll be richly rewarded.”

    How would you trump traitors respond?


    • HiAltDawg

      Guaranteed in a manner to send you into a tizzy.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Most would probably chuckle at the joke. The dumber would probably give some variation of your, “REEEEEE!!!1!!11!” argument.


    • Anonymous

      You say that as if Trumps tax return’s, which have been audited by the IRS multiple times in the past few years, are the equivalent of Hillary’s private email server where she stored classified information. Some of that information was Top Secret / Special Access Programs. Her only “saving grace” is that she probably wasn’t cleared to have the information in the first place and didn’t know it was classified. SAP information is the most classified data our government holds. An example would be if we had a mole in Putin’s most inner circle. The identity of the mole, the identity of the mole’s handler, and instructions to re-establish contact in the event of the handler’s murder, are examples of information that would be SAP when included in a single document. That is obviously the moral equivalent of being able to prove that Trump, a guy whose brand is lying about how much he is worth, is lying about how much he is worth. Totally the same, my dude.


      • Derek

        We definitely want to Russians to find the classified information more than we want Iranians to find trump’s taxes, dude. Dude? Dude. Seriously dude?!

        You stupid dude.

        He stood on a stage and said: Russia if you’re listening find Hillary’s emails you’ll be richly rewarded.

        But that’s ok because he was only asking for an adversary to find American secrets to win an election. Trump’s taxes? Different and stuff.


        Borrow a brain.


        • Anonymous

          Dude, you are deranged to the point where you cannot recognize a joke. He wasn’t asking Russia to hack her email server as it had been off-line for three months at that point.

          Also, congrats on missing the point of my point as always. My point was that his tax returns are pointless. He has been audited multiple times and everyone knows he is not worth nearly as much as he says he is.


          • Derek

            Fuck you. You’re an idiot. The Russians hacked the DNC servers AFTER this request. The russians released the podesta e-mails AFTER this request.

            The point is asking a foreign adversary for help in your election is wrong. Pretty simple, dick. It isn’t the subjective value of the request, moron.

            Asking China for Biden’s Junior High grades doesn’t become ok, because you think its not important. Its the ask that’s important not the subject matter, idiot.

            That you are unable to get this elementary point while being distracted by irrelevancies makes it clear that you’re a damn fool.

            You and boner should meet up and go get a vasectomy. I’ll send the doc my cc #.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              The right wing is just deranged enough to think that jokes are a thing! Jokes aren’t even real you idiots! It’s literally as bad as the Holocaust!


            • Anonymous

              You are trying to evade the point. The servers had been offline for 3 months. It was a joke. Deal with it.

              Also, I will kindly ask you to present any evidence (I mean actual evidence not claims by spies or “journalist activists”) that Russia was behind the DNC or Podesta leaks. I mean ANY evidence. AFAIK, there is nothing except baseless accusations. Wikileaks has claimed that the DNC “hack” was a leak by an insider. It is known that the Podesta “hack” was a fishing attack. I have seen zero evidence that points to anyone.

              As a side note, I am willing to be that Russia did hack Hillary’s server though. I’m also willing to be that China, North Korea, Iran, Israel, and ISIS did as well.

              Repeatedly calling me names does nothing except make you look like a deranged fool. Keep it up. You seem to think that I write my posts in an attempt to change your mind. I don’t.


              • Derek

                If you hate America you won’t believe a word of it, but here it is:

                Click to access ICA_2017_01.pdf



                • Napoleon BonerFart


                • Anonymous

                  I have seen the document before. It contains accusations but no evidence. The “evidence” presented is “the Guccifer 2.0 character made contradictory statements to the press about his identity” and “Putin said it was important that the DNC data was exposed to Wikileaks”. That isn’t evidence. That is nothing. The document says nothing of the Podesta hack.

                  They keep saying “we access with a high degree of certainty” (which is a bullshit phrase BTW that means “they might have done it). That is the exact phrase used to claim that Iraq had WMDs which we all know was another lie. Russia may have been behind the hacks, but there has been zero evidence released.


                • Anonymous

                  Oh, I should not that I was a few drinks in when I wrote the previous messages. I mean to say “there is not evidence that Russia are the ones that gave the DNC or Podesta emails to Wikileaks”. Russia, China, Israel, and others most likely hacked the DNC without anyone knowing.


  32. Andy

    I come here to escape all the political bullshit. Hate to see it here


  33. dawgxian

    How about this: if the economy is good, Trump is nearly assured to win. If it’s not, he’s guaranteed to lose. It’s beyond any of our control, love him or hate him. Now, can we stop hating each other?


  34. Faulkner

    I’m glad we have Derek screaming traitor on so many posts. When it comes out what some of our allies did to set up the Trump campaign, we can come back to its meaning and who was actually working with foreign governments to sway our election. Some of Mueller Russian spies are not even Russian. GCHQ, Italian intelligence etc… The OIG report, FISA will help bring some things out of the dark. Also, how is it possible to claim the Russians hacked the DNC servers when they were never turned over to the FBI? Since when do private 3rd parties decide who broke the law?
    Biden and his son Hunter are going to have issues with what they did in the Ukraine and China.
    Just a few thoughts to ponder as we move forward with the playpen these next few months.


    • Napoleon BonerFart


    • Derek

      We’re not allowed to reflect on its meaning until the facts suit you?

      In the meantime, let’s just say you’re a traitor for now, that’s settled, and we’ll see how long before you can claim you’re not alone?

      Happy now, traitor?


      • Faulkner

        You can reflect on its meaning whenever you want. The fact is you are pointing the treason finger at the wrong people. Why does bringing these points up make me a traitor? Is it because you don’t like the thought that maybe your reality of the situation is going to be turned upside down and that pisses you off?


        • Derek

          No. Not at all.

          If you:

          ask Russia to help your campaign.
          have 3 senior advisors meet with a Russian Government official for oppo research
          Have a campaign chairman who gives polling data to a Russian agent
          Change the party platform to benefit Russian interests
          have a noticeable spike in nefarious Russian activity on the day you’re caught talking about grabbing pussy
          Announce on the eve of your re-election bid that you’re open to hearing oppo research from foreign governments

          There’s enough for me to say you’re a scumbag and a traitor. You support the above, so are you. Doesn’t mean that there are not more scum bags and traitors. I’m just dealing with the ones in front of me for now.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Thinking is treasonous you fucking fucker! You’re really not prepared to trust Comey, Clapper, and Brennan just because they hate Trump and sometimes lie? Fuck off! Mueller proved beyond any doubt that Trump might not be innocent. What more can you want?


  35. rchris

    Interesting to have Talmadge and Trump in the post. His dad Eugene invented “fake news”. Only it was “them lying Atlanta newspapers!”


  36. Jared S.

    I was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. I’m white and a registered Republican. I believe James Eastland was not just out of touch or a product of his times. I believe he was actually a despicable human being.

    Ha, but I feel the same way about Trump.

    I’m in the unfortunate place of believing that our president is awful (truly unbelievably awful) while also believing every single Democrat candidate would not be any better.

    The good news is I used to think John Kasich would be too old to run in 2024 (he’ll be 72), but these days that’s young!

