A.B.C., no matter who’s coachin’.

That was quick.

And the need for speed is spelled out in Seth’s tweet.


UPDATE:  Here’s the official version.

Note the twin titles.


Filed under Georgia Football, Recruiting

86 responses to “A.B.C., no matter who’s coachin’.

  1. Kdawg

    Nice! I like the hire. Maybe he can bring an associate OC with him.

    I’d love to see Cade Mays pancake a DL next year and then go for the lift the leg dog pee celebration!

    Will Luke be with the team in New Orleans? Any Ole Miss recruits he can flip I wonder? The kids seem to love him.


  2. It’s done.


  3. FisheriesDawg

    Also notice Laremy Tunsil’s name on there. That’s an interesting bit of irony for UGA to be touting.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Will (the other one)

    He’s also been a co-OC under Cutcliffe (at 3 different spots) and Freeze when they absolutely demolished Kirby’s first UGA team, and worked with both an air raid-ish OC in Longo and the inventor of the smashmouth spread in Rich Rod, so dude has a wide range of offenses he’s worked with. He’s also been a TEs coach, so if maybe Hartley gets the one-and-done treatment (TEs were iffy in both catching and blocking, and the top TE recruits have pledged elsewhere), he could fill in there too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bulldog Joe

    Welcome aboard, Coach Luke. 🙂

    But this likely means more continuity in our offensive approach. ;-(


  6. First visit should be in Rome and the next should be in Live Oak, FL.


    • Starbreaker

      Read that he is already visiting SVP and Lindberg today…makes sense in terms of proximity and keeping the OL commits in tow.


      • It does but Tennessee is now a threat to steal Tate and I would like to lock down the Braun kid, though, I suspect these kids are smart and will hear Luke out.


        • Starbreaker

          For sure, need to lock those guys up…guess he’ll hit them on the way to Athens tomorrow, haha.


        • Silver Creek Dawg

          I live in Rome and i doubt seriously Tate Ratledge ends up in Knoxville if he decommits from UGA. The UT fans went apeshit crazy trashing his daddy for pulling the UT decal off his truck after his son committed elsewhere. The son was seriously peeved by that.


  7. GruvenDawg

    Excited to get Matt Luke as Pittman’s replacement. Grand slam hire. Doesn’t look like we are going to move on from Coley. That means if there is going to be real change then Fountain is likely the odd man out. Hopefully they bring in someone like Will Hall as a passing game coordinator per the Staples article.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Russ

    Seems like a good hire. I thought he did a decent job as HC at Ole Miss, given the constraints.


  9. I do find it weird that he gets Ass. HC title without ever having coached here. Hopefully that doesn’t cause issues.


  10. Otto

    I like the hire. I also have a couple of questions which will likely come out. Was Ole Miss in the running for in the OL recruits in doubt or any one else?

    Did UGA hire him at a discount with Ole Miss paying part of the tab (an area of the process which also fits the UGA way)?

    It is a big splash just before signing day showing UGA can get big name coaches. He is well respected with NFL UGA lineman backing the hire.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Mark

    I would say all the circumstances would be grounds for Plumlee to enter the portal. We’ve discussed before that he’s not the complete answer at qb but it’d sure be fun to make others DCs prepare for him.

    Liked by 2 people

    • gastr1

      Why in the world would he do that, though? Unless you;re thinking for the year after Fromm is gone?

      (I have to believe Jake returns next year, based on perceptions of his performance this year…sans any inside info or other scuttlebutt.)


      • Mayor

        It’s actually occurred to me that this season may be Jake’s last in Athens. Getting worse not better. Receivers less than wonderful. The OC he played best for and apparently liked left for UT and it looks to me like he and Coley aren’t necessarily on the same page. Rather than another year of the same a chance at the NFL maybe isn’t so unattractive even if you get drafted in the 3rd round rather than the first round like you thought before. Another year with Coley and maybe he doesn’t get drafted at all. Something to think about.


        • The other Doug

          If Fromm is completing 50% of his passes by November Smart will move on to another QB, and if someone has a great summer they might beat him out before Bama.


    • spottieottie

      I’m secretly hoping for this as well, but I’d have to imagine Lane is going to be a strong reason to stay at Ole Miss.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. W Cobb Dawg

    Good move. Gotta like the idea of getting an experienced coach who checks every box.

    I don’t have anything against Hartley or Hankton, but the question is whether we could’ve and should’ve looked for better candidates.

    Now get Jake the best QB coach/passing game expert we can find (which he eminently deserves, by the way).


  13. True. Kirby’s original staff has now been gutted and the few remaining guys have all been promoted. It would be nice to get a couple years with these guys but I suspect Lanning and maybe another will be gone after next year. Kirby needs him a Venables.


  14. 3rdandGrantham

    Huge get, and as I mentioned the other day, if we landed Luke I would sleep like a baby.


  15. Doug

    I’m not exactly well-versed in the field of offensive line coaching, but I’m excited about this hire. As far as coaches we could reasonably stand a chance of landing, I can’t think of anyone who tops Luke in terms of depth/breadth of experience.

    And if what I’ve heard over the last couple weeks is true, his Ole Miss players were really upset to see him get the ax. Hope that means he’s a dynamic guy who builds a good rapport with his players, which seemed to be a couple of Pittman’s big strengths.


  16. Salty Dawg

    I’m glad we have a ‘name’ coach and it seems he will have the Kirbster’s respect. Hopefully Kirbs will listen to Matt’s views and opinions. As the Senator says, hopefully is doing some heavy lifting.


  17. Brandon M

    Kind of funny how stuff works. If he turns out to be a great hire, which I think he will, we should all send thank you cards to the kid at Ole Miss who peed in the end zone.


  18. Texas Dawg

    This makes the day a little brighter. Great hire! Hopefully he can retain all the commits that Pittman had reeled in. Now if we can just do something about……..(fill in the blank)


  19. Texas Dawg

    From UGAWIRE
    “Now, Georgia will turn its focus to the Early Signing Day, which is only 8 days away, as well as re-tooling the offensive staff.”
    I have a feeling that this is about as much retooling of the offensive staff as there is going to be. I hope I am wrong.


    • Will (the other one)

      Coley doesn’t need to get canned for the offense to get better. I remember the old Minnesota OC getting brought in as quality control making a big difference in Chaney from year 1 to year 2. And on the more recent side, Ensminger stayed LSU’s OC, Brady was simply brought in as a new pass game coordinator (and maybe QB coach).


      • Texas Dawg

        Analyst, coordinator, ….what ever you want to call the hire, but a hire needs to be made. If Coley is to remain, then he needs significant help like Ensminger got. At the VERY LEAST Jake needs a real QB coach to help him regain his previous form. His mechanics markedly regressed this year and that was not my opinion but several of the color guys on broadcast (and I agree). Sure the receivers were a part of his regression, but they were only one piece of the puzzle.


  20. practicaldawg

    I feel bad for all our rivals that would have enjoyed at least one full week of saying Kirby’s machine is in full implosion

    Liked by 1 person

    • Texas Dawg

      FROM 24/7 SPORTS
      “On the Rich Eisen Show on Monday, national college football analyst Bruce Feldman floated the idea of Florida coach Dan Mullen being the man to replace longtime Cowboys coach Jason Garrett this offseason.”
      Maybe it is Gayturd nation that is in full implosion. I’m not sure how to feel about this. Sideshow Dan makes such an easy target that you would hate to see him leave while on the other hand he is such a dick head that it would be nice to see him leave.


    • Don’t feel bad. Screw them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Texas Dawg

        I would never feel bad for the ‘turds. I would feel bad for us not having him as a punching bag and as the butt of jokes. Florida might go out and hire a real coach that could make them dangerous. As it stands, they are right at the level where we need them to be They are just good enough to provide us with a quality win each year without posing any real danger unless lady luck intervenes.

        Liked by 1 person

  21. Duronimo

    I like the fact that Pittman is leaving. Heavy hogs are not the right fit for a modern offense. HIs guys were confined to the “box”. They couldn’t “pull”, nor were they quick enough to do zone blocking. Consequently, we were never attacked the edges with numbers, wasting the talent of our elite backs. I reference Kyle Shannahan’s Falcon offenses to underscore my point. Luke is going to be a major improvement.

    Liked by 1 person

    • practicaldawg

      I’m also not convinced Pittman can reach his full potential without his pal Chaney on the same staff. I think we may have lost part of Pittman when Chaney left. It is what it is.


      • Derek

        Can’t deny the recruiting prowess Pittman brought BUT we never really did bully anyone and seeing Isiah Wilson get whipped over and over again by Chaisson was not fun to watch.

        I really thought we’d see something similar to what Alabama had in 2012 when they had two backs go 8 yards a carry before we touched them in the seccg. And given that we’re going to have the same qb and wrs we’re going to need to move people.


  22. Remember the Quincy

    Related to this post [because it’s about Luke], but is there a worse writer out there than Connor Riley at DawgNation? I have almost completely stopped clicking on his articles, but I was curious to read Kirby’s statement on the Luke hiring. The first paragraph is unbelievably atrocious:

    “Georgia has a new offensive line coach in Matt Luke, as Georgia officially announced Matt Luke as the replacement for Sam Pittman, who left to be the Arkansas head coach. Luke will be Georgia’s head coach as well as Associate Head Coach.”


    Liked by 2 people

  23. Cojones

    Glad we got him. Now I can go back to reading the comments after the doomsayers have retired from the field.

    How are the tickets going for NOLA? Was going to watch the prices for 5 good seats (3 family guests from Ca.) on the UGA side. No worry about tickets overall since Baylor is rumored among the ticket sellers as not traveling well. We will see.


  24. Cojones

    My thanks to all of you. illinidawg and jaboo52, thanks for your experiences and they match up with what one ticket seller told me yesterday; just wait at least until Christmas since the prices probably will come down drastically. If it was a Playoff game, the demand would take them higher, but for a bowl game, they head lower at that venue.
