A brief bad news buffet

Let’s get it out of the way…

  • You know the expression, “don’t make a federal case out of it”?  I think this is what they’re talking about.
  • And you never know what an open records request will turn up.  In this case, we’ve got UGA penalizing itself over football recruits receiving discounted or free school apparel three times between March 2017 and January 2019.  (Weiszer hints that may be tied to the Dacia King dismissal.)  Oh, and let’s hear it for diligence:  “The other football violation on Oct. 30 occurred when a football player’s photo was posted on a commercial entity’s social media account wearing their product. The player granted permission to use the photo without knowing how it would be used, the school said. The player wasn’t paid by the company.The school had the photo removed on the same day it was posted and the player received rules education.”


Filed under Georgia Football, Recruiting, See You In Court

34 responses to “A brief bad news buffet

  1. DawgFaithful

    You can’t even cum in a guy’s Powerade bottle anymore without it winding up in the paper. It’s just a little protein for crying out loud. What is the world coming to?

    I’d deny deny deny if I was Webb. How do they plan to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt? How do you quantify drinking a little cum into a monetary value? What “damages” are they suing for? What dumbass drinks a week old Powerade from the top of the lockers that the seal has been broken on?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Greg

    Concur (federal case).


    • DawgFaithful

      Do the Feds have the actual bottle? Do they have a semen sample from Webb and the bottle? Even if you can prove that Webb discharged a body fluid into the bottle, and that’s gonna be tough, how do you prove that it was semen? This was over a year ago. Somebody needs to have a talk with this Dad.

      Hey Dad, your son drank a little cum. It’s not the end of the world. It’s embarrassing. I get it. He’s alive and healthy though. Time to move on with your life sir. It’s not like he was held down and forced to drink it. In the future I would only drink from Powerade bottles that haven’t been opened yet. It’s a good lesson for anyone.


      • The “Feds” don’t have any evidence. It a civil case being handled in Federal Court, not a criminal prosecution. Whatever evidence exists is in the possession of the plaintiff, the defendants or 3rd parties.


      • Dawg1

        Really, I think bringing this into court is far more damaging than if it happened.


  3. Biggen

    There are some rumors going around that the plaintiff kept stealing Webb’s drinks over the course of the season. He had had enough and decided to even the score. The plaintiff then stole it again however, unbeknownst to him, Webb had a surprise for him.

    Payback is a bitch for the plaintiff.


    • RangerRuss

      My brothers worked a factory job where they stored their lunch in a common fridge. One old cat was bad to steal lunch rather than bring his own. Some of the boys made a baloney sammich with a human feces center. Sure enough the chow thief took the bait and came out fighting. That got the shit eater fired.
      I don’t necessarily approve of such antics. However, a thief has to live with the repercussions of his crimes. Gives new meaning to toxic masculinity. It is a thing in a Man’s culture.


  4. Bright Idea

    Damn, these high school kids getting themselves sued. And that baseball coach not being in the locker room and showers every minute so he could be accused of being a pervert. Are NCAA rules simply the modern day speed trap? I read this stuff and wonder who thought of it.


    • ASEF

      What does the NCAA have to do with this?

      Coach in the locker room just comes down to the school district policy.


  5. Damn. I know of several incidents of piss in Gatorade and beer cans from back in high school, but semen???!!! That was quite a bit over the top.


  6. Tronan

    Powerade: guaranteed to make you spunky. Shudder.

    Regarding bullet point #2, the NCAA can cram it with walnuts. Or with a Powerade cocktail.


  7. Russ

    Did I miss it here? Saw Swift’s announcement about turning pro. Good luck to him. Hope he does well in the pros, gets paid and gets out with his health.


  8. Mayor

    Case will likely get settled. There may be coverage for this under Webb’s father’s homeowner’s policy and the school has liability insurance covering the coach. I would think this would be too embarrassing for all parties to want to take it to trial.


  9. Gurkha Dawg

    At least he didn’t drink from an open liquor bottle in the D.R. Some of the comments to the article were pretty funny. One stated that Webb was looking at a picture of Kirby while masturbating. Have we found the secret to Kirby’s recruiting success?


    • Clt_Dawg

      Not sure, but I got the feeling we’re all getting punked when I read that John Doe’s father is Dick Doe. There has to be a joke in there somewhere.


  10. 69Dawg

    It’s a Civil suit in Federal court. Two things, does anybody think this would be happening if the guy had signed with BAMA and the plaintiff must hope Webb can go to the pros and make a bunch of money. If I was on the jury I would find for the plaintiff but award one dollar ( because he waited so long to bring the case.)


  11. Hobnail_Boot

    In middle school I took a huge gulp out of a Diet Coke can, only to discover that one of the older kids was using it as a dip spit can.

    Learned that open-container rule real quick.


  12. Gurkha Dawg

    Bad news “buffet”. I see what you did there.


  13. I can’t say exactly what I would do if I was the dad but one goal would be to put it the fuck behind my son and family. Unless my aim was just to get some money I’d be looking at moving on.


  14. Mark

    How about some good news? LeCounte is staying for his senior year!



    • Like me some Lecounte


    • JROD

      An updated version of LeCounte and Fromm’s 2016 recruiting videos would be really cool.


    • Gurkha Dawg

      Nice to see. Our D is gonna be kick ass next year. I’m kinda surprised LeCounte is staying. I thought he would fall prey to some agent whispering in his ear how much money he could get for him next year.

      Does anyone know if anyone else is seriously considering leaving early?


  15. JROD

    Don’t get me started…the NCAA and college athletics are facing huge issues that have the potential of changing the game forever (if it hasn’t already,) and the NCAA is the most chickenshit organization on the planet…


  16. Russ

    More good news. Dawgs just beat #9 Memphis at their place. First top 10 road win for the Dawgs since 2004. Awesome defense from the Hoop Dawgs!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Macallanlover

    So, if John Doe gets impregnated by Clay Webb’ sperm, spits out a 5 star football player that goes to Bama, and then gets drafted highly by the NFL, would Webb be awarded a stud fee from the federal judge at some point down the road? Just trying to follow the logic that is going on in our legal system these days.


  18. ASEF

    As someone who almost sued a high school coach, my motivation was primarily anger over the coach’s and school’s inability to acknowledge what happened and own the mistake. I wasn’t going to let it get swept under the rug.

    Contacting a lawyer who spent years on the school board got the assistant superintendent involved, and he arbitrated a meeting. The incident went onto the coach’s record. I walked away satisfied that the coach understood everyone knew what he had done.

    I am not saying that is what happened here, but schools can be damned difficult to deal with when they just want something to go away.
