The least self-aware person in America

This guy.

Honestly, I don’t think the connection ever crossed his mind.  Which explains how he ran Baylor, not to put too fine a point on it.


Filed under Baylor Is Sensitive To Women's Issues

11 responses to “The least self-aware person in America

  1. SpellDawg

    The duo that defended Jeffrey Epstein were good for a few hearty laughs while shaking my head last week. There truly are no bounds for some people…


  2. ASEF

    One of the head-shaking “benefits” of these “reality bubbles” people live in is the complete disconnect with shame. Urban Myer didn’t do anything wrong; an evil and jealous press attacked a successful man just to bring him down. Ken’s living the same fantasy. And providing similar service to others. It’s a mutual masturbation society.


  3. Go Dawgs!

    I know that most of the people who were in charge have long since moved on, but I definitely savored every second of beating the brakes off of Baylor in the Sugar Bowl, because the fans who carried water for those people are absolutely still there.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I absolutely contend that Baylor should have been burned to the ground as an institution and it’s full endowment distributed to the people it allowed to be harmed because all it cared about was having a good football program, but that’s just my two pennies.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ugafidelis

        I agree wholeheartedly.


      • Not sure if the whole place should have been burnt down, but those folks (starr included) should have paid a higher price for what appeared to be lack of institutional control…which sends you looking at the ncaa for lack of willingness to call it as it needs to ( I’m looking at you pedí state/ so cal /fuckin Auburn)

        Liked by 1 person

    • MDDawg

      I hope that we never have to find out, but I suspect we’d have some similar fans in our own fanbase if that type of scandal were to occur at UGA.


  4. Rules are for people that Ken Starr does not like.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. duronimo

    “…. it’s why WE don’t allow …..,” says the deep state lizard, admitting to be part of the rule-making elite. As George Carlin once said, “They have a club …. and you ain’t in it.” Those who rule via the vote or via the deep state apparatus, don’t follow the rules they make for us. Perhaps you’ve noticed.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 86BONE

    As my Grandfather the Judge once said…”There’s nothing wrong with Good ‘ol Boy Politics….as long as you’re a Good ‘ol Boy”
