Zen and the art of recruiting

It appears that Kirby has learned one of the true pearls of middle age wisdom:  life is too short, sometimes.


Filed under Georgia Football, Recruiting

14 responses to “Zen and the art of recruiting

  1. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    After Brenton Cox almost getting into a fight with Dan Lanning, there’s no need to go chasing after another idiot kid who actually did get into a fight with his coach when told to give up his phone according to team rules. Seriously… the moron fought his coach over a phone.

    No matter how talented you are, stupid & entitled are two characteristics that when combined together are never worth the trouble.

    Let the Sideshow Dan the Clowns of the world take on those head cases. Kirby’ll sit by and watch those guys pull apart his rivals while we build great teams. Now if he can just get out of his own way and leave Monken alone, we will have our best chance since 2017 to win the who damn thing.


  2. practicaldawg

    Mullen feels the same way about all 5 star recruits as he gets more wiser. They’re just not worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Go Dawgs!

    Was there a big flashing light over his head that said “I’M TALKING ABOUT ZACH EVANS”?


    • stoopnagle

      He’s sort of got Tennessee written all over him now doesn’t he?


      • Will (the other one)

        That would been entertaining at the very least. A player who’s allegedly fought his coaches, playing for a HC who allegedly tried to fight with other coaches when a DC, who’s still a bit too hands-on with players when they make mistakes? First time Evans misses a blitz pickup in a game they’d fight on the sidelines.


  4. Evans may be a world beater, but I think our two guys are going to be darn good players.

    Kirby is right. You want great players who are bought in and disciplined.


    • Derek

      The most important thing is having values that transcend wins and losses. When you focus on the ends and not the means, you’re lost. What is the value of winning if you sold your soul to do it?

      I personally would rather be 40 years without a trophy than have a sullied trophy like UF’s 2008 trophy or Auburn’s 2010 trophy.


      • Texas Dawg

        Exactly. They are still trying to remove the stink left behind in Florida. Auburn, well it smells like that all the time.


  5. Dawgflan

    Could Mullen be seen in the background ripping up a copy of Kirby’s speech?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. FlyingPeakDawg

    Kirby is…well, Smart. Tending to culture is an important part of the brand. Saban is not just about winning, but more about attitude. (notice he’s not in the mix for Evans either).


  7. BuffaloSpringfield

    That actually comes from the wisdom of having spent $3+Mil. on crutin’. That’s some great hindsight right there.
