
Absolutely hate it for him, after making it back once.  Hope he’s got it in him to try again.


Filed under Georgia Football

31 responses to “Argh!


    Sucks…maybe Zamir can lend some advice..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Derek


    I hope its not the same knee. If so, he could be done.

    Seems to me that the guys we’ve had that had the sane knee injured twice have never played again:



  3. dawgtired7

    Well that stinks. I had high hopes he would compliment Pickens. I hope the best for him. In the mean time let’s see who steps up.


  4. Terrible news … hope he is able to recover and come back. If not, get your degree, young man.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      That degree may require a medical disqualification…

      CKS ain’t keeping him on the 85 if he isn’t going to be able to play. CMR would have.


      • Tony BarnFart

        Pretty sure (some number of ?) medical DQs can go over the 85 limit. Meaning, the kid still gets his school paid for but does not count against the limit.


      • Tony BarnFart

        I think I misinterpreted what you’re saying. Yea, don’t know……I don’t think Kirby is going to be nefarious about it, but if somebody can’t play for multiple years, he may not have much of a choice.


      • There’s no way he cuts him loose without a MDQ. If he takes away the scholarship, shame on Kirby. I don’t give a damn about cold-blooded sausage making or whatever. We owe the education to him even he can’t play again.

        Liked by 1 person

        • He’ll play again. It is his hands that make him special.


        • Derek

          Here is the distinction, you can decide its relevance in your mind. I think its important:

          CMR kept Hollis on athletic scholarship well after it was obvious that he’d never be able to play. But Albert thought he might. So we kept that dream alive no matter how unrealistic. Did the same thing with a safety (Antonio Sims??). Probably others I can’t recall. No one was forced to take a medical dq under cmr as far as I’m aware.

          Saban would medical dq people who then transferred and suited up at other places only months later.

          The significance of a medical disqualification is you can’t play at your chosen school anymore. In fact, Saban had more medical dqs in 2007 and 2008 than the entire country had over the same period. He was just chucking people off the roster based on bs medical reports.

          So if CKS decides Dom is done and medically disqualifies him, he can’t play at Georgia again.

          You can choose whether Dom should decide whether he’s done playing at georgia or whether CKS decides when he’s done playing at georgia.

          If a kid wants to strive to get back and puts in the work, I say you have to stuck with him. Ymmv.


  5. Damn, man. I hate this.


  6. That sucks! It’s irrelevant now but it seems like he came back too soon.

    Any word on why Branch left? Boy, he wasn’t here long.


    • Derek

      I think we have to trust Courson on this.

      If not, it’ll be a helluva a lawsuit.

      Some guys are just fragile and/or unlucky.


      • I thought that after I posted it. Recoveries are quicker now but it doesn’t mean the body always holds up.


      • He’s got a Twitter account. I know personally that, especially with an injury, these guys appreciate feeling the love. For a 20-year-old who just did this already, he feels like he’s looking at forever before he plays again.


  7. debbybalcer

    I hate this for him. Praying he can rehab and play again.


  8. practicaldawg

    Another day in 2020

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 2020 is one never ending kick in the nuts.
