Manball isn’t dead.

At least not according to Pat Forde.

The Bulldogs have become the most punishing second-half team in America. They trailed both Arkansas and Tennessee at halftime, then won the final two quarters of those games by a combined 59-3. This is a physical, powerful team that has exerted its will on all three opponents it has faced. There is still ample room for improvement offensively, and questions remain about whether quarterback Stetson Bennett is someone you can win a championship within the new, shootout-oriented SEC. But so far, so very good for the ‘Dawgs.

I bet that made the hair on Kirby’s arms stand on end.


Filed under Georgia Football

35 responses to “Manball isn’t dead.

  1. I’ll take “down at the half and blow them out in the second half” any day over “lead at the half and cling desperately to a 7-point lead for 20 minutes of the game.”

    Liked by 5 people

  2. gotthepicture

    The funny thing is that last week Josh Pate was touting how Tennessee was built on an excellent OL, with great RBs and a solid defense and they would just out physical you into submission. To be fair, he didn’t say that would lead to a Tenn win vs Georgia, but still had praise for that approach which is counter to the offense-first approach most teams use. However, as he made his point, I couldn’t help but think, “isn’t that the same thing that everyone criticized Georgia for last year? Oh, and with less overall talent.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. When you have a defense as talented as ours, you can take offenses with less talent and suffocate the life out of them. Pruitt and Chaney gave up on running the football because their vaunted offensive line couldn’t move us. When you can control the running game using a 4-2-5 base look, offenses really have no chance. I hope we can do that on Saturday because Najee Harris and the Bama offensive line were eventually the difference on Saturday night.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. practicaldawg

    The UF-LSU game should be a dandy. From the same article:

    “ Florida (2), a Top Ten defense nationally in 2019, is giving up 190 yards more per game in 2020. The Gators have surrendered 24 or more points in their first three games for the first time in school history.

    LSU (3) isn’t just being strafed defensively; it’s being strafed by teams whose offenses have been impotent against other opponents. Mississippi State is averaging 357.5 yards and 8 points in two games against teams other than LSU, but gashed the Tigers for 632 yards and 44 points. Missouri is averaging 333 yards and 15.5 points against teams other than LSU, but blitzed Bo Pelini’s defense for 586 yards and 45 points.”

    I think UF probably wins 72-68.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How many times were we in 3rd and 7? How many times did we run up the middle on 1st? How many times did we telegraph what we were doing when we ran Zeus onto the field on 1st down? I’m pretty salty about how quickly folks are ready to replace him with the latest and greatest because he struggled. Let any of these other guys have 20 carries with the vast majority coming on 1st between the tackles.

    Regardless of who is in the backfield, 3rd and long has been Georgia’s offensive kryptonite for far too long and t’s probably not gonna cut it this Saturday.


    • They’re better on third and long this year than they’ve been. Check out the situational stats for passing and rushing. It’s been third and medium where the running game has been ineffective.


      • Biggen

        I was gonna say that Bennett has been clutch on 3rd down this year. We may score a TD on UF every 3rd down when we play them.


        • ugafidelis

          I had a FU fan friend finally admit that 3rd and Grantham is real yesterday.

          Liked by 4 people

          • RangerRuss

            Yeeeeeah. Nice isn’t it. They’re talking all this shootout shit. Their body language gives away their true feelings. Slumped shoulders and pigeon chest. But I ain’t talkn no smack. Dawgs got to do their job.


      • I had no doubt that is been better this year but Saturday reminded me of that last guy with all the first down runs. Credit to UT’s defense, though- they basically took Pickens out of the game, allowed our run game for much of the game and had our OL struggling. I’m still waiting to hear how bad Cleveland is hurt.


      • originaluglydawg

        It felt like we were behind the chains of second down the whole game. Second and short is where you have your greatest big play opportunity. Fortunately Stetson and his receivers made up for it most of the time.
        The few times we threw on first down were pretty nice. And I agree with jaboo52 that Zamir was hampered by predictability on first down runs…although I thought he looked a step slow hitting the hole when there was one. He seems tentative to just blast through unless he sees the daylight and he’s very good when that happens. He’s one of those patient backs that waits for the hole to open. But it’s hard to accomplish when the D knows it’s coming (the other backs just take off…if the daylight isn’t there they veer off and find something.) So I just think the Vols knew when Zamir’s number was going to be called.


    • gastr1

      Zeus had a clear TD on the last play before the half. But he didn’t get low enough and/or didn’t see the hole. That’s concerning, IMO. But obviously he too can watch the film and make adjustments.

      Liked by 1 person

    • about everytime #3 was in he game it was a run with him, or sure seemed that way 2nd half. They totally keyed on him. He had some moments he could have run better, but it was pretty ridiculous. #3 is in, so 2 LBs go where he went. 2nd half one possession he was in 3 plays, 3 runs, 2 were IZ, 4th and long and punt. Just an utter waste of series. It makes me mad a Kirby. He is trying not to turn over and grind, but if you are trying to grind and not moving chains then you are doing the nose to spite face thing. At least mix it up enough to get a couple of first downs. Maybe work a FG.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. The line on Saturday’s game moved fairly quickly. Opened at 6.5-7 and was down to 4-5 in just a few hours. People jumped on us early but I have a feeling it’ll end up at 6.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Skeptic Dawg

    Bennett was pretty bad in the first half. The OL was a mess. The two 4th down calls were pretty terrible. But then came the 2nd half and our defense. What a sight to see that was! This defense is loaded with size, speed and talent. They are a fun group to watch. The D should keep keep us in most every game. After 3 games I still have my doubts about Bennett. I believe that Bennett is an average QB who lacks the required arm strength and height. I also believe that he is our best option at QB right now, which doesn’t say a lot about the remaining QB’s. Our top two RB’s as of today are McIntosh and Milton.


    • gastr1

      You have to give Bennett credit for having exceptional mobility and the requisite moxie, though. I mean, if he plays well against Alabama too, that’s clearly going to be good enough, eh?


      • bcdawg97

        100% if he pulls out the win against Bama, most doubts are likely erased. But there is a reason he was a walk on to start and those limitations never really go away. I’ll be happy to be wrong but I just don’t see him performing at a level to beat Bama’s D, who you know is gonna be PISSED after Ole Miss and hearing how terrible they are all week. Again, the OL/running game is gonna have to be clicking to give Bennett the room he needs to operate effectively.

        Liked by 1 person

      • originaluglydawg

        I hope that you will confirm that your post is purely rhetorical.
        You’ve been a GTPer forever…surely you don’t expect Skeptic to agree to any such thing.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. bcdawg97

    I think Saturday comes down to our OL. They’ve got to be able to create some running room for the RBs which would then open up the passing game. If Bama makes us one dimensional and we have to chuck the ball 30-40 times, I don’t think that game ends pretty. But if we can remain 2 dimensional on O, our D is salty enough to keep it a one score game.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Teacher Martin

    Finneran said on 680 this morning that it looks like the same offense he has seen before


  10. originaluglydawg

    Dream a little.
    Monken saw what two athletic qbs did to Bama’s D. We all know Stetson isn’t Plumlee. So what to do? Put two QBs in the backfield at the same time. Not just as a one and out trick play, but enough to make Saban burn his timeouts. Put Dwan in the shotgun with Stetson and another back beside him. “Time- Out, Defense”. Then after the TO…line up Stetson under center and Dwan as the deep RB. Bama has to account for the deep throw from Dwan and the short stuff from Stetson..or a draw play after a fake pump to the extra QB. You can do lots of with this. Can you install it in a week? No. But maybe it’s already been in the hopper and worked on. If you can do it in a HUNH then you can freak out the defense.


  11. Brent Henry

    Kirby’s “arm hair” stand on end…

    I had a completely body part stand on end…

    And needed some alone time!
