Bold predictions ain’t what they used to be.

The GPOOE™ really goes out on a limb here.


NARRATOR’S VOICE: Kentucky has rushed for fewer than 100 yards more times than it’s rushed for 300+ yards this season.



Filed under Media Punditry/Foibles, SEC Football

14 responses to “Bold predictions ain’t what they used to be.

  1. chopdawg

    D, JD, Timmy! Hope you’re right.


  2. The Truth

    “The teams will run out on the field to start the game, not walk.”


  3. siskey

    I am too biased against Tebow to be rational in regards to him but that being said there is no way he is of average intelligence. Good on him for all of his success but he wouldn’t place in a homeschool spelling bee.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Timmy also gave these pearls of wisdom during the commercial break…
    Jacksonville is located in Florida and is also known as the First Coast…


  5. Hogbody Spradlin

    Senator you captured that one well. Nothing to add. Thumbs up.


  6. The GPOOE channels his inner Mr. Conventional Wisdom or Captain Obvious.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. NotMyCrossToBear



  8. Surely this is tongue-in-cheek? Although I’ve never noted that sort of sense of humor in him before. Maybe being a part of media has rubbed a wee bit of much-needed worldliness on him? Or maybe he was having a stroke.
