The greatest sports analogy of my lifetime




Filed under Political Wankery, Tommy Tuberville - Mythical National Champ

55 responses to “The greatest sports analogy of my lifetime


    At least he’s not playing for Biden.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mddawg

    Forget it, he’s rolling.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. stoopnagle

    What a Know Nothing.


  4. I guess technically WW II was fought to stop national socialism. I’m sure that’s what he meant. Lol

    Liked by 3 people

  5. whybotherdude

    He fits right in in Congress, don’t let fact confuse your reality.

    What’s next from Tubs, “The civil war was fought to keep football played with an oblong pigskin and not a round ball you kick all over the yard.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Greg

    I guess growing up in Arkansas and a B.S. in physical education can only get you so far… maybe as a US Senator.

    Liked by 3 people

    • J.R. Clark

      People in this country bitch and moan about how awful public schools are at teaching American history. The majority of history teachers in public schools are “Corches”.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Greg

        It all starts at home, not the teacher for the most part.

        The biggest difference I see in private versus public school other than it starting at home, is the teacher/student ratio.


        • amurraycuh



          • Greg

            Of course, you got to have something to work with first (genes/desire).


            • amurraycuh

              desire more so than genes. environment trumps genes with education.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Greg

                It is highly genetic, desire is driven by this.


                • amurraycuh

                  My quick google scholar seach showed that with higher IQ, the less the environment matters:
                  “Nonshared environmental influences on grades were strong when IQ was low, but decreased across the range of IQ. Shared environmental influences common to age 24 educational attainment and age 17 IQ were strong when IQ was low, but genetic influences common to IQ and education were strong when IQ was high. These results suggest that the causal mechanisms linking educational variables with intelligence differ for people with different levels of intelligence.”
                  Interesting idea.


          • mwodieseldawg

            I would also say parental engagement is higher in private schools.

            Liked by 2 people

        • whybotherdude

          And it’s worse to sleep with your teacher if you are home schooled.

          Liked by 1 person

    • When I said we needed a bit more diversity of career backgrounds in Congress I meant “not a supermajority of lawyers, mix in some scientists and doctors” not…former head coaches who won a game 3-2.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Granthams Replacement

    He is an accurate representation of his state.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. chopdawg

    Unbelievable!… but then again, not so much.


  9. Bob Spidel

    Oh, they are everywhere. Georgia’s own Hank Johnson is not the brightest bulb in the room either. He was concerned that putting additional Marines in Guam could be problematic. In the course of that questioning, Rep. Johnson expressed concern that adding thousands of Marines and their families to Guam might cause that small island to “tip over and capsize”:

    Liked by 4 people

  10. He’s not technically wrong. The nazi party stood for nationalist socialist party

    Liked by 1 person

  11. RangerRuss

    What’s worrisome is TubbO is smarter and better informed than most Americans and many college graduates. It’s appalling but predictable.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. sniffer

    Love those sweet, salty gator tears…


  13. Previously Paul

    Only in America can you be this stupid, get paid millions to coach and use that as a stepping stone to politics.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Grafton

    It’s always amusing to see halfwits attempt to oversimplify complex historical events in order to fit their narrative.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      Like people who say the civil war had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery?

      Too bad for those idiots that the secessionists wrote it down in the documents of succession. States rights are prominent. As in, the southern states have the right to keep and maintain slaves. But watch stupid come behind me and provide cover to the confederacy.

      It can’t help itself.


      • The fact that Lincoln said the war wasn’t about slavery just proves that he was a Nazi. Or something.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Corwin amendment never existed. It’s just revisionist history by Southerners who deserved to have their children starved and their wives raped.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Grafton

        But its about muh heritage not hate and states rights! Just don’t ask what those rights are I’m referring to.


      • Grafton

        Then you just get a stupid fuck on this thread who will go out of it’s way to defend nazis and slave owners.


        • Actually, stupid fucks believe bumper sticker history, rather than original sources. I’m not defending anything. I’m simply pointing out the idea of a war being about righteousness vs evil is not just stupid, it’s mind-numbingly stupid.

          But please continue to expound on how raping Southern women and starving Southern children was all about compassion. Bonus points if you can spend more than 12 words on the topic.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Derek

          I told you what it would do.

          Preserving slavery was superior to placing genteel southern slave holders at risk to the unfortunate but common ravages of war.

          Did the southern states have the option of simply banning slavery before secession?

          Of course they did.


  15. spur21

    Tubs needs to call AOC – she knows everything there is to know about government and the economy.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. 123 Fake St

    sAvE iT fOr WedNeSdaY oR You’ll bE BAnnEd!

    C’mon Man!

    Liked by 2 people