Georgia Tech’s return to greatness

Because of the coronavirus, the Jackets have cut the football recruiting budget — you know, the raison d’etre for hiring Waffle House Man — in half.

Between that and running their reserve fund well into the black to transition head coaches, wouldn’t it have made as much sense to let the genius hang around a couple more years?


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

8 responses to “Georgia Tech’s return to greatness

  1. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    Liked by 3 people

  2. 69Dawg

    Tech grads are all rich. If they can just find enough who give a S about football..

    Liked by 3 people

  3. uga97

    if they ask Daniels to hand off the ball 65 times ti RBs, I’ll be done watching this year.


  4. originaluglydawg

    Nah. Fish Fry was done.
    But dang if GT didn’t jump from the frying pan to the fire. It may take years to get that program on track.


  5. Down Island Way

    Listen, when you are rockin’ the WH swag, slingin’ it all covered…you got the 404 wrapped when it comes to crootin’ against UGA….other than that, nerd football got nada….

    Liked by 2 people

  6. 81Dog

    You hate to see it. 😀
