Your 1.27.21 Playpen

So, how much of 2021 is going to be devoted to undoing the dumbest parts of 2020?

The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office has been tasked with attempting to return a $2 million stockpile of a malaria drug once touted by former President Donald Trump as a way to treat the coronavirus.

In April, Gov. Kevin Stitt, who ordered the hydroxychloroquine purchase, defended it by saying that while it may not be a useful treatment for the coronavirus, the drug had multiple other uses and “that money will not have gone to waste in any respect.”

But nearly a year later the state is trying to offload the drug back to its original supplier, California-based FFF Enterprises, Inc, a private pharmaceutical wholesaler.

Alex Gerszewski, a spokesman for Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter, told The Frontier this week that the AG’s office was working with the state health department “to try to figure out a solution.”

Talk about your thankless tasks.

By the way, don’t miss the bonus stupidity at the article’s end.

In August, Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, promoted hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment after he had contracted COVID-19.

Though the drug had been widely discredited at that point, Humphrey, who has recently made news for seeking to establish a Bigfoot hunting season in Oklahoma and made waves in 2017 when he referred to pregnant women as “hosts,” encouraged Oklahomans to “take courage and begin treating COVID with Hydroxychloroquine.”

Do you need a special weapon to hunt Bigfoot (Bigfeet?)?

If we really do get the politicians we deserve, Gawd help you people in Oklahoma.

And with that, the floor is yours.


Filed under GTP Stuff

242 responses to “Your 1.27.21 Playpen

  1. 46isnotmine

    His Fraudulency, Senile Joe, 1st week:

    30,000 folks dead under Biden/Ho – COVID (Joe had a plan)
    Senile Joe’s reply – “there’s nothing we can do”
    11,000 direct and indirect jobs lost ($1.6B in wages) – Keystone Pipeline construction halt
    10,500 direct and indirect jobs lost – US border wall construction halt
    Joe’s response – “they’ll find jobs elsewhere” (Fuck’em)
    Left wing ANTIFA rages in Seattle and Portland
    Fed mandate – masks MUST be worn on Fed grounds – maskless & hypocrite Joe poses for photos at Lincoln Memorial
    Natl Guard vetted for “extremist” while guarding US capital (Really??)
    Natl Guard sent to “the garage” for rest/relaxation while guarding US capital (one porta-potty)
    Executive Order – Transgenders allowed back into active military
    Executive Order – 100 day freeze on deportations of illegal non citizens
    Texas’ AG Ken “one eyed” Paxton – files lawsuit v. Biden admin re: deportation freeze/Fed judge blocks Senile Joe
    Disastrous approval rating – 48% (compared to 56% favorable DJT first week)
    Joe doesn’t even know what he’s signing (just sign bitch!)
    Symone Sanders runs this show and you had better get used to it!

    Folks, this is only week one!


    Liked by 4 people

    • godawgs1701

      definitely stopped reading after the first line. I don’t think President Biden’s plan included curing the COVID-19 virus and having it eliminated from our shores in the first day of office. 30,000 dead! What a failure of leadership!

      I don’t come into the play pen often so I don’t know what flies here, but referring to the Vice President of the United States as “Ho” seems to be pretty far beyond the pale of any kind of worthwhile discussion.

      Contrary to your nickname, Joe Biden, rightful and legal winner of all 16 of the great State of Georgia’s electoral votes, is the President of the United States and he is, in fact, your president. Enjoy!

      Liked by 14 people

      • tenesseewasnevergreat

        He said that Turmp was mishandling the virus and that he had a plan. Now he admits that was a lie. No biggie, I guess, because you folks probably never really believed that Trump was to blame for the virus in the first place.


        • mddawg

          I don’t think the death toll from a novel virus was ever going to be zero, but I do think that Trump could’ve handled it much better.

          Do you have a source for where Biden admitted he doesn’t have a plan?

          Liked by 1 person

    • Consider yourself on probation. One more reference like “Ho” and you’re banned.

      I don’t have any problem chewing on the POTUS and his administration. Knock yourself out in that regard, but that label isn’t acceptable here.

      Liked by 5 people

      • He won’t be back to converse with anyone. I suspect he was waiting to Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v his nonsense as soon as you opened the play pen.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Spell Dawg

          Keyboard shortcuts FTW! God, all the years I spent holding down a button on the mouse while scrolling & scrolling & scrolling to copy everything on a page, then one day I discovered Ctrl+a. I tried showing the shortcut tricks to my kids, and they were like, “no shit, we know that already dad.” They aren’t even in high school yet!

          Liked by 3 people

          • Russ

            I guess you’re not really old or you’d have remembered Word Star, which I think was the first word processor that used those commands. 🙂


            • Spell Dawg

              Nerd 😉

              My single computer class in high school was nearly entirely spent working on pencil & paper, waiting for the chance to punch keys on the single computer allotted for the entire class.

              Liked by 1 person

            • gurkhadawg

              I remember those first word processors. My secretary used them not me. I think it was a Wang. No puns please.

              Liked by 2 people

              • Russ

                Oooh…look at Mr. Bigshot with a secretary! 😉

                I was a nerd (still am at heart) so I enjoyed playing with that stuff. But yeah, if you wanted to actually get stuff done, a great secretary is worth any 2 other employees. And I’m sorry “secretary” somehow became a bad word or denigration. A good secretary has always been one of the most valuable members of any organization I’ve been in.


                • gurkhadawg

                  Absolutely. She was worth her weight in gold. People who don’t understand the value of a good secretary have never been in a position to know. I definitely didn’t mean it as a denigration. Just a good natured jab at you.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Russ

                  No problem, I didn’t take any offense. I was talking about how you can’t call someone a secretary these days (like it’s a bad thing). Instead, it’s “Administrative Professional”. It just bugs me that people think “Secretary” is demeaning somehow when my experience has shown me their value.


              • RangerRuss

                Speaking of administrative assistants, all you young professionals pay attention. This is something I learned the easy way from a successful boss. No matter how pissed off you are always smile and give the greeting of the day to your and your bosses clerk-typist. Send them cards, candy or flowers on their birthday and Valentine’s day if that’s still appropriate. It’s the nice thing to do for someone who is generally overworked and under appreciated. For a bit of consideration you’ll get better service and your files put on top of the stack. If you’re very fortunate they’ll remind you of your anniversary and wife’s birthday and stay late and help you with a looming deadline.

                Liked by 1 person

                • James A Mercer Jr

                  I had a great secretary who not only kept the shop loaded with her cakes and cookies but, with her IBM Selectric could type while I dictated…albeit slowly. Fought like a demon when I introduced the computer and word programs to the office…but overcame her initial reluctance. We were the same age and although we were in Alabama she understood Georgian quite well. She’s gone to heaven now some years past but I offer this as a tribute to her excellence as a secretary and an a wonderful person.

                  Liked by 1 person

          • Blew the wife’s mind the other day when I told her to just hit F5 to refresh the page! She looked at me like I was some crazy wizard. These things are so old but when you learn a new trick it’s like you just hopped in the DeLorean.

            Liked by 3 people

        • gurkhadawg

          Grafton, that’s why I come to GTP everyday. I’m always learning something new. Please explain Ctrl+c and Ctrl +v. I would ask my kids when I get home but I don’t want to be “destroyed”.


      • cl0wnworld

        That female dog literally sucked Willie Brown off to start/create her career, embraced/pushed identity politics for power, and got her “historic” position because Xiden was forced to select a brown woman to his VP during the pre-nomination process — and you’re worried about labels?

        VP Heels Up/Minority Quota/HO

        Probation Status: [ON] OFF

        Pussification of America: Complete


        • gurkhadawg

          Yikes! Methinks when the Senator reads that we won’t see you again. When people speak of privilege they need to include “female privilege “. It’s the oldest one.


          • cl0wnworld

            Censorship of Wrongthink is alive and well in America, for now.


            • gurkhadawg

              Things never said by a liberal: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Bobby Buttimer

                Bobby Kennedy said exactly that


                • cl0wnworld

                  Was that the one that killed a woman in a car crash, or the one who ironically asked what you can do for country and not the sake for yourself or facebook likes?


                • gurkhadawg

                  Ok, that was what 1967? Now name one in the last few years.


                • Bobby Buttimer

                  No, that was the Kennedy assassinated while running for President. Since you don’t seem to know them let me explain; Joe Kennedy, the oldest son, was killed in the European skies during World War II on a secret mission; John Kennedy, the one who stated “Ask not what the Country can do for you….” was assassinated as the American President in 1963; Bobby Kennedy was assassinated while running for President and Edward “Teddy” Kennedy was the one who drove off the bridge with the female passenger who drowned. But you be you and run that family down.

                  Liked by 1 person

              • Derek

                The aclu?


                • gurkhadawg

                  I stand corrected. That’s why you should never say “never”. I believe in the past the aclu has defended the KKK and Nazis. They walk the walk. At least they did in the past. Do you know if they have defended the right to conservative free speech or spoken out against cancel culture?


                • Derek

                  The aclu fights government action, not private action.

                  They supported the nazis right get a government permit to march in Skokie, but they’re not going to sue boner when he complains vociferously about low participation rates among the marchers themselves. The fact he wants to see more nazis is a private matter.

                  Twitter is a private company. They can ban whoever, for whatever. They only need to answer to stockholders.

                  As far as cancel culture I don’t recall much hesitation from the right when O’Reilly promoted a boycott of french wines or when gop congressmen changed the cafe menu to read“freedom fries” or when the dixie chicks got cancelled for the sin of looking at the proposed Iraq war and saying what I knew then and almost all agree now: that’s really fucking stupid.

                  I don’t recall much right wing pearl clutching when trump said nfl kneelers should be fired.

                  But you pick your outrages as you choose them. Worry about consistency and hypocrisy as you like.

                  My view is that for any participant in a free market, there will be consequences for pissing off the customers. Up to the speaker to decide whether he gives a fuck or not.

                  Should people be more tolerant? Maybe. Depends on the issue.

                  In other words, I know who should be cancelled when I see it. In truth, you feel the same way. You just don’t like it when you’re not on board with the outrage OR when the value of your speech is being questioned.

                  The next time someone promotes making flag burning a crime, why not think instead of emote? That’s where the aclu comes in to explain that it is unpopular speech, like flag burning and seig heil, that needs protecting from government overreach.

                  I’m not pro flag burning. I think only assholes do that. But in America youre free to be an asshole.

                  If a restaurant owner burns a flag in his parking lot, feel free to cancel the fucker. I would.

                  Liked by 2 people

                • Nazis and Russian agents are like those pictures of static where your eyes relax and then it comes into focus. Once you see them, you can’t unsee them. They’re everywhere.

                  And yes, as long as private businesses do exactly what we want them to do, like ban Nazis and bake cakes for gay weddings, they are free. It’s only when they run afoul of our tolerance that they need to worry.

                  But if it’s a problem for the right, they can just build their own platform like Parler. Then when we delete that, they can build their own corporate oligopoly. Just like the Founders envisioned.


                • gurkhadawg

                  Derek, I ask you an honest question and you proceed to tell me what I think and then attack me for it. I don’t think flag burning should be a crime. I happen to agree with most of what you said. Except for the mind reading bullshit. If you really think you can read my mind you have very deep problems. Believing that you know what others are thinking is pathognomonic of severe mental illness.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  Sorry for taking note of the exact point in time when conservatives realized there was another amendment besides the second and then mangling its meaning and purpose.


          • In truth vs the narrative, the narrative always wins.


        • Derek

          Because the “narrative” is always at play:

          Liked by 2 people

        • No, I’m worried about people showing their ass. Like you, Chris.

          You know how I feel about sockpuppets. I’m assuming you changed your handle because you didn’t want to take the shit coming your way after all the “Trump will be re-elected, suck it libs!” comments you posted here.

          Thanks for dropping by.

          Liked by 3 people

    • Munsoning

      “Natl Guard vetted for “extremist” while guarding US capital (Really??)”

      You misspelled and neglected to capitalize “Capitol,” patriot.

      Liked by 3 people

    • J.R. Clark

      Thanks for providing us with the lunatic’s perspective.

      Liked by 5 people

    • mddawg

      I bet Biden didn’t even teargas anyone for that photo op. What a wimp!

      Liked by 2 people

    • PTC DAWG

      Lots of truth bombs there…folks will be bothered.


    • Bulldawg Bill

      Dammit, 46! You didn’t leave anything on the carcass for the rest of us vultures!


    • dawgleg

      Right. He is totally screwing the pooch. He should be watching tv all day and calling honorable Generals names on twitter.

      Liked by 1 person

    • HirsuteDawg

      Got to say I’m glad they are starting to better vet the national guard and police – we do not need nutters providing security

      Liked by 1 person

  2. FWIW, I think the Bigfoot hunting season idea is brilliant, from both a licensing and tourism income standpoint.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I think Bigfoot is blurry, that’s the problem. It’s not the photographer’s fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that’s extra scary to me. There’s a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he’s fuzzy, get out of here.

    -Mitch Hedberg

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Derek

    “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

    Trump – May 2020 in response to the public reaction to Georgie Floyd’s murder

    “You’re very special and we love you.”

    Trump- January 2021 in response to domestic terror attack on the Government of the the United States.

    Because the hypocrisy IS the point.

    Liked by 6 people

    • cl0wnworld

      It was an absolutely peaceful (not mostly peaceful/fiery) protest of the Capitol where an unarmed woman veteran (minority?) was killed by law enforcement (?).

      I bet if she sat in/obstructed the Capitol during the Kavanaugh hearings, maybe Drew Knees would have her name taped on his helmet.

      My hate for your ilk knows no bounds. Can’t wait.


  5. gotthepicture

    So we could probably give some of that hydroxychloroquine instead of the COVID-19 vaccines to 46isnotmine and my dad and all the other people who seemingly dismiss the pandemic. That would speed up vaccinations to the people that want them.

    Liked by 5 people

    • gastr1

      I thought I heard that it was like the flu. Then, that more people die from the flu, or car accidents, or something, pretty much every year. Then, that the cure can’t be worse than the disease. Then, that mask-wearing was an un-American impediment to our freedoms. Then, that 45 couldn’t have done anything more about this, what possibly could he have done?

      Makes me wonder, as I do a lot these days, when these people, many of whom are among us now, and told us these things on this platform, are going to acknowledge that they are/were wrong about this and that they’re now on board for doing what it takes to end it…because being on board is still necessary and we’ll take “late” as opposed to “never.”

      Liked by 1 person

      • tenesseewasnevergreat

        Trump should have ordered a nationwide lockdown on day 1. It wouldn’t have stopped the virus, but at least it would have made Democrats agree that lockdowns are despotic.


        • gastr1

          As per usual, “if I’m not for it, it must be Venezuela” line of thinking.


        • gastr1

          (Because, you know, 400,000 dead is really ok and not like Venezuela at all.)


        • jdawg108

          No, Trump should have begun a mandatory quarantine of overseas travelers in mid February.

          Also, who says a lockdown wouldn’t have worked? You are pre-supposing a lot here


          • sniffer

            Also, who says a lockdown wouldn’t have worked?

            I’m not throwing flames here, but Cali has been locked down for 10 months and they are burning with Covid cases. So, lockdowns may help, they aren’t the answer.


        • cl0wnworld

          Exactly. Before the first known china flu case was reported, he should have shut down the country during the democrat nomination process.

          Literally Hitler? He would have been MAO to them and their savior! They love them some despots.


      • The context matters. C19 affects different age groups differently. For most age groups, the flu is deadlier than C19. And car wrecks are much deadlier. For the elderly, C19 is much deadlier than the flu. Knowing that, politicians decided to treat all age groups exactly the same and shut down elementary schools, churches, sports events, restaurants, etc. Because what could be “fairer” than treating a college football player exactly the same as a 90 year-old with COPD?

        When months of data supported the epidemiologists who claimed that lock downs wouldn’t stop the virus, the politicians locked down even harder and blamed the casserole eating WalMart shoppers for not obeying enough. Everyone knows that obeying is the key to combating viruses.


  6. Munsoning

    I’d love to see the disastrous, malicious stupidity, cynicism, narcissism, and outright evil of 2020 undone. Not optimistic that the undoing is possible. You can’t fix stupid, and you can’t fix dead.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. gotthepicture

    On a more important note, what are we going to do about the NFL?
    It’s the same old quarterback every time. Brady has now been in 10 of the past 20 Super Bowls. It’s not fair to the other teams. I think we need to expand the NFL playoffs to 24 teams to make it more exciting.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. ASEF

    Conservative here:

    Republican Party has become a carnival act. Still some good people in it, but damn, conservatives deserve better.

    Oregon GOP officially says Capitol terrorist attack was an Antifa false flag designed to justify Biden martial law.

    Arizona GOP officially censures Cindy McCain and their own Governor for not sufficiently worshipping Trump.

    Georgia’s own Congresscritter MTG says school shootings are faked by Hillary and Pelosi to take her guns.

    Ohio Health Department has lost 2 directors due to terrorist threats, and now an assault director had bullets pumped into her house.

    This isn’t sustainable. It’s not funny. Real
    Conservatives need to take a firm stand against this insanity and violence.

    Liked by 16 people

    • Russ

      Amen, brother. I couldn’t take the clown show anymore, but I sure do wish we could find some good conservatives that are serious about working with the other side to find common solutions to our problems.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Derek

        Good luck.

        Should have invited Trump to leave in 2015 when he was blustering about running third party if people in the gop weren’t nice to him. They’ve owned this since that cowardice.

        The party thinks they need the idiots to maintain what power they. They are very afraid to pivot to sanity for fear of what may be remaining.

        It is sad and its bad for the country.

        So far it appears that the ISIS wing of the GOP is holding firm and is the majority of the party.

        Can’t imagine an easier invitation than the impeachment vote. Total cowardice.


      • HirsuteDawg

        I had been debating what to call that particular person – congresscritter is about perfect. With what is going on in theses people’s heads, I wonder what kind of bedtime stories they tell their kids, one kind of fantasy to another.

        Liked by 1 person

    • cl0wnworld

      You would cut off your nose to spite your face.

      Useful Idiot.

      Liked by 1 person

    • cl0wnworld

      On a serious note, quote what the left wants to do to America and report back as a “conservative.”

      You’re virtue signaling reeks of trolling.

      Liked by 1 person

      • cl0wnworld



      • ASEF

        I don’t speak for the left. I don’t buy into bullshit binaries where it’s only “left vs right.”

        Because (and your posts are an example) you end up defining yourself solely in terms of what you’re not. Which leaves a pretty big void where a moral compass should reside.

        What do all the examples I cited have in common? No moral compass. It’s a carnival where they compete to see who can be the most spectacularly anti-liberal.

        ”Yeah? Well, I want to censure Cindy McCain! That’s how pure I am.”

        ”Oh yeah? Well, I want to threaten the kids of public health officials! Because I’m a real Republican!”

        ”Yeah? Well I want to execute Nancy Pelosi! Nobody is crazier conservative than me!”

        ”Amateurs! Hang Mike Pence! Damn RINO! I am the purest!”

        Y’all are not conservatives, and I’m done letting you speak for my political persuasion.

        Liked by 6 people

    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      ASEF has the potd as far as I’m concerned. The Republican Party has been hijacked, plain and simple. Democratic control is a little scary, but it is far less scary than control by the current set of clowns masking as Republicans these days.

      Liked by 8 people

  9. Granthams Replacement

    In April buying a possible preventative or treatment aid was a good move for the information available at that point in time.. At that point the science didn’t know what worked – like ventilators. A 2 million dollar miss to possibly protect public health isn’t going to make a line item in the state budget.

    Liked by 2 people

    • godawgs1701

      I’m not so sure I agree. In a state that isn’t exactly rolling in dough, $2 million is a lot of money and science was pretty dang sure that hydroxychloroquine wasn’t effective against the virus from the jump. It’s just that President Trump didn’t want to hear that and kept pushing the drug over the objections of the scientists in his own administration. That the objections of those medical professionals was ultimately borne out to be true shouldn’t be a huge surprise, unless you’re an elected official I guess.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Granthams Replacement

        The same officials that said don’t wear a mask/ wear a mask, we need ventilators/ ventilators don’t work on covid, an effective vaccine is years away, 90% efficacy in a virus vaccine is not possible, etc. 2 million is not much to bet when the payoff could be tens of thousands of lives in a state. It’s easy to Monday morning QB after the science is understood.


        • godawgs1701

          the science on hydroxy was understood at the time. In any event, if you make a two million dollar mistake with the people’s money you should expect to be held accountable.

          Liked by 1 person

      • The FY2020 budget for Oklahoma is $7.999 billion. $2 million represents 0.025% of that total. That’s the equivalent of someone who makes $100k a year wasting $25.


    • Derek

      Can you ever be too careful?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Texas Dawg

      In support of your statement and something to chew on for all those who got their medical degree from Google University of Medicine. This study was published today. The like is provided to PUBMED (The National Library of Medicine) so you can read the full abstract and if you want a little easy reading, there is a link to the full article. I just posted the conclusion to see what all the Google University medical professionals have to say? The science is still evolving. Covid may be like AIDS in the fact that combination therapy may be need to deal with the virus. We have quite a few Google MDs on here that are quite certain that their views are gospel, never wrong, and should not be questioned.
      Conclusion: Hydroxychloroquine alone was not associated with reduced mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients but the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin significantly increased mortality.


  10. Russ

    Just saw that Prather Hudson is transferring to Illinois. Thanks to Dr. Hudson (surely he has his PhD by now, right?) and best of luck at Illinois. DGD!

    Liked by 5 people

  11. Hogbody Spradlin


    Liked by 2 people

  12. Godawg

    I’m thinking cannon to hunt Bigfoot because they’re hard to knock over having bigfeet and all…


    • Derek

      Or one they think they’d have a better chance at winning.

      Should we really allow soldiers to vote by mail from Afghanistan?

      I mean, how do we really know its like valid and stuff?


    • jdawg108

      Yes, Amazon is trying to prevent them from Unionizing. Amazon and Jeff Bezos are hypocrites who don’t practice what they preach.

      Liked by 1 person

      • PTC DAWG

        My point exactly….

        Liked by 1 person

        • jdawg108

          So you’d agree if the goal was to affect voter turnout, and therefore affect the election results, this would be the strategy used?


          • tenesseewasnevergreat

            I think he’s saying that if the goal was to win an election by fraud, there would have been a concerted effort to mail ballots out all over the country whether anyone asked form them or not. Then they’d say signature verification is racist or something. That’s what I’d do if I had a lapdog media and hypocritical followers.


            • Derek

              A voter getting a ballot? That seems sinister!

              That american might vote with it!!


              How many ballots with out of state candidates on it did you get in the mail?


  13. Kevin’s Missing Pinky

    The plural of Bigfoot is actually “Bigfoot’s” FWIW.


  14. Bulldawg Bill

    Of course Hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for Covid…BY ITSELF!!!!!! It IS effective as a treatment when used with zinc. The zinc is the operative agent. The Hydroxy facilitates getting the zinc into the virus organism. The research is out there. Personal invectives start in 9…8…7…

    Liked by 3 people

  15. tenesseewasnevergreat

    I don’t know if hydroxychloroquine is effective against COVID-19, but the Lancent Journal had to retract their big study that supposedly proved that it was not helpful. I thought the jury was still out there. Have there been any more recent studies? Serious question.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Bulldawg Bill

        I would just LUV to see an injected bleach study.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Texas Dawg

        You want studies, well here you have it.
        Background: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without azithromycin have been widely promoted to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) following early in vitro antiviral effects against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

        Objective: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess whether chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin decreased COVID-19 mortality compared with the standard of care.

        Data sources: PubMed, Web of Science, Embase Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and MedRxiv were searched up to 25 July 2020.

        Study eligibility criteria: We included published and unpublished studies comparing the mortality rate between patients treated with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin and patients managed with standard of care.

        Participants: Patients ≥18 years old with confirmed COVID-19.

        Interventions: Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin.

        Methods: Effect sizes were pooled using a random-effects model. Multiple subgroup analyses were conducted to assess drug safety.

        Results: The initial search yielded 839 articles, of which 29 met our inclusion criteria. All studies except one were conducted on hospitalized patients and evaluated the effects of hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin. Among the 29 articles, three were randomized controlled trials, one was a non-randomized trial and 25 were observational studies, including 11 with a critical risk of bias and 14 with a serious or moderate risk of bias. After excluding studies with critical risk of bias, the meta-analysis included 11 932 participants for the hydroxychloroquine group, 8081 for the hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin group and 12 930 for the control group. Hydroxychloroquine was not significantly associated with mortality: pooled relative risk (RR) 0.83 (95% CI 0.65-1.06, n = 17 studies) for all studies and RR = 1.09 (95% CI 0.97-1.24, n = 3 studies) for randomized controlled trials. Hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin was associated with an increased mortality (RR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.04-1.54, n = 7 studies). We found similar results with a Bayesian meta-analysis.

        Conclusion: Hydroxychloroquine alone was not associated with reduced mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients but the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin significantly increased mortality.

        Keywords: Azithromycin; Chloroquine; Coronavirus; Coronavirus disease 2019; Hydroxychloroquine; Meta-analysis; Mortality; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

        Copyright © 2020 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    • Previously Paul

      I believe India went all in on hydroxychloroquine. I don’t think it had any significant impact. But I also haven’t followed up on this subject in a while.


    • DawgFlan

      Most studies agree that hydroxychloroquine does pretty much nothing to help COVID-19 patients that have severe cases and are already hospitalized. Some studies show the anti-inflammatory mechanism of hydroxychloroquine may help some outpatients with mild cases of COVID-19 from getting worse. Something like 2 fewer people out of every 100 cases benefit.

      The same affect, and potentially greater, is seen with baby aspirin, which has much lower side affects than hydroxychloroquine.

      Documented adverse events related to hydroxychloroquine more than doubled in 2020 compared to previous years. 150,000+ adverse events, mostly serious, with ~5% fatality rate.

      In other words, forget hydroxychloroquine and take a baby aspirin along with a multivitamin and some vitamin D, and get as much fresh air, sun, and exercise as you can. You will be much better off in any event.


      • Texas Dawg

        Thanks Dr DawgFlan. Read this and get back to me.


        • DawgFlan

          Haha, where do I get my google MD diploma to hang up on the wall?

          I read the link, and am getting back to you per my assignment. For extra credit I also read a few of the “Similar Articles” linked below it. I’m not going to get into a clinical trial & meta-analysis flame war, and if this combination therapy is eventually confirmed to help that would be awesome. I am not anti-hydroxychloroquine. I am also not trying to debate that hydroxychloroquine is a medicine with positive benefits. If a loved one was in the hospital and a real doctor recommended hydroxychloroquine I would trust the doctor was considering every available data point, and would urge my loved one to take the hydroxychloroquine.

          But in the context of this thread, we have seen politicians and the alt-right hail hydroxychloroquine as a cure, then a preventative, then a game-changing treatment for COVID-19. The topic I was responding to was to whether hydroxychloroquine should be used en masse as the/an official public health response to COVID-19, in lieu of other options up to and including 90%+ effective vaccines. Hence the Oklahoma stockpiles, purchased in preparation for mass distribution on this belief.

          I shared what I shared not because I play a doctor or epidemiologist online. This thing has affected my extended family, and my parents especially are prone to believe some fringe-y stuff. My father refuses to get the vaccine.

          I stand by my original statement above, and still see it in line with current best thinking on the risk/reward ratio for a public health response. It is the general advice that I have shared with friends and family. Instead of taking hydroxychloroquine, we are statistically better off getting some outdoor exercise and taking a baby aspirin, a multivitamin, and some vitamin D. Wear a mask around strangers. Get the vaccine when you can.

          Liked by 1 person

  16. Senator ——- who generally supports —— today announced ——- . Supporters in favor of the Senator’s positions on things like ——- and —— were vilified by opposition supporters as ——‘s and ——‘s because of this one item.

    Just guessing, but most rational voters today are faced with two choices. Candidate A who they like 3 out of 10 positions or Candidate B who they see 0 out of 10 positions they like. Our primary system rewards a candidate that is strong on just a few key constituency issues and let’s special interest money pave the way. I don’t offer a solution, but all voters simply need to become more involved and demand a stronger and longer position on the issues from all candidates. The media could help, but that doesn’t fit in the soundbyte world so not gonna happen.

    Le sigh

    Liked by 3 people

    • miltondawg

      Very true. Our primary system leaves moderates making the choice between A and B who are so far left or right that neither has any appeal.


    • debbybalcer

      One help would be to outlaw PACS.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Derek

      Moderates could participate in the primary elections.

      Just a thought….

      The reason the crazies are in control is because they show up.

      The politicians are selling to the audience who votes. Not enough americans voted for a sane mature candidate in the 2016 gop primary.

      Every complaint anyone has about government can be solved with a simplle solution: participate.

      It is a government of, for and by the people who VOTE!

      The elections in the spring are just as important as the elections in the fall.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Who was the same mature GOP candidate in 2016? Bonus question…why did the DNC select a candidate so mistrusted and despised she lost to Trump? Extra credit essay…if Hilary had run, why is their any faith the economy, tax policy, social justice and foreign policy would have been any better? “Different” will not be an acceptable answer. Take your time, this is a standardized test and will be graded by no one who gives a damn about what you think.


  17. I think my favorite tidbit of information this week was Fauci’s suggestion that we wear two masks now instead of one. No shit? How about I just start wearing a %$@ gas mask while I am at it. I respect the guy and think he has done his country a great service during an incredibly difficult time, but this just shows that anyone can say or think dumb shit.


  18. RangerRuss

    I like this Playpen thing because otherwise I’d exist in an echo chamber. Of the scores of businessmen I deal with not one is a liberal. 0. Zilch. I often deal with gooberment bureaucrats and inspectors who are twisted and bent left. They generally keep their cockholsters closed. No sense in upsetting us mouth breathing morons who contribute the lion’s share of taxes they make their living off.

    Liked by 4 people

  19. DawgFlan

    I’m curious where all the vets here stand on the Tom Cotton debate.

    Is someone who graduates Ranger School and earns a Ranger tab on their uniform a Ranger, or do they need to serve in the Ranger Regiment?

    Is it misleading to say he served, and earned a Bronze Star, as a Ranger?

    I don’t have an opinion on either – genuinely curious.

    Reading his bio, his decision to join the Army seems honorable and his service to country commendable. I don’t understand why he would feel the need to exaggerate anything, as I also don’t understand why others would attack his service in any way. Maybe the concern is whether it reflects a willingness to play loose with facts in other areas?


    • Don in Mar-a-Lago


    • mddawg

      To your first question, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a generally accepted standard within the military on subjects like this, but I don’t know what it is.

      On your final question, yes I suspect that that is exactly the issue. If he did embellish the details of his military service record, what other claims might he be exaggerating?

      Liked by 2 people

    • miltondawg

      My father, who was an officer in the Army, successfully completed Ranger school in the late 1960s, was not assigned to the 75th so therefore never received the Ranger Scroll, went to Vietnam and fought in an airborne unit (wearing the Ranger Tab, of course), and then upon returning to the US was selected to be an instructor at the mountain phase of Ranger school in Dahlonega. He has always said that he was Ranger “qualified” or a Ranger school successful graduate, though I think that a lot of the debate today on who has the right to call themselves an Army Ranger has come about since the time my father served. First, whether or not you get assigned to the 75th it is a pretty big accomplishment to successfully finish the school and receive the Tab. Second, in the 1960s and into the 70s, a lot of men were sent to Ranger school that never were assigned to the 75th. We were in a war and the more men that they could have graduate and go back to their previous units Ranger qualified was better for the individuals and the units themselves. Lastly, and this may be as true today as it was then, the number of officers who become Ranger qualified and then get into the 75th is a far fewer number than for enlisted men.

      Liked by 2 people

      • miltondawg

        One clarification, I think that if you claim that you fought as an Army Ranger, then you should have been in the 75th.

        Liked by 2 people

        • DawgFlan

          Thanks – your posts match what I’ve read elsewhere. The nomenclature and what passes as Ranger seems to have shifted over the years and across different wars.


    • ugafidelis

      It’s a stupid pissing contest just like everything else in the military lol. Everyone has to prove they have the biggest cock.

      Liked by 3 people

      • RangerRuss

        I tried to join the Navy but they laughed, called me Needle-dick-Nick-the-bug-fucker and sent me down the hall to the Marines. The Gunny just shook his head no and pointed to the Army recruiter. That dirty liar promised they’d issue me a big cock. But all I got was this little purple acorn that hides like a turtle when it’s cold. I reckon I should have joined Special Forces.

        Liked by 1 person

    • RangerRuss

      Looks like ol Doooooooon got it figured out being he’s an expert on all things Ranger. Fuckn leg.
      The yankee Army and US Army Ranger Association considers those who earned the Gold and Black Tab a Ranger.
      I know men that jumped into Grenada and Panama with a Ranger Batt who for whatever reason never made it to or through Ranger school. They’re gotdam sure Rangers. Others served honorably in a Ranger Batt but didn’t earn a Tab. They could be Rangers but it’s not for me to say. Those that served with the LRRPs and lettered Companies and the NG unit in Vietnam are Rangers, Tab or not. There was a company of Rangers at Ft Hood before the Batts stood up. The Companies in the Korean war and Battalions in WW2 were certainly Rangers. Those men rockn’ the stereo Scrolls and still laying the hate after almost twenty years of combat with the Regiment? Yeah. They are Rangers. For them it’s a way of life.
      Is Tom Cotton a Ranger? I reckon that depends on his state of mind.

      Liked by 4 people

      • gurkhadawg

        Well said.

        Liked by 1 person

      • DawgFlan

        Thanks – great post. From the bits and pieces this (army brat) civilian can make out, it’s both a “it depends” thing, a purity/pissing/litmus test type thing, and a “any Ranger-type accomplishment is a big deal and those that fought deserve the right to call themselves what they see as right” thing.

        So, since Tom Cotton identifies as Ranger, whether or not he has the right equipment is irrelevant, and we should respect his qualifications-fluid identity? Hah! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          Hehehehe. That’s funny as fuck, Dawgflan. I’ve been out over thirty years now and a lot more has changed in the Ranger Regiment than the color of the beret and the required XY chromosome. They do things smarter. More emphasis on preventative and battlefield medicine. Ranger medics were the best line medics in my day. But I hear now their training and ability exceeds even the 18D SF medics who set the standard back then. 8 week RASP has replaced 3 week RIP(and ROP) qualifying new Rangers to more easily integrate into their unit. A lot more but I’m babbling about shit of which I have no first hand knowledge. Just what I glean from talking to the young studs.
          I would imagine with the relaxed hair style the Rangers, after painting River Street bar walls with gotdam hippy blood and snot, had to come up with a new plan other than screaming “Oorah! Semper Fi!” and running like their ass was on fire leaving the Jarheads to be blamed for their shenanigans. I’m sure they adapted.


    • mddawg

      I know not everyone here cares for the likes of CNN, but I thought this was a pretty thorough breakdown on the subject.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. Don in Mar-a-Lago


    • mwodieseldawg

      Now do Blumenthal


        • At least we now have a president who legitimately couldn’t serve.


          • Don in Mar-a-Lago

            What is whataboutism?

            The Breakfast of Champions


            • But it only applies to the other side. Trump is a bad guy who got questionable draft deferments. Pointing out that Biden also got questionable draft deferments isn’t pointing out hypocrisy. It’s whataboutism.

              Insisting that leftists be logically consistent just isn’t fair. It takes away all our arguments.

              Liked by 2 people

          • eavdawg

            I’m asthmatic, and I ran track in high school, but to quote what the the local Marine recruiter told me my senior year, I was “not eligible for any branch of military service due to my medical history.”

            Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              That may be too “fact-ish” for the trump traitor treason terror cult.


            • mddawg

              I had asthma problems growing up, then almost no issues at all in my teens and early twenties. When I joined the Navy (at 19 years old), I don’t even remember if I mentioned it to my recruiter. Or maybe he just told me not to write it down. I’ve also been told that you can get a waiver for anything nowadays. FWIW, I started having asthma issues again when I moved to MD. Usually allergies are what triggers it for me, not physical exertion.


        • Derek

          If you ignore the difference between HAVING asthma and FAKING asthma then you might be a troll.

          If you ignore the difference between having an ailment that the service disqualifies you for and having daddy buy a podiatrist to make up a condition you never actually had then you’re a pathetic troll.


          • Biden is double heroic for his athletic accomplishments while not being able to breathe. All those other asthmatics who don’t go out for sports are just lazy, I guess. I’m curious. Is your shrine to him in particular, or just to Democrats generally?

            Liked by 2 people

          • Derek

            If anyone has any information (not speculation) that Joe made up or exaggerated his condition to the draft board, I would be interested to read about that.

            We KNOW Trump lied to the draft board, with the help of his rich daddy, and the trump terrorist traitors DO NOT CARE! Not a bit.

            As an American I wouldn’t give Joe a pass if he lied or exaggerated his circumstances to the board. I have people on that wall that might have went in either’s place.

            I know the trump terrorist traitors wouldn’t understand that. Unless it was written with Cyrillic letters.


            • Would playing competitive sports count as information on being able to breathe well? Did Biden play the kind of football where heavy breathing isn’t required? Do soldiers have to breathe much harder than football players? Do asking questions like these count as “treason?” Should we just assume that whomever has a (D) after their names are holier than the pope and couldn’t possibly behave like those bad guy politicians with (R) after their names? Is that assumption too childish and embarrassing for an adult to actually make?


              • gurkhadawg

                If Biden had asthma that would disqualify him from serving, why did he have to get student deferments? Sounds like when he finished his studies he need to come up with another reason not to serve. How heroic.


                • Derek

                  Unlike the fake bone spurs guy?

                  Do you have standards or are you promoting the idea that not having standards at all is acceptable?


                • gurkhadawg

                  I would say the same thing about Trump. Does that answer your question? Would you say the same thing about Biden? Or do you think not having standards is acceptable?


                • Derek

                  I said, if someone can show to me that Joe faked or exaggerated his condition, I would not give him a pass.

                  I’m asking if there is anything out there to suggest that he did.

                  The draft board 4f’ed Joe Namath. If they could 4f a starting NFL QB they could 4f Joe Biden.


            • Derek

              Seriously. Does anyone have a “fact.”

              Anyone at all.



            • Don in Mar-a-Lago

              “What about all of the Clinton ties to Russia, including Podesta Company, Uranium deal, Russian Reset, big dollar speeches etc.”


  21. Previously Paul

    Oklahoma doesn’t have a monopoly on embarrassing politicians. Georgia has Majorie Taylor Greene.

    Liked by 3 people

  22. It’s interesting that mainly two studies, later discredited, were big headlines on HCQ not being effective. Some studies show it being effective. But Fauci has a long history (back to HIV) of pursuing vaccines over cheaply repurposing drugs. So he killed the notion of using HCQ based on junk science.

    Then, liberal lawyers who don’t look beyond CNN headlines snarkily make fun of other tribes. I wonder how many millions of people have to die in service of the #OrangeManBad cult?


  23. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  24. Bay Area Dawg

    Anyone else been pay attention to the Gamestop stock this week? Talk about a pretty interesting “short squeeze”. AMC followed suit this morning.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Texas Dawg

    Georgia has hired West Virginia cornerbacks coach Jahmile Addae for its vacant defensive backs coaching position, per the school’s social media account.
    On paper looks like a good hire.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. cl0wnworld

    On a completely different note, a latino restaurant in north ATL is not requiring masks – not that it really matters as I haven’t had a restaurant ask for a mask since the china flu and we eat out 2-3 times a week — to be fair they all need the business, not virtue signalled monetary wokeness and $15 minimum wage but I digress…

    I have no affiliation to the restaurant, but can vouch for the food — and Muh Freedom.

    Mojave Restaurant off of Akers Mill and Powers Ferry (Between Ray’s and Heirloom Market – both fantasticly different).



  27. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  28. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  29. Texas Dawg

    Not to be redundant (but I’m going to be) but none of the Google Medical School graduates have responded to this. The are all claim that science must be followed (until it conflicts with them) then they turn ostrich. Research takes many twist and turns. AIDS, Cancer, etc uses many drugs that stand alone are minimally or not effective at all. In combo they may be life savers. That appears to POTENTIALLY be the case with hydroxychloroquine. Long term this may not hold up, but at present it shows promise. Because you hate Trump is no reason to be an idiot when lives are on the line.
    Background: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without azithromycin have been widely promoted to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) following early in vitro antiviral effects against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

    Objective: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess whether chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin decreased COVID-19 mortality compared with the standard of care.

    Data sources: PubMed, Web of Science, Embase Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and MedRxiv were searched up to 25 July 2020.

    Study eligibility criteria: We included published and unpublished studies comparing the mortality rate between patients treated with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin and patients managed with standard of care.

    Participants: Patients ≥18 years old with confirmed COVID-19.

    Interventions: Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin.

    Methods: Effect sizes were pooled using a random-effects model. Multiple subgroup analyses were conducted to assess drug safety.

    Results: The initial search yielded 839 articles, of which 29 met our inclusion criteria. All studies except one were conducted on hospitalized patients and evaluated the effects of hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin. Among the 29 articles, three were randomized controlled trials, one was a non-randomized trial and 25 were observational studies, including 11 with a critical risk of bias and 14 with a serious or moderate risk of bias. After excluding studies with critical risk of bias, the meta-analysis included 11 932 participants for the hydroxychloroquine group, 8081 for the hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin group and 12 930 for the control group. Hydroxychloroquine was not significantly associated with mortality: pooled relative risk (RR) 0.83 (95% CI 0.65-1.06, n = 17 studies) for all studies and RR = 1.09 (95% CI 0.97-1.24, n = 3 studies) for randomized controlled trials. Hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin was associated with an increased mortality (RR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.04-1.54, n = 7 studies). We found similar results with a Bayesian meta-analysis.

    Conclusion: Hydroxychloroquine alone was not associated with reduced mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients but the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin significantly increased mortality.

    Keywords: Azithromycin; Chloroquine; Coronavirus; Coronavirus disease 2019; Hydroxychloroquine; Meta-analysis; Mortality; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

    Copyright © 2020 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    • Derek

      Was trump promoting it because he was aware of any of that or because he pulled it out of his ass?

      The fact that he possibly could have turned out to be partially correct due to dumb luck is not relevant to me at all.


      • He pulled hydroxychloroquine out of his ass? Hokay.

        In the case of HCQ, which might help people, we can’t allow even one life to be saved. Because Trump said good things about it.

        Meanwhile, wearing 2 (or more) masks, and closing schools and restaurants, while not being shown to be helpful, should be followed religiously. Because the right wing doesn’t like it. Because it might save a single life, except for the ones it kills.

        It isn’t that hard, folks.


      • Texas Dawg

        The left wants to pretend that the science doesn’t exist because Trump promoted it. It appears the left would rather see people die than to admit that Trump might have been right (and in this case quite possibly by accident). The hatred is so strong on the hard left that (here’s looking at you Derek) any rational thought is impossible if the word Trump is in the sentence.


        • Derek

          Thats your dodge. My point is simple. He promoted it not knowing shit. He promoted because some asshat he talked to on the phone suggested it. He didn’t consult with cdc or birx or fauci. He pulled it out of his ass. Like “we’re at two cases and soon it will be zero.” Like “It will go away in summer.” Like “we won the election like so bigly.” He’s full of shit. About everything.

          If he suggested nuking yourself to rid yourself of lung cancer you assholes would say “well you know radiation treatment has been shown to work so its sorta true that an icbm makes some sense on a carcinoma if you stand at a distance and stuff.”

          The only thing that surprises me about you treasonous traitorous terrorist cultists is that you’re not lying dead next to a empty cup of poisoned kool aid he convinced you to drink.

          You’re like a branch davidian letting koresh bang his wife because he told you God said it was ok.

          He lost. He gone. The people have spoken. Get it over it.

          Fortunately you can’t fool most of the people most of the time. Just you, all of the time.


        • mddawg

          Doesn’t increased mortality mean more deaths, which is the opposite of the point you’re trying to make? I essentially posted the same question below but only ghurkadawg responded (thanks ghurka!).


    • mddawg

      Hydroxychloroquine alone did not reduce mortality, meaning it didn’t save lives? And when combined with azithromycin it significantly increased mortality, meaning it actually made things worse?

      Am I reading that right?


    • debbybalcer

      Azithromycin is given by itself and helps. A friend with covid in her late 70s recently was prescribed it along with two inhalers cough syrup and an infusion ofbamlanivimab. This was all done out patient and she is on the mend. She has several comorbidities. If a anyone has a loved one who gets sick check into that infusion.


    • DawgFlan

      still waiting on my diploma, and I did respond to you


  30. Don in Mar-a-Lago
