Good news for Charlotte?

North Carolinians, get your damned shots.  We’ve got a game to catch in September!


Filed under Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple

85 responses to “Good news for Charlotte?

  1. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    flew back to USA and got the vaccine. if you haven’t gotten your vaccine…


  2. Biggen

    I haven’t traveled outside of Florida this last year so its bazaar to me seeing these restrictions in place. So, yeah, drop them already…


    • Derek

      Its bizarre that you should feel that way.

      Can we send you the resultant hospital bills once we end the restrictions?

      I really don’t like paying higher taxes and insurance rates because people are just dumb as fuck.

      Stupidity is the ONLY reason normalcy in the fall is in question.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Biggen

        You are the definition of hyperbole. Congrats on being “that guy”. Must make you proud to go to family dinners and work parties and be the guy that has to correct everyone and put them down. I bet your parents were proud…

        Liked by 6 people

        • Derek

          I did learn how to not suffer fools at home so….

          I’m actually more gentle in this setting by comparison. You’d better have thick skin around my people.

          You’d be hearing about the whole “bazaar” thingy for awhile trust me….

          I’m sure there are homes where stupid is made to feel safe and secure. I’m glad I wasn’t there…

          Disincentives are valuable. Might cause someone to read or pick up a dictionary or just stfu. I don’t see the problem.


          • Odontodawg

            “Might cause someone to read or pick up a dictionary or just stfu.”

            I imagine Biggen appreciates you proving his point. Getting guthooked is no fun.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Bars and restaurants are still closed(since sept/oct) in Belgium(and most other euro countries with UK as exception)


    • Is that a population density thing? I would think it was harder to stop the spread in Europe due to people living in cities, trains, etc.

      Then again, they actually took it seriously.


      • They’re also not doing as well on vaccine distribution (I know Ireland was at barely 200,000 people vaccinated a few weeks back.)

        Liked by 1 person

      • ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

        Problem is europe did what they do best over here – death by committee – on buying vaccines – meanwhile UK gives the universal finger to brexit haters as they are better positioned with their vaccine program.
        Meanwhile my doctor finally got their 2nd round of vaccines 4 weeks ago. It could be cmas time before we see a big dent in vaccinations over here…. but our beer is 10,000 times better than anything from the US, so we have that victory.
        La bière est magnifique(like Dominique)!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Terry McCullers

    I’ll be there!


  5. Holiday Inn Bagman

    I did my part. I’m optimistic that Cooper will follow through. While some may not agree with him on everything he’s been steady and consistent so if he says there’s a path to this than it more than likely will happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m planning to be there. Game on Saturday and a round of golf on Sunday.


  7. chopdawg

    Shoot up, everybody!


  8. William Posey



  9. Side question for any NFL fans or anyone who went to the 2014 Belk bowl: how’s Charlotte’s stadium?


    • Bulldawg Bill

      Cold as fuck in Bowl season!


    • Wolfman

      It’s a typical NFL stadium – not much joy, and pretty sterile. It’s right uptown, which is cool, but if you are going to tailgate, better scout a parking lot now, or be prepared to pay $30+ and walk.


      • Holiday Inn Bagman

        Pretty much sums it up. Highly suggest out of town visitors stay within stadium walking distance if possible and just hang at a brewery/bar for your pre-game festivities.


  10. munsonlarryfkajim

    i’m close with someone very high up in Clemson athletics. He told me last week that if North Carolina won’t allow a full stadium, Clemson and UGA had agreed to move the game. Atlanta is out due to the voting stuff. Jacksonville is the contingency that is being worked on.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. BuffaloSpringfield

    This North Carolina place is getting weird, first they took out tobacco, then milk, ( except for Eastern NC ) textiles, furniture and manufacturing. Now all that’s left is tourism and thanks to Covid you can’t tell if your in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Ohio. Do I need to go on ? Moved from Augusta back to my grandfather’s farm in 85 to help take care of them and had to stay, still taking care of my mom at 90 and uncle 88. He raised 6 kids on a small crop of tobacco and milk cows. Any ya’ll had the pleasure of working a dairy even a small one ?
    Anyway, it’s not that I am racist, red neck, BLM, Antifa, transgender, gay or straight but I don’t fit in. Last Thursday there was 4 ( 2 driveby’s and 2 road rage ) shootings, 2 killed in Asheville. It’s crazy.
    Stopped by my neighbor’s mailbox to say howdy for a sec and on a small little two lane country road I got honked at, driven around, cussed and shot a bird from a older guy from New Jersey. We are over run by Yankees bring their 💩 down here. While they are running away from places even worse.
    So no, I won’t be near the “golden triangle” Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, might as well include Charlotte. It’s hard enough in the Western End of the state. I feel safer in Athens and certain parts of Augusta than I do on I-40 east of Hickory.
    Go Dawgs.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. W Cobb Dawg

    Leaving now for the 2nd shot…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. wfdawg

    I’ve gotten my 2 shots here in NC. If it would speed up the end of COVID restrictions, I’d get 10 more. Governor Cooper said that if 2/3 of adults are vaxxed, the mask mandate comes down. We’re at 47.5% now.


  14. bigjohnson1992

    I live in Charlotte and was born here. Gov Cooper is a bought and paid for chi com. The state I grew up in is closer to NY than Ga now politically. Read what he said again. He did NOT say what you think he said. We’ve been privy to his side mouth politician talk for years now. His happy talk is stale and he moves the goalpost constantly. The game will not be full go on any level. This is the same guy that cost downtown Charlotte tens of millions of dollars playing politics with the repub convention last year. Dem and Repub business owners alike. (When we really could have used the revenue). As a small business owner, I can without a doubt tell you that myself and thousands of others like me have zero respect for this corporate crony. He doesn’t care about his constituents, at all. Nor some college football game or the economy of Charlotte. Also, Raleigh has and still does have pe..s envy of Charlotte. So anything to hurt Charlotte is A-OK with the state government. Should be a great game, but it deserves a better venue. Atlanta would put on one hell of a show that Saturday.


    • Your governor is a commie


      • bigjohnson1992

        Card carrying lifer. He wouldn’t be there at all if the governor before him didn’t s—t the bed on the Target bathroom issue a few years ago. Our gov is a career back-room pencil pusher but won easily playing the same sex bathroom card. An unknown nobody, but Daffy Duck would have won opposite Mccrory that year. The press executed him over it. And once again people voted their emotions, not their brains. Sad. Not the state I grew up in.


  15. I have had more shots than every single one of you. Antrax. Japanese brain swelling. Annual flu. Ive had like 36 vaccines.

    Im not getting this. In fact, id solely not get it for the assholes here that think they control my body.

    Fuck all of you and fuck this government.

    What a nice dictatorship that says we can assemble.

    Fuck all you fascists.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Im sorry. This is the Georgia bulldogs blog that gets to tell me to get an injection. I dont get a choice. For my love of of nil


  17. Id rather die in a fire than comply to the marxirsts here.


  18. Control is the #1 weapon of fascists


  19. The only thing i hate about shots is im.not getting royalties. Like, how do I Invest in this. Sux.


  20. No shot. Still here. Hmm.


  21. But I better get it to watch footballer!


  22. Heil ! When you reach the shot, % you may have foosball.


  23. When you sorry ass pos hit 66% then you will be free. You fuckers are holding up footballer God dam it!


  24. I used to think Georgia could beat Clemson


  25. Then I heard about forced shots


  26. Now I know only the biggest sgot team wins


  27. Just so you can’t read


  28. We aren’t getting shots


  29. Because we’re deplorables


  30. atticus34

    Have a question for the vaccinators? I see old people all over wearing masks. Have they not been vaccinated its been months where they have had the ability to do so. And if they are vaccinated then WTF the masks? And if its because its not 100% successful then when do the masks come off. When will it be 100% successful? And if the “at risk” people and anyone that is so afraid of the virus have already been vaccinated then WTF are healthy people who trust their immune systems being told to get the shots. F joke. Same people that say nobody can tell a woman what to do with her body are telling others what to do. F joke.
