Mark Richt Field PSA

Just a heads up for those of you contemplating going to the Tech game this year.  Single game tickets are on sale at the Georgia Tech website — and there are some pretty good seats available, to boot.

That’s right, it’s a straight shot deal, not part of a three-pack, or any other ways they’ve sucked us in to buying tickets we don’t want.  Which probably says something about the current state of enthusiasm on the Flats.

(h/t CGKIV)


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

31 responses to “Mark Richt Field PSA

  1. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles


    Liked by 3 people

    • Down Island Way

      No hotdog, no coke, One ticket to an in state ass whuppin’….count this guy alllllllll in….nerd football, whoda’ thunk it…

      Liked by 3 people

  2. 81Dog

    I got mine yesterday. Looking forward to showing the pencil necks, once again: We run this state. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Faltering Memory

    Have they fixed the dent in the brick wall?

    Liked by 12 people

  4. practicaldawg

    Seems like free money if you want to sell them to another UGA in November

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ran A

    Losing their edge over there. We would fork out the money for a 3 game package and not think twice. I think this is their most critical year in decades. If that team doesn’t show marked improvement, in work he has done with coaches and high schools won’t mean a damn thing.

    Tech learned another lesson yesterday. They “want” Georgia to get every four/five star they chase. Because when Kirby does miss, he dips right into the best of that next tier and takes them and in most cases that is Tech’s top tier.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. W Cobb Dawg

    It’s been a long wait, but football season is just around the corner. It’s the time of year when every rabid gtu fan looks forward to…Dragoncon.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. I would like to go but worried about lockdowns and the site says, “All Sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. Single game ticket prices are subject to change at any time. Orders are limited to 8 tickets per account. Orders above this quantity are subject to cancellation.” Anyone else concerned?

    Liked by 1 person

    • akascuba

      Are you saying Fetch is setting Georgia fans up for pulling a full Vandy and canceling the game?
      Sounds exactly like something thing nerds would spend all summer planning.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Ran A

      I just bought six tickets. Willing to take a chance. Took upper deck our side around the 20 yard line, on the wall. If Georgia is where I think they are going to be, it’s worth the risk to watch them hopefully roll over Tech before the SEC Championship game.

      Liked by 4 people

  8. I decided to spend my govt handout on them and take a chance. The funny part is the confirmation text message says, “Your Georgia tickets on Nov 27…” not “Your Ga Tech tickets on Nov 27” despite buying them from Tech

    Liked by 1 person

  9. stoopnagle

    LOL. Tech.

    I guess that’s another reason they ain’t moving COFH to the Benz. LOL. It’s just money nerds. Y’all ain’t winning either way.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. 123 Fake St

    Why are tickets so damn expensive? $100 is the least expensive seat.
    I guess I’ll just make a Turkey sandwich and sit in the recliner instead. Ridiculous.


    • You can’t put a price tag on the sheer pleasure generated by the walk out of BDS and through the Tech campus after a UGA win.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Bulldawg Bill


        Liked by 3 people

      • 123 Fake St

        I think you can. I’m not going alone, so multiply that number by at least two.
        This isn’t a rivalry anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time. Most of the people in their stadium will be wearing Red & Black. It’s bad to lose to them and ho hum if we win.

        I really don’t think those prices justify the demand. $40 makes much more sense.

        Liked by 1 person

      • godawgs1701

        You get a great view of the Atlanta Skyline from the Bulldog Deck in the end zone, too. Just a gorgeous sight, sun setting over the high rises and your enemy driven before you, hearing the lamentations of their …. well, I was going to say “their women” but they don’t have any at Tech.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Dawg93

      They’re that expensive because that’s what these tickets generally sell for in the secondary market. I went to Richt’s last game at UGA, which was at Tech. Tech was terrible and while our record was decent, there was zero excitement from Dawg fans for the game. And yet I had to spend $100/seat for tickets in the upperdeck endzone (the 200-level) from a guy selling them outside the stadium before the game.


      • APT

        Dqwg93 – You were lucky to get it. It was an absolutely perfect fall day. On a last second – drove down early that morning, picked up a friend in Roswell – then we hit Marta.
        It seemed that half of Atlanta had the same idea. NO tickets were available and the crowd outside the stadium holding up their fingers for tickets was massive.
        We gave up and watched in a bar near the Fox. Got there end of the 1Q. By mid 2Q, the bar jammed packed.


    • originaluglydawg

      How much in rupees?

      Liked by 2 people

      • vernefundquist

        Ah some casual racism towards Tech students. Always makes us look great as a school and fanbase when we show our butt like that.


  11. CB

    I wish I could know whether or not it will be a nooner.


  12. RangerRuss

    I can’t wrap my head around anything except unbridled hatred for those pencil-necked, zit-nosed, mung-infested arrogant pussies. Even their lame excuse for a marching band is a bunch of obnoxious cunts. In ’92 when they covered the G at the 50 yard line with their shitty emblem scrawled on a tarp I had to be physically restrained from going over the hedges and engaging in some major stupidity. Been drinking that damn Crown Royal and my blood was up. The tech termites, their sidewalk fans who came out of the woodwork like 17 year cicadas after their bullshit NC, had really gotten to me the previous couple of years. Haven’t heard much from them lately.
    Each lopsided win over those mouthy twats is as beautiful and fresh as the Dawgs victory in ’01 after enduring the corrupt losses of the previous three years. Damn cheaters. I’ll forever hold Mark Richt in high regard for continuing to hammer the ball toward the endzone in that 51-7 ass kicking of ’02. As Mr Dan Magill so elegantly stated, “I remember when those people ran the score up on us in ’43 and ’44.” Kirby hasn’t forgot that chickenshit in ’98 and I’d like to see him continue to humiliate those candyass sissies as he did last time the Dawgs were at the joke by the Coke. At least a seven TD margin to erase that stain off the record book.
    I don’t forget a gotdam thing either. Hell, I switched to brown mustard because of those cocksuckers. Y’all go on and dismiss this rivalry if that’s what clicks your dick. But you’re denying yourself a great feeling of satisfaction with a side order of hate and revenge. It’s an old Georgia tradition and come grease or mud, shit or blood, no Georgia Football season is complete without ending it with kicking the ass of the gnats from the North Avenue trade school.
    Fuckn nerds.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bulldawg Bill

      RR, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a zillion times; it’s just not healthy to hold back like that. You’ll give yourself a hemorrhoid.

      Liked by 1 person

      • RangerRuss

        Mr Gillis Coleman begged out of a john boat crappie fishing trip once because of his hemorrhoid issues. He told me the doctor gave him seven days worth of suppositories for them. Doc asked him how they worked.
        “Not worth a damn, you ignorant quack. For all the good they did me I might as well have stuck ’em up my ass.”

        Liked by 1 person

    • This needs to be preserved in the GTP archives and posted the morning of every Tech game. ”…dismiss this rivalry if that’s what clicks your dick…” is social media poetry. RR, I want to share a Jack & Coke in a Posses Red plastic cup with you someday at Sanford.

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