Business is business.

Greg Sankey sounds immensely concerned about the threat posed by the Alliance.

“We have respect for each of our conference colleagues and look forward to our future collaborations,” Sankey said in a statement. “I believe we remain unified by our shared beliefs around the positive impact college sports has on the lives of student-athletes and throughout our communities. In the SEC, we are proud of our collective academic commitment and athletics accomplishments and look forward to continuing to offer our student-athletes great educational and championship opportunities in the years ahead.”

The English translation from bureaucrat-ese:  “when we all say it’s not about the money…”


Filed under SEC Football

4 responses to “Business is business.

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    “The lives of student athletes”. There must be some software they all use that puts that into EVERY press release.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Scotty King

    Could I suggest the SEC, ACC, PAC, and both BIG’s get together and present a unified plan (with higher TV and streaming revenue) to the powers that be in broadcasting?

    Pick 48 or 64 of the top teams and roughly divide them by geography.

    For example, 8 – 8 team divisions (maybe Miami, UF, FSU, UGA, Clemson, Tenn, SC, and Tech). Top 2 teams in each division advance to playoff.

    Something that makes more sense than the current cluster.


  3. Ran A

    He was on PAUL’s show yesterday. Was in the car and caught the first 5 or so. Basically shot to pieces this narrative out there that he was planning and scheming while the 12 team play-off was being discussed. He laid out timelines and without calling names, and what other conferences were wanting – not the SEC.
