A match made in heaven

Speaking for myself, the most revealing thing about the Harsin news this week is the discovery of how prurient a chunk of my readership is.  I’ve gotten my fair share of head shaking emails this week, to be honest.

Folks, if you’re judging the value of a person on whether her looks justify someone blowing up his career, his family, millions of dollars, etc., that says more about you than it does about her.  Besides, there’s plenty of evidence out there already to suggest the problem isn’t that Harsin’s a horndog.

Instead, it may be that he’s the SEC’s Randy Edsall.

In his first season as Auburn football coach, Bryan Harsin created a divisive culture in which relationships with certain players were neglected and staff members felt ignored, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the inner workings of the Auburn football program under Harsin.

The inside view of the program comes as Harsin’s tenure with the Tigers has come under the microscope. The contentious relationships described to The Advertiser were in the backdrop of significant coaching staff changeover, widespread player defections and came to light days after Auburn failed to add a single recruit on National Signing Day on Wednesday…

Nineteen Auburn players have entered the transfer portal since the end of the season.

Multiple sources said Harsin would not speak to players he didn’t like when he wanted them out of the program. He would cut off correspondence with the player and family members.

Position coaches were tasked with telling players Harsin wanted out that they should leave the program.

“He’s going to send somebody else to do the dirty work,” one source said.

Another source recalled one instance of a player texting Harsin to apologize for a poor performance in a game. The player asked for guidance on how he could improve. Harsin did not reply to the text message. Instead, he had the player’s position coach call the player to tell him he needed to leave the program.

No class and gutless is no way to run a football program, son.  Maybe add awkward to the list, too.

A source said Harsin made efforts to relate to players like the ones he had at Boise State – often from a working-class white demographic – but did not always make the same effort to connect with others – often Black players from urban areas in the South. However, the source said they never heard Harsin use racist remarks or language.

When leading wide receiver Kobe Hudson entered the transfer portal in January, he tweeted, “He from the north I understood him, I’m from the south he didn’t understand me,” without naming Harsin. He transferred to UCF to play for former Auburn coach Gus Malzahn.

“There are sometimes players that are going through personal things that (Harsin) knows about, and he doesn’t have empathy for those situations,” one source said. “Whether it be a kid from a single-parent family, or a kid who’s going through struggles in life. I don’t think he has true empathy for kids.”

“How do you expect a young man to grow when you don’t even talk to them,” another source said, “or if you talk down to them, or if you tell them to get out of your office?”

Hell, Harsin might be worse than Edsall.  At least Randy supported player compensation.

A source also said Harsin hated the concept of name, image and likeness and made that clear to players. Harsin was particularly critical of players from low-income families who received money from NIL deals because he thought they lost their focus on football, one source added.

It wasn’t just the players, either.

Sources said Harsin was often quick to dismiss input from assistants. Four games into the season, he fired Cornelius Williams, a young and respected receivers coach from Alabama who had stints at Troy, South Alabama, North Alabama, Jacksonville State and UAB.

Sources were puzzled by Williams’ firing, and Harsin didn’t widely provide a reason for it, the sources said. But the decision removed from the staff a coach who connected well with players — something Harsin couldn’t afford.

“(Williams) did nothing but did his damn job,” one source said. “He had a great relationship with the players.”

Harsin replaced him by promoting offensive analyst Eric Kiesau, who was an assistant coach for Harsin at Boise State. When Mason left for Oklahoma State in January, Harsin promoted linebackers coach Jeff Schmedding, another former Boise State assistant.

I’m sensing a pattern there.  Occam’s razor suggests that Harsin’s problem isn’t that he’s coaching with his dick.  It’s that he is a dick.

This appears to be such a bad culture match that I’m honestly surprised nobody picked up on it when he was interviewed.  Let’s just hope if Auburn decides to part ways with Harsin — and at this point, I think it’s a win for us Dawg fans either way they go — they leave the decision makers in place.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands

58 responses to “A match made in heaven

  1. Thanks for this, Senator. Some tool on Twitter told me that it would be “good for her career” that others are posting pictures of her saying that they “don’t blame” her boss for having a workplace relationship with her. When obviously none of this would have come up if not for all the things you’ve covered here.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Remember the Quincy

    Man, I didn’t realize just how much of a dick he is.

    Liked by 3 people

    • gastr1

      Obviously neither did the asshats at Auburn before they hired him. It’s truly a terrible reflection on an institution to hire someone this bad only to later discover what they should have found out in the search process.

      Liked by 3 people

      • classiccitycanine

        Sounds similar to the Urban Meyer situation in Jacksonville. They should have seen this coming.

        Liked by 1 person

        • JaxDawg

          Khan wasn’t unaware of corche’s moral shortcomings and behavior issues. He bet that Corch would win, and winning would make the other issues irrelevant. I hated the hire, and I’m glad that it’s over. But I can see why he rolled the dice.


    • ben

      Boise people knew, and they called this when it happened. And those of us who followed that also knew the match with Bobo would not work because he’s a bit of a stubborn guy himself.

      At the end of the day, though, it’s still the Barn burning worse than s2 of the walking dead, so I’m okay with it.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. cowetadawg

    ESPN and the local Opelika paper quote a few players defending Harsin.


    Who knows? Auburn spends like a drunken sailor when hiring and firing coaches, but maybe they keep Harsin hoping to complete the “culture change” from Gus’s. Boy is it a culture change. At least Gus kept his players and coaches.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Derek

    It worked for Bob Knight didn’t it?

    I don’t know how this shakes out but some kids don’t mind a total and complete asshole. Bobby Knight has 902 wins to prove it.

    Anyone heard of the Junction Boys? “Burn down the barn to kill the rats.”

    Maybe thats what Harsin thought it would take. Who knows?

    At the end of the day all anyone cares about is wins. Its sad, but its true.

    If he beats Alabama OR wins 10 game last year no one cares about how big of a dick he is or whether he is or isn’t racially or culturally insensitive.

    As far as the cheerleader? That’s between Harsin, his wife and God as far as I’m concerned. Don’t know if its true and I certainly don’t care.


    • It worked for Bob Knight didn’t it?

      Until it didn’t, anyway.

      Which part of Harsin’s career matches up with Knight’s?

      Liked by 8 people

      • Derek

        Bob still got a job both in coaching and on TV and it took an amazing amount of poor judgment on Bob’s part to get kicked out of IU. He choked a kid on video and was allowed to stay if he promised not to do it again.

        But my point that its really all about wins and that being a dick won’t hurt you if you’ve got them is a terrible one? Ok. Got it.


        • It’s not so much that it’s a terrible one so much as it is an anachronism. Unless you believe Knight coaching in a transfer portal era wouldn’t miss a beat.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Derek

            I am pro-portal and anti-asshole bully coach so if it takes those guys out of the profession its a double win for me.

            We’ll see. If some abusive jack ass starts winning, then trust me, everyone will then want one of their own.

            Lets see if Urban has another college stint in him. That would be a good test case.


            • You think Meyer’s problem was that he was an abusive asshole?

              What sport have you been watching for the last two decades? Meyer’s problem was that he tolerated anything in the name of winning.


              • Derek

                You can’t walk AND chew gum?


                He called his own coaches “losers” and kicked his kicker and called him a dipshit just last fall right?

                He threatened player alums with 37F if they criticized him. He went after a reporter who had the temerity to take a direct quote from a player and print it.

                And also, you could murder someone in his presence and play the next game.

                Google urban meyer and bully and see what you get.

                Perhaps he’s more talented than you give him credit for.

                Liked by 2 people

    • I don’t know how this shakes out but some kids don’t mind a total and complete asshole.

      At least we could pretend they didn’t in the days before there was a transfer portal. Sounds like Harsin hasn’t adapted to the times.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        Kids didn’t know Bob’s rep as a complete dick before they signed on the dotted line?

        Dick Vitale had no access to the relevant info when he said on National tv:

        “If I had a son who player basketball I’d send him to Indiana and Bob Knight!”

        How many of the kids leaving Auburn via the portal were recruited by Harsin?

        Maybe he’ll win and maybe he’ll lose. His being a total dick is a side show. No one really cares until you ain’t winning.

        That is the alpha and the omega of my position of how dickhead coaches are treated.

        My position on how they ought to be treated is completely different. Woody Hayes should have been gone long before he took a swing at Charlie Baumann.


    • PTC DAWG

      Agree, WGAS?


    • gastr1

      Goddman, man. Knight would never get away with that crap now. But even then, he’d won rather a few games here and there and it clearly bought him a ton of rope.


    • CB

      Basically making the case that being a dick guarantees coaching success.


    • Hold on for a sec regarding the girl being between him, his wife, and god. You’ve got Harsin not liking poor kids getting NIL because it distracts them from football. But, wrecking his marriage and family with a subordinate doesn’t distract him from football? How’d chasing the women work out for Orgeron?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        How much longer would it take him to drive home to the wife?

        The affair may be an example of his dedication to the weekly game plan.

        I’m kidding of course.

        Liked by 1 person


    People actual email you about the AU Coach?

    Liked by 3 people

  6. jdawg108

    Funny thing is, if Tank stays in bounds, none of this is an issue this off-season. It would take a couple of years to reveal him.

    Liked by 7 people

    • classiccitycanine

      Disagree. The boosters may have given him more rope, but not the coaches and players he depends on to actually run a successful program.


  7. CB

    Nobody’s looks are worth an 8 figure buyout, unless you’re so wealthy that 8 figures means nothing to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. theorginaldawgabides

    You’d think they would have at least done some due diligence and asked people that were at Arkansas State with him what their thoughts are. He didn’t just develop his personality and style when he got to Auburn. Certainly a couple of people at ASU could’ve told them all this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the problem might have been that by the time Auburn got around to vetting Harsin, they were down to their fifth or sixth choice and were in desperate just-hire-somebody mode. But the reason their 1st–5th choices told them “no” is because the best prospects didn’t want to deal with AU’s idiot booster community. Those boosters will probably succeed in getting Harsin tossed, if not today then in December, and then they’ll hire Kevin Steele or whoever and the cycle will start anew.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. mg4life0331

    Promote a cheerleader to an operations manager role and you don’t think there’s anything to that huh. Lmao, I think that says more about you than it does them.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I don’t want to pile on the girl, bc maybe there’s nothing there and I did dumb shit, but moving across the country to be a 24 year old “Asst to the Head Coach”, which by all accounts had no identifiable job duties is a poor choice.

      Doesn’t mean she deserves what she’s getting right now, especially if it’s not true.


  10. Illini84

    The Illini had Tim Beckman who was a disaster as head coach. . .he was a grad assistant for Pat Dye at Auburn!


  11. uga97

    The issue here is that Greene’s decision to hire a coach above board & outside of their problematic cycle, has seemed to backfire in just 1 year, and boosyers like Cooter Yellawood, Billybob Casino, Bubba The BankOwner dont like that happened to them! This cannot stand. But it’s a perfect storm of new wave of football where kids have the upperhand now with NIL, free transfers & rosters flipping like pancakes so they think the sky is falling. Maybe Harsin is a dick, maybe Saban isn’t, but it’s not like the guy doesn’t know how to field and coach football teams. Good luck to Auburn with their Redneck Oil Tycoons still Wagging the Dog in this new age of college football (NFL light).

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Anon

    I had to look up pruient

    Liked by 6 people

  13. Hogbody Spradlin

    Yes, we really should be discerning and sophisticated enough to judge the situation based on Harsin’s personal shortcomings rather than the attributes of the young lady. We should be much better than that.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. akascuba

    Georgia football wins a national championship, UK is the second best team in the East division, UF and UT trying not to fall behind Mizz, GT and Auburn seeing who can have the worst football team. What a great time to be a Georgia Bulldawg.

    Liked by 7 people

  15. Well he’s a dick for sure— and maybe he does have some similarities with the coaches mentioned above, but he’s not just a dick–he’s a gutless dick. THAT part is the issue. You don’t have to be a buddy with everyone, but when you don’t have the guts to tell people how it is to their face, then you lose respect from everyone. Coaches and players.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Geezus

    Man, I must be busier than I thought, had no idea about the cheerleader rumors.


  17. I don’t take umbrage…I was alway prurient by nature, or was that naughty by nature…Hip Hop Hooray, anyone?

    I just think the Yellawood Rane folks didn’t get their preferred Steele pic from the new AD…and when Harsin fell flat after year 1, those fat rich boys started raking the muck.

    And dumbass Harsin didn’t help himself by 1. Not winning enough and 2. Being a toolbag. (Mistreatment of players and staff)

    It appears the “infidelity” dirt is not to fire Harsin, but more to weasel out of paying him off like some of his predecessors, after they fire him. To me, that’s the real unseemly bit…which I think is a worse look on AU and the boosters who in this sense are acting like the conspirators who assassinated Julius Caesar..

    The way some of these boosters have “re-asserted” themselves in this hillbilly soap opera should be very telling to any future HC considering Auburn…Beware the Ides of March.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Alan

    You know your program has fallen down a deep hole when a coach dating a stripper with a monkey who attacks kids is a step up from the current situation.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. ZeroPOINTzero

    I think you’re reading too much into people joking about it. If the head of state gets busted for having a tryst, the gen pop can understand/feel better about it if the girl is smoking hot. Paris didn’t destroy Troy for Monica of Troy, it was Helen of Troy.


  20. mg4life0331

    Have they gone 0-12 yet? Then Harsin can stay if we headed that direction. Fuck orange teams.
