Credit where credit is due.

This is quite a tweet.

“… he led UGA to first in the SEC in yards per pass attempt”?  What is Todd Monken, chopped liver?


Filed under Georgia Football

13 responses to “Credit where credit is due.

  1. spur21

    Tempted to get one of those twitter things just so I can respond to this moron.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Dawg in Austin

    Shhhhhh…..let the boy genius believe it was Hankton all along. Nothing to see here in Athens.
    Move along, son.

    Liked by 19 people

  3. Salty Dawg

    Seeing how this is from Ian Rapoport, it doesn’t surprise me. The guy is a total tool.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m not sure he knows what passing game coordinator means. It’s a made up title to rationalize a salary increase.

    Once again, every day that Todd Monken isn’t rumored for an NFL OC job is a good day for Dawg Nation.

    In Todd we trust.

    Liked by 17 people

  5. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Hankton’s agent is doing a good job. Ian Rapoport is also an idiot, which makes his agent’s job easier.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. TEXBaller

    The best offseaon move(s) for this staff was Hankton leaving and McClendon coming home. I’ll take that trade all day. Doesn’t McVay call his own plays??

    Liked by 5 people

  7. SoCalDawg

    Please let McVay’s far and wide search stop at the Louisiana or Alabama border. No more encroachment towards the east for this search please.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I think it is funny that Hankton went to LSU and before he gets his new purple and gold clothes dirty may be moving on. Keep making strong hires like that, Brian!
    And I think y’all are getting your panties in a wad too much about the word ‘lead’. If the story was about Todd Monken being interviewed by the Rams, I guess lead would be appropriate, but I am counting my blessings that the story isn’t about Monken being interviewed.


  9. I think Monken prefers to be the chopped liver. He thrives on it. Could’ve gone as high as he wanted in the game, but he found a spot he liked and married to it. Mad respect, yo.*

    *sorry, just rewatched entire Breaking Bad series.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Munsoning

    Hankton wasn’t lead recruiter on any of the big fish UGA landed during his time in Athens. His WRs didn’t respect him. Monken didn’t think highly of him. I mean, talk about failing upward. (All my info from the other Dawgs blog worth reading. The last thing I am is an insider.)
