That’s some Alliance you’ve got there.

There’s one little bit in this ESPN puff piece about the tap dance the ACC, Big Ten and Pac-12 are putting on together that gave me a chuckle:

If there is one certainty in collegiate athletics, it’s that change is always occurring, including conference realignment. All three conferences understand that, as each has added teams over the past decade. At least in the short term, the Alliance agreement discourages them from poaching each other. But the leagues didn’t sign a contract.

“If that’s what it takes to get something considerable done, then we’ve lost our way,” Phillips said in August.

In the long term, will the “gentlemen’s agreement” touted when the Alliance was formed actually hold up once another wave of realignment begins?

After what happened to trigger the formation of their “Alliance”, these three can’t even come to a binding arrangement not to raid each other?  Yeah, rock solid, that is.


Filed under ACC Football, Big Ten Football, Pac-12 Football

4 responses to “That’s some Alliance you’ve got there.

  1. What a bunch of spoiled little brats.

    I’m not in favor of expansion, so I don’t care if they do it or not.

    Maybe they need an ice cube.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ozam


    The answer to almost every off-the-field question in big time college sports.


  3. dawg100

    Bottom line, and it makes them very mad:

    Oklahoma and Texas > Maryland and Rutgers.
    Oklahoma and Texas > Colorado and Utah.

    Liked by 3 people