So near, and yet so far


And Stetson didn’t even have Metchie and Williams to throw to.


Filed under Alabama, Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

43 responses to “So near, and yet so far

  1. Bulldawg Bill

    Talkin’ ’bout a “Game Manager?!” BY couldn’t even manage bringing home a Natty!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Derek

    Why mention 2,000 more yards passing?

    Is that even a statistic?

    You take away the 2000 yards and the 20 extra tds (thats more yards and tds than Herschel Walker ever scored in a season btw) and they’re practically the same dude.


    • Bulldawg Bill

      We didn’t ask Stetson to throw that much. We obviously had an overall more balanced, i.e., better offense!

      Liked by 5 people

      • Throw in the fact that he didn’t play much (none in Charlotte) in the 2 games that JT started, came in for JT in Nashville after the 1st quarter, and that we were blowing teams out where we didn’t throw much beyond the last 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter.

        Liked by 8 people

        • Derek

          Really makes the equal number of interceptions look good.

          Liked by 2 people

          • That has been my hang-up with SBIV. He hasn’t consistently respected taking care of the ball in his time as a starter. If he improves in that area, we’ll be fine.

            The flip side is that both of Young’s picks in the national championship game were bad throws where our guy was the only one getting the ball.


      • Derek

        I’d say we had a somewhat better defense.

        Liked by 1 person

    • RangerRuss

      33-18. That’s the statistic that counts.
      Suck it, Gumps!

      Liked by 18 people

    • MGW

      He ain’t Young. At the same time, I fail to see what the knock is on Bennett. Nobody ever really says what it is. There’s just this vague consensus that he’s not that great. Like reverse intangibles.

      It’s always something like “aside from all the wins, the efficiency, running the offense like a well oiled machine, and making the plays when it counts, he’s just not that great.”

      Liked by 9 people

      • Exactly, or like that talking head from the video yesterday, ‘he had a few good quarters’ but otherwise nobody is impressed by him. You want to really blow peoples minds, show a pic of Stet next to Young for a height comparison while showing the numbers. Both are not that far off from each other.

        Liked by 3 people

      • I’ll tell you what it is (and I fell into it last year as well). SBIV didn’t have the recruiting pedigree and wouldn’t have had a chance to play much last year but for JT’s injuries. By the time JT was fully healed, Kirby decided not to mess with the team chemistry and kept SBIV as the starter. It was a gamble that worked out. If red & black confetti had not fallen in Indy and Bennett’s play had led to that result, the wolves would have been howling. If Baylor doesn’t hold on 4th and goal in the Big 12 championship game against Oklahoma State, the same may have happened.

        Just my $.02.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        I just think the comparisons are pointless, lazy and demonstrate a gross lack of football intelligence.

        Stet won the natty by NOT being our star.

        Young won the Heisman and the seccg because he was their star and played like it.

        The second we have to ask Stetson to be our star: see seccg, or @Alabama in 2020, shit goes downhill. He simply can’t be the guy who puts it up 40 times a game.

        Young will continue to be Alabama’s star player because he has the talent to be the guy that carries their offense.

        Using STATS to suggest these two players have anything in common other than position is laughable.

        Is Trent Dilfer a better qb than Dan Marino because Trent has a SB ring? You’re welcome to make the argument and I’m happy to chuckle at it.

        Liked by 2 people

        • RangerRuss

          Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like your opinion, Derek.

          Liked by 7 people

        • Using STATS to suggest these two players have anything in common other than position is laughable.

          Is Trent Dilfer a better qb than Dan Marino because Trent has a SB ring?

          If there’s one thing I can count on with you, Derek, it’s making a wild ass analogy in service of missing the point of a post.

          Liked by 5 people

          • Derek

            If the point of the post has zero to do with the caption of the posted tweet stating:

            “This Stetson Bennett to Bryce Young COMPARISON is haunting and should be a wake-up call to The Mailman’s naysayers.“

            then its pretty obvious I’m completely lost.


    • Gaskilldawg

      Of course 2,000 more yards is an important comparison point. For perspective, though, Young had 260 more attempts than Bennett. If Bennett had 260 additional attempts in 2021 he would have had to average just 7.7 yards per attempt to make up the difference in passing yard with Young. In 2021 7.7 yards per attempt would have been 63rd in yards per attempt in 2021, so Bennett would have had to perform significantly below his norm in those additional attempts just to tie with Young in total yards.

      Bennett averaged 10.0 yards per attempt. If he averaged the same on those additional 260 attempts his passing yardage would have been 5,462. He would have 590 more yards than Young had the had equal attempts.

      Liked by 5 people

      • RangerRuss

        If one has a lingering bias against SBIV or feels they have superior Football IQ or simply has a man-crush for Bryce Young, then that argument is speculative.
        But you know what ain’t speculative?
        That’s right.

        Liked by 8 people

    • godawgs1701

      Derek, I think you’re interpreting the point of this graphic to be, “hey, guys, Stetson Bennett is basically the same player that Bryce Young is!” I don’t believe that anyone is making the argument that Young isn’t a better player than Bennett is. I think the point of the graphic, and of other statistical comparisons, is to say, “man, even though there’s a difference in their physical gifts and talents do you realize that the gap between their performances isn’t as huge as you might think?”

      Liked by 5 people

    • I’ll take the Natty over the Heisman or stats any day.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. But man, just imagine if he had a healthy Burton, Smith, Pickens, Gilbert, Blaylock, and Jackson to throw to all season long instead of a former three star in McConkey, a true freshman in Bowers, Mitchell, and Cook. It’s like all of our four and five star wide-receivers were constantly at his disposal all season long, amirite? But he’s the 12th best QB in the league per the talking heads and Mullen was the offensive genius. Bennett and Monken deserve every penny in NIL/compensation that can be scrounged together, imo.

    It’s almost as if Alabama was the only team in the nation to experience injuries at the receiver position.

    Liked by 10 people

  4. Bryce Young is a great college player … I’m not convinced he has a future at the next level as a franchise QB. He isn’t a generational talent in the mold of Matt Stafford, $Cam, Lamar Jackson, etc. He’s Baker Mayfield without the crotch grabbing. In other words, use an overall #1 pick on him at your peril.

    SBIV has proven to be a good college player who gets the most out of his talent. Is Young more talented than Bennett? Yes … there is no doubt about that. Stetson plays well in the system. He did some thing with his feet last year that were awesome. Stay away from the dumb turnover.

    All of these QB rankings that have SBIV at #6 and below in the SEC are garbage. He fits our system, and he has something those other guys not named Bruce Young can only dream about … a national championship ring.

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Hogbody Spradlin

    Lance is surprised that he got clever snide replies on Twitter. Poor sod.


    • I guess some guy posted a response about SBIV as the starter as the reason for Jermaine Burton’s departure. Burton appeared to be the most selfish player on the team last year. Did Kirby ever let #7 speak to the media last year?

      Liked by 6 people

  6. One of the posters known as Mark

    Whiney-ass Tide fans are the best Tide fans.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. W Cobb Dawg

    Bama has Saban, Young and Anderson. After that, its a load of question marks – including all their coaching assistants.

    If one of their top 2 players gets injured it could turn into a very tough year. And everybody will be coming after Young after what they saw in the natty.


  8. W Cobb Dawg

    He misspelled Honky McFailson.

    Liked by 7 people

  9. practicaldawg

    One more stat the left off the bottom of the chart:

    0 Natty Rings 1

    Liked by 6 people

  10. classiccitycanine

    Do I think Stet is Young’s equal? Absolutely not. Do I think he’s a top 5 QB in the SEC who deserves more respect than the media has given him so far? Definitely.

    Liked by 7 people

  11. On a related note…

    One of the most enjoyable things about Smart’s tenure at UGA so far, is how he has made the Georgia-Bama rivalry a real thing. And in the process Tech, UF, AU and UT have ceased to be in the conversation.

    I mean — not only have the Dawgs now gone toe-to-toe with CFB’s undisputed powerhouse and WON (finally), but our traditional rivals are an after-thought in conversations about who we need to “worry” about challenging us.

    It’s wonderful.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. mg4life0331

    Like the thousandth time I’ve seen someone list stats and compare the two.
    Then when called out on the selectivity of the stats used I’m told it its not a comparison and nobody is saying that. Are you guys trying to convince yourself the defense didn’t win the natty or something?


    • PTC DAWG

      Both of our LOS’s took over in the 4th quarter…

      Liked by 2 people

    • In our offense, what SEC QB (other than Young) would you take over SBIV?


      • mg4life0331

        I suppose when we were getting beat in the SEC I would have put JT in to play some. I mean we didn’t even try.


        • I agree and don’t understand why we didn’t try something different. At some point in that game, Kirby seemed to just decide to use the game as a learning for his team for the playoff.

          I wonder what he would have done if Oklahoma State had won the Big 12 championship earlier in the day.

          Liked by 1 person

          • mg4life0331

            Kinda glad we don’t have to find out. My only hope is that the backups get some reps during the season. However I will be fully rooting the mailman on.


  13. Hobnail_Boot

    Stet is also a solid 2” taller as well.

    “This is the highest 3rd down of Young’s career…”
