The post-manball era has arrived.

So, in my pre-game analysis for the opener, I’m all in on the key to the game being Georgia’s success running the ball.  Oregon’s two best defenders are their inside linebackers, who are stout playing run defenders.  How would Monken attack the strength of the Duck D?

That’s how a dumbass blogger thinks.  A $2 million a year offensive coordinator says to himself, why try to go at those guys when I can just go around them?  Georgia’s offense spent the entire day — or at least the first seven offensive series — living on the outside, with devastating results.  Dan Lanning’s defense never came up with an answer to it ($$).

“You saw a ton of stuff on the perimeter,” (Oregon safety Bennett) Williams said. “It was all out, quick screens. I think they had one deep ball, and they weren’t running the ball down our throat. It was all perimeter scheme. We schemed for a lot of different stuff, but when it came down to it, we didn’t play the perimeter screens well enough and they know that so they kept going to it.”

It turns out that if you’ve got the talent, you can make a pretty good living taking what the defense gives you.  Stetson Bennett averaged better than a first down on every pass attempt yesterday.  Todd Monken never felt the need to water that kind of production down in the name of balance or will imposition.

But that’s only half the story here.  Check out this notable quote from Kirby Smart after the game:

It’s scoring points is the name of the game. We want people that want to come play in this offense, and I think when you watch what they did today, if you’re watching from home, you’re saying, man, I’d love to play in that offense. They throw the ball around, they toss it around, 30 for 37 for how many yards? I don’t know, but he threw the ball really well. Passes, he threw a lot of passes for a lot of yards. I think that’s a credit to the offensive staff or the planning they had.

Sure, sure, it’s Kirbs doing his always be ‘crootin’ thing, but there’s more to it than that.  In three years, Mr. Impose Your Will has gone from promoting James Coley to run an ineffective manball offense because he didn’t want to risk losing Coley’s recruiting chops to promoting Monken’s offensive scheme as a recruiting tool.  Change doesn’t get much more dramatic than that.  And Georgia is a more dangerous team for it.


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

78 responses to “The post-manball era has arrived.

  1. theoriginalspike

    Woof! What a day Stetson had and what a Duck beatdown!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If Bennett and our WR corps are not elite…so say the pundits…then what do we look like with “real” elite talent?

    I think Monken is going to be in high demand in the NFL.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. dawgtired7

    I certainly love what this program has become under Smart. It feels complete. Recruiting, Offense, Defense, STs. Last night is what you get when you have a complete game…everyone doing their part, including coaching. That’s how you beat good teams 49-3.

    Liked by 12 people

  4. Terry McCullers

    Been watching UGA football for 55 years. Best opening game I’ve ever seen. Offense was like a machine yesterday. Damn it’s good to be a Georgia Bulldog!

    Liked by 24 people

    • Down Island Way

      Coach Lanning is going through the same crap CKS did in years 1-3, as an HC, CKS has found his warm spot, take into consideration 2020 was a year to just file away (offensively), cause the “D” has and should always be at UGA, this way of attacking the opposition d is nothing new, “Madman Monken” has got this thing on a roll…I know it’s early, I know the UGA “OC” just got a raise, I know it’s not mine to give away, but “just damn”, I almost want to give the staff an across the board pay increase, cause, I just don’t see/envision this “Big machine that is red and black” slowing down (short of half the team going to see Ron Courson), when CKS has that lead, the “D” goes to rotating with a 4 man rush, then brings a rush LB to slow the offense on 3rd down situations…should UGA special teams average 1 punt at 53 yard average per game this season, that’ll be another Georgia, point of pride…GO DAWGS!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It sounded a little like, “hey, Jermaine! How’s life in Tuscaloosa, fucker?” Or something like that.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Derek

    Yep. I thought the key for this year’s version to be a natty contender was to be a pass first/first half offense but could flip the script and salt the game late with rtdb. I think that because I don’t think the defense is going to pitch shut outs in the seccg, vs. uf, vs. msu, or vs. ut. We’re going to need to score points or someone is gonna get us. Pretty good fucking start.

    Isn’t this our first win when we’ve chucked it over 30 times in the Smart era?

    We haven’t had many. Usually when we’ve put it up that much, we lose. I know Fromm was 0-6 in those games.

    Long road to go, but I don’t know how any dawg fan could complain about what we saw yesterday. Truly a beautiful machine.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I wonder if any of Kirby’s message was aimed at Jermaine Burton?


    • Probably more like a couple of uncommitted high school wide receivers and with the way we used Kenny Mac, maybe Justice Haynes (and more importantly, his dad).

      Liked by 5 people

    • Ran A

      Just my opinion but no. He’s aiming it at WR recruits. This is the only facet of Georgia’s recruiting this year that is struggling. Dawgs just lost out on a receiver out of Texas to Oklahoma that most thought they would get. And just missed on a couple of more. Everybody is using the WR stats against them and they point to Burton transferring. So don’t be surprised to see UGA QB’S throwing late into the game, regardless of the score.

      Liked by 3 people

      • I’m beginning to think WR recruiting is overrated. If you can get an AJ Green, Julio Jones, or George Pickens (no, I’m not saying Pickens is going to a HOF player yet) kind of player, awesome, but so many high school teams throw it around like crazy that there are potential diamonds in that 3 star area waiting for a chance like AD and Ladd.

        Liked by 2 people

        • junkyardawg41

          Durability seems to be a common thread for high star players these days. I would think little league, JV, and Varsity coaches probably ran the living heck out of these 4-5 star athletes and their bodies break down a bit more than the diamond in the rough guys. The best ability is Avail-ibility.

          Liked by 2 people

        • rugbydawg79

          They both looked good.


      • My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek. Obviously, that was a recruiting based comment from Kirby, but I feel f it was formulated the way it was just a little bit based upon what was being said about why Burton transferred.

        BTW, Burton 5 catches for 35 yds yesterday with a long of 12 yards. He did have two TD catches though. Georgia’s three receivers all averaged 14.5 yards per catch or better.

        Liked by 1 person

    • poetdawg

      I don’t think that Kirby will think of Burton until the next time we play bama.

      Liked by 4 people

  8. practicaldawg

    Impose Your Will 2.0

    Liked by 5 people

  9. practicaldawg

    “ It turns out that if you’ve got the talent, you can make a pretty good living taking what the defense gives you.”

    I think this is the key point in the Kirby era. He’s built a team-complete machine. If the opponent isn’t similarly complete, they will lose. No single player or position group can carry the opponent. Kirby will find the weakness and exploit it to devastating effect.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Quite a few times yesterday, SBIV looked like he was playing dealer’s choice out there.

    Broderick Jones is an absolute stud who is going to make some serious money when he’s ready to.

    The one real possession Carson Beck had, the kid looked like he’s ready to ball out. There’s a reason he was throwing at pro day this year.

    Liked by 8 people

  11. The Truth

    O-line just quietly went about their bidness yesterday. Just how much time did Stet have on some of those throws? A: a lot.

    Liked by 5 people

  12. Faltering Memory

    What a nice game from the entire program.

    Liked by 6 people

  13. David K

    If there are going to be two teams infinitely better than everyone else I’m glad the Dawgs are one of them. But we’re going to win every game this year by 40 until we play Bama twice again at the end. We’re new to this level of the stratosphere so I’m going to enjoy it, but I can understand why some apathy has set in at Bama.


  14. classiccitycanine

    This looked like the offense I’ve been begging for! If Kirby’s finally seen the light on offense while still producing a great defense, we’ll be golden for years to come!

    Liked by 5 people

  15. jim1886

    Kirby continues to learn and grow everyday. It shows in every facet of our UGA program

    Liked by 1 person

  16. ASEF

    Welp, I kinda thought Kirby would throw Lanning a few bones yesterday. Um, nope.

    Guess Kirby and Crew took all that “Metchie&Williams/watch out for UT” off/season chatter very personally. Bodes well

    Liked by 1 person

    • sundiatagaines

      Not in his DNA. But he did do Lanning a favor with his direct “we have better players than they do” comments. I think that was squarely to take the heat off Lanning’s back.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Last year, after Georgia annihilated Florida in Jacksonville, Spencer Hall wrote, “Pair the 2021 UGA defense with the LSU 2019 offense and create a team that is a twenty-four point favorite over God on a neutral field.”

    If Kirby and Monken keep this up, we might actually get to see something like that before too long.

    Liked by 12 people

  18. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    I honestly think Burton leaving like he did, in the manner he did, and then us not being able to get a commitment from a single blue chip WR this summer shook Kirby up.


    If yesterday was the result of the cold water of manball being thrown back at Kirby’s face, then good.

    Liked by 4 people

  19. Ozam

    He learned at the feet of the GOAT. Obviously he was paying attention.


  20. DawgFlan

    Loved this – stomped a mudhole in Oregon and walked it dry!

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Russ

    What hath Todd wrought?

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    What I recall about the game day post was this tidbit:
    “That’s why I decided to take one for the team and chose Oregon to cover. You can thank me later.”

    Thank you, Senator! Um can you afford to do that all season? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • row105

      the key to victory was NOT the Senator
      “That’s why I decided to take one for the team and chose Oregon to cover. You can thank me later.”
      it was actually the fact that he eat duck as part of his pregame meal. Never have a mascot that can be eaten legally.
      Which brings us to the obvious question, what does elephant taste like and can you eat it legally?

      Liked by 1 person

  23. pedropossum

    Say what you want about post man all, but Darnell Washington absolutely destroyed their defensive backs and linebackers blocking yesterday. It was ultra mannish blocking just not so much between the tackles. I mean there should be 15 highlights of him destroying people on twitter right now.

    Liked by 4 people

  24. archiecreek

    All I heard about all week was how good Oregone’s linebackers were compared to UGA’s (we wanted both). Monken made them irrelevant, except for the 15 yard penalty for roughing the passer, which should have been targeting (Flowe threw a flipper at Stet’s head).

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      I thought that was a missed call. I’m not necessarily a pantywaist football rule guy, but we had similar calls go against us and rules should be enforced as equally as possible. I get that it wasn’t helmet-to-helmet, but he did lead with his helmet, and we have been called for stuff like that before. The refs made a number of calls that weren’t devastating, but really seemed questionable at the time. Also on replay. Example: Blackledge is trying to find where Ringo was interfering on a pass, and looked at several angles and said he just couldn’t see it.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. spur21

    My imagined coach quotes
    Kirby: This passing the ball is cool!
    Monken: Cleveland? This is fun!
    Lanning: WTF was I thinking?
    Bo: Still a few more picks left in the tank!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. ugafidelis

    Anybody who ain’t happy now ain’t ever going to be happy.

    Liked by 11 people

  27. pansythedawg

    Georgia throws the ball over Oregon, and Ohio State runs the ball down Notre Dame’s throat in the 4th Qtr. Strange times.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. toccoadawg

    I have no idea what Todd Monken’s future aspirations are but I hope we sign him to the largest and longest coordinator contract in college football history. The man is that good. When you look at his history coupled with what he has brought to our team, we could ride his offense prowess for many, many years to come. He will take what the defense gives him and exploit whatever weakness you have. And he has done this without a boat load of 5* recruits. Imagine if you will what we would do with a couple more weapons like George Pickens to choose from? What would an opposing defense do to stop us? Make us run the ball? This coupled with Kirby’s defensive awareness and recruiting have Georgia in the best position for sustained success that I can ever remember. Pay the man and lock him up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      Wouldn’t it be great if Kirby hit on 3 guys (Will, Glenn, Todd) who don’t have (future) aspirations to be HC’s?

      In any event, I hope Bobo is taking prodigious notes…


      • toccoadawg

        I’ve had those thoughts. I’m sure Glenn has higher aspirations but Will and Todd have been there and done that so I could see them sticking around.

        It’s fun to dream big and play the what if game when things are going well! We hope it will never change but history says it will. I bet Kirby is already on he mother!


      • Terry McCullers

        Y’all are correct. You can be a millionaire and be in college football!, pay them!


    • Odontodawg

      Toccoa, how did the game festivities go in your neck of the woods?


      • toccoadawg

        I’m not sure. I was in Atlanta for the game. I have not talked to my friends that attended. Godawg was running the projector at the Ritz Theater. Maybe he will let us know.


  29. uga97

    Oregon total defense was 70th in the country last year, and then they lost seniors & transfers and only had 1 total player drafted in NFL. This was a paper tiger, overhyped, preseason ranking of an Oregon team as I’ve ever seen. And we look sharp, ready & focused as I’ve ever seen in an opener, so we were likely beating their asses however offense we we wanted to use yesterday.

    Watching Edward’s, Milton & mcintosh blow through them was beautiful, and agreed Monken schemes beautifully to run up the score as it should have.

    Excited for the rest of this season journey & watching this team.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. olddawg22

    First two drives total over 190 yards! That was damn impressive!


  31. Biggen

    I was really impressed with how Bennett handled the offense. You could tell he was in total command and knew where everyone was supposed to be. Multiple times I saw him directing RBs to make sure they were the proper spot pre-snap. When they weren’t, you would see him waving his hand at them to line them up right. I don’t remember seeing that at all last year.

    What’s the else to say? Perhaps Oregon isn’t the #11 team in the nation but we basically turned a FBS Pac-12 squad into a defacto cupcake game. That is damn impressive.


  32. SenorLorenzo

    Kirby and the rest of us know what we have in Monken. And while it’s certainly plausible that he might bolt for greener pastures, the man might be just old and wise enough to realize that utilizing your coaching skills to the max with more than your share of the country’s elite athletes, having apparent free reign to run the O to your complete liking, living in the shadows of the best college campus in America, job security for a HC that ain’t going anywhere anytime soon, long term stability for his family, and probably eventually getting paid close to $2M/year, just might entice him to stay awhile.


  33. SoCalDawg

    Didn’t read the previous comments yet, but came to say this below quote tells us so much. Monken is indeed a mad offensive scientist. He’s been cookin’ up something special knowing CDL was going there and would assume our standard reliance on the run game. Loved it.

    “It was all perimeter scheme. We schemed for a lot of different stuff”


  34. SoCalDawg

    “Mr. Impose Your Will has gone from promoting James Coley to run an ineffective manball offense because he didn’t want to risk losing Coley’s recruiting chops to promoting Monken’s offensive scheme as a recruiting tool. ”

    Senator, that’s an excellent point I hadn’t considered when I first read the article. Spot on and awesome.
