Your Daily Gator re-calibrates.

An orange and blue haz a sad moment:

I give it another year or two, and they’ll start using Dan Mullen as the boogey man to scare their kids into behaving better.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

57 responses to “Your Daily Gator re-calibrates.

  1. timphd

    But, but, recruiting is overrated. It is development that matters! That’s why Kirby will never win anything. He can recruit but he can’t develop the way Dopey Dan can. Wait, what?

    Liked by 4 people

  2. One of the posters known as Mark

    To think that just one short year ago the conventional wisdom among the pundit class was that Dan Mullen is a better coach than Kirby Smart…

    Just goes to show you that having an audience is not proof that you’re not a dumbass.

    Liked by 12 people

  3. argondawg

    Gator tears are the most delicious tears. More please.

    Liked by 9 people

  4. Migraine Boy

    I’m old enough to remember early September when Mullen was an “idiot” for not going to AR full-time last season


  5. charlottedawg

    1) it was less than 12 months ago that gator nation was still pumping the narrative of how Dan was not just waaaay smarter and better at developing talent than Kirby but that’s why he was the better head coach

    2) as much as Florida should be 0-3 save for Utah and south Florida choking away the game, if Tennessee pulls their usual shit their pants because they’re playing the gators routine, Florida is going to be 3-1 with a huge lucky rabbits foot vibe.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Russ

      I hope Florida only has one loss heading into Jax. Will make our beat down of them that much sweeter. And I hope Tennessee is the same when we kick their ass as well (mean the toothless ones would have beaten “rebuilding” Bama).

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dean Patterson

    I’m curious as to what “run” they’re going to make next year? Seriously. I’m not trash talking. This program isn’t vastly improving in one offseason. 2 or 3 years down the road, maybe but next year?!!!!
    After watching the All Access (on SEC network) episode on UF, I’m more convinced Napier isn’t the answer to bring them back to national prominence.

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  7. thelifeofthemind

    This guy watches Anthony Richardson through 3 games this season and his first thought is to be angry with Dan Mullen for not playing him more last year?

    Liked by 9 people

  8. Keep on crying Jort Nation…it’s a great look on you.

    Finally, reality is starting to set in. No costumes or dumb ass fake spring game attendance records are going to stop the ever loving beat down that’s coming your way in late October. I hope all you slack jawed, taint licking, pieces of shit start to see FU like this needledick does…the only thing he missed was you’re in for a long run of mediocrity…get used to it.

    Liked by 5 people

  9. godawgs1701

    Just how much does Anthony Richardson have to play before he can see a Kentucky defensive back standing in his passing lane wearing a bright-assed white jersey, pants, and shiny helmet all reflecting the stadium lights?

    The Gators’ refrain that Richardson’s struggles are all Dan’s fault because he didn’t let Richardson struggle LAST year is such a joke. Gators, Dan Mullen, while a clown, was trying to win you football games last year… that’s what you were paying him to do and the fact that he didn’t is why you fired him. He may not have had any idea that he could lose his job last season, he was probably trying to avoid having his seat heat up in 2022, but either way he looked at Anthony Richardson and he saw a guy who wasn’t ready to lead Florida. Turns out he was right not to play him, I recall the Gator Nation wanting to win football games in 2021. He was supposed to just put him in so he could do what he’s doing now and struggle and lose football games? Richardson played extensively against Georgia and then the rest of the season. That should be enough to avoid the dumb mistakes he’s making now. No, guys, he’s simply not a great quarterback. He’s got immense athletic talent and he isn’t putting it all together. 7 more games of losing football last year wasn’t going to change that.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Careful… there are a lot of readers on this blog who think “seeing what you have for next year” and “preparing the next guy” are infinitely more important than figuring out how to win games with what you have now.

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    • stoopnagle

      The thing is, he DID let him struggle. He started him against Georgia. LOL.


      • Biggen

        And he a got a few more starts after that game didn’t he?

        I’ve said it before but this guy isn’t right out of HS. This is his third year in college! If it hasn’t clicked yet, will it?

        Liked by 1 person

        • godawgs1701

          Exactly. There’s no substitute for being on the field and playing in real games, but it’s funny how a lot of guys seem to be able to get ready in practices and scrimmages and this guy is in his third college season and can’t get right after playing in 15 games with 4 starts.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Russ

          It was the same with Emory. Spent several years under the “QB Whisperer” and never progressed. And if Franks hadn’t gotten hurt, no one would have ever heard of Trask. Yet Mullen was the great developer of talent while all Kirby can do is recruit. LOL

          Liked by 2 people

  10. biggusrickus

    There’s a lot going on there. First, Florida is 12th in the current 247 talent composite. Mullen wasn’t recruiting well enough to win the SEC, but he left more talent on hand than Kentucky (27th), Utah (33rd) and South Florida (65th) has. Second, what point was Mullen trying to make by not playing Richardson more last year, that winning is better than losing? Third, Richardson is in his third year, and his issues are basic ones that one would think would be corrected by now through practice. He seems like a head case, so I’m not sure putting him out there to fail repeatedly last season would have been the best thing for his development. Finally, he seems awfully confident that Miller sucks, in which case, why’d they bring him in?

    All that said, they have a new coach in his first year trying to overhaul the culture, so they could see a year 2 bounce. However, with the Butch Jones vibe Napier is putting off, I wouldn’t expect it. They certainly aren’t going to see a bounce if Richardson is the best they can do at QB.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Harold Miller

      Richardson is much like Reggie Ball. He’ll move a your team between the 30s. He’ll even win you a game or 2 with some crazy ass shit, but eventually, especially against very good and elite teams, the colossal blunder will happen. The dude is basically a coach killer. It leads me to wonder if Napier might bail on him and go with anyone else.
      I’ll say this, if Tennessee defense is truly improved, then we will see it Saturday, and things will likely get out of hand in Knoxville.


      • Down Island Way

        If that description of their team would have had this moment of “it just isn’t fun anymore”, I would have thought it was a note from nerdfootball…that gap, she is getting wider…GO DAWGS! and #FTMF…


  11. whit1356

    Fuck Them And Feed Them Fish Heads!!!

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  12. If they thought he was the next Tim Tebow, why are they asking him to pass the ball? Tebow was a fullback that threw screens and deep balls. There was nothing intermediate.

    The GPOOE had 661 career completions (995 attempts) and 692 rushing attempts.

    So far this season, AR15 has 24 rushing attempts and is 41 of 77 passing. They need to have more designed runs with option looks and quick passes. Supplement with deep shots when you get man coverage and a single safety. That’s the Tebow Special. AR15 had 35(!) pass attempts against Kentucky vs. 6 rushing attempts.

    Florida lost to Kentucky due to coaching malpractice not a lack of talent.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      41/77, 423 yds, 0TD, 4INT… and a QB rating of 35.8.
      That’s fucking horrible and I can’t stop laughing. FTMF.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Ding ding ding. He’s legitimately terrifying with his legs, but they won’t let him run.


    • stoopnagle

      Right now they don’t have anyone behind him. At all. 2d string is hurt.


    • Biggen

      I think the issue is if he gets hurt rushing the ball a la Matt Corral, they have no one as a backup that is even remotely serviceable. On the other hand, they are just beating their heads against the wall over and over letting him throw.

      Its a damned if you do and damned if don’t situation and I f’ing love it!


  13. Harold Miller



  14. KornDawg

    The greatest trick Dan Mullen ever played was convincing Gator Nation he didn’t exist?
    (This is admittedly a stretch, but the boogey man comment made me think of The Usual Suspects)

    Liked by 1 person

  15. siskey

    I would rank Mullen as the 3rd best Florida since I became a football fan:
    1) Spurrier
    2) Meyer
    3) Mullen
    4) McElwain
    5) Muschamp
    6) Zook
    So any coach who isn’t one of the best college coaches of their era or all time is going to disappoint and be fired down there. I am ok with that but Napier is their 7th coach since 2001.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Get ready for the run next year? BwahahahahahahahahahH

    Liked by 2 people

  17. FFS, the roster isn’t THAT bad. It’s still probably a top 15 roster.

    They’re scared to use Richardson in the obvious way they should, which makes me think they are absolute trash at backup QB.

    But they aren’t that bad in personnel.


  18. SenorLorenzo

    It’s interesting that he goes from,“This rebuild will not be a quick fix at all.” to “…ready for the real run next year.” in the same post.

    And Senator, acknowledging your Mullen boogeyman comment, so he was supposed to start AR last year despite what Mullen obviously saw in practice? The same AR we’ve now seen grossly underperform during most of the first 3 games? I guess implying that gatornation and the administration would have been hunkey doorey with that, and thus Mullen would still be their HC. Yeah, he’s gonna be the excuse gift that keeps on giving for a while.


  19. W Cobb Dawg

    Can’t give Mullen all the credit. Todd Grantham didn’t recruit either.

    But the truth is, nobody worth having wants to go to your f#@king school.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. If AR15 is healthy and Billy Bags doesn’t run him to death tomorrow to try to win, you might as well call 2022 a throwaway season if you’re a Handbag fan.

    A good running game including QB run by the Hogtown Handbags is the only thing that will keep this game close which is the only path to victory the booger eaters have in Tooth Country tomorrow afternoon.


  21. practicaldawg

    Florida fans should not be complaining. They should be elated that they aren’t 0-3 right now because I truly don’t understand how they’ve beat anyone with how broken their offense is.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I laughed at this in the comments on that link:

    “We only won Saturday because Jesus loves Tim Tebow and didn’t want to see him cry if USF beat us at home. “

    Yeah, that’s a plan. Just not sure that Jesus loves Tebow enough for them to win enough to make them relevant again. Also, I think they should change his name to Damn Mullen when posting. Venting the anger/disappointment is healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. 69Dawg

    My Gator friends down here in Central Florida are reconciled to getting the heck beat out of them this year by the good teams on their schedule but they still believe 6 or 7 wins are g0ing to happen. If UT crushes them then I’ll be interested in what happens next.


  24. munsonlarryfkajim

    We beat most teams on Tuesday and Wednesday when they watch the tape. They see it and know they don’t have a chance Saturday. Saturday rolls around and they are intimidated and wilt in the face of adversity

    I agree with whatever poster on here said their main concern is not playing in the 4th quarter

    Liked by 1 person

    • rigger92

      Not sure how this applies to FL tomorrow, but I have commented the same regarding where our team is right now.

      Derek is on the record stating the AR was going to be a problem for us, I also agreed with him. Is it really possible that we broke Ukelele and AR last year? I don’t think so, but here we are. Goings on between the ears is above my pay grade.


  25. A good quarterback is the key. Ask Jimbo….
