You can never have too many.

Southern Cal has 10 tailbacks on its roster.

And it’s not like they suck, either:

How deep, you say? If forced to choose between USC’s 10 or the rest of the Pac-10 tailbacks combined, no coach in his right mind walks away from the Troy 10.

“You would think,” says one Pac-10 coach, “one or two of those guys would see the numbers game and go somewhere else.”

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Filed under Pac-12 Football

One response to “You can never have too many.

  1. kckd

    I may be wrong but I don’t think this will hold up for years and years. Eventually these kids will see where a few of these guys were highly touted, never got to play and see some no name high school guys at other universities end up going in the early rounds of the draft.

    I hope he’s telling them also, how much money Word and Okoye walked away with when they cleaned out their lockers and how much he walked away with after playing back up and STs for eight years.
