The spirit is willing…

Larry Munson is 84 years old. He’s troubled by a variety of ailments. And he’s told The Macon Telegraph’s Josh Kendall that he’s “almost 50-50” on being in the broadcast booth for 2007.

… Munson, however, says he’s not so sure. His pace has slowed noticeably in the press box in recent years and is nearing a total stop now, he said.

“I can’t run, and I can’t walk,” he said. “I can’t use my hands; I can’t close my hands. It’s just so stupid.”

The new permanent 12-game regular season and increased number of night kickoffs make the season tougher on Munson, Smith said.

“After all these years, I suspect that Larry’s aches and pains are more intense now, and that probably causes him to fret a little bit more,” Smith said. “I suspect the reason he might be down, if he’s down, is he is thinking about that bus ride after that Alabama (road) game and that plane ride home after the Tennessee game.”

His retirement is something that most Georgia fans don’t want to contemplate, but is coming, nevertheless. I hope that Georgia finds a better replacement for Munson than Tennessee did for John Ward, another broadcasting legend.

Here are a few published tributes for your viewing pleasure: Georgia Trend magazine,, The Gainesville Times, The Athens Banner-Herald.


UPDATE:  According to this blurb in the AJ-C, this is starting to sound pretty seriously close to the end of the line.

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One response to “The spirit is willing…

  1. Tenn_Dawg

    Boy….your right, the AJC article does really seem to suggest that this may really happen. Munson is as much GEORGIA as Uga and The Battle Hymn and he will be missed. By his own admission he did not come around last year until the Auburn game, so maybe it is time. To be 84 years old and still be able to call such a fast paced game is unbelievable. I just hope I’m on this side of the grass when I’m that age. Hopefully UGA will find a good replacement and hopefully the Georgia fans will give the guy a chance. Aside from it being a great gig…I would not want to follow in Munson’s footsteps.
