SEC bits and snippets

From the Lexington Herald-Leader

Tony Franklin thought the call to the big time would never come again.

It came late in 2007.

During his days as a Hal Mumme-era offensive coordinator at Kentucky, Franklin got caught up in the bitter staff feuding that helped doom Mumme’s coaching tenure at UK in 2000.

In response to the infighting, Franklin penned a book containing his view of what had really gone on during the turbulent Mumme era. Given the speak-no-evil code that guides the big-time college football coaching fraternity, it made the one-time Kentucky high school coach a professional pariah.

Three thoughts on this: (1) I wonder how a tell-all book on the Auburn coaching staff would sell. Maybe Franklin could get Finebaum to ghost write it. (2) However much Tuberville vows that Auburn will remain a physical, tough team while running the spread, those aren’t attributes that anyone would associate with Kentucky football when Franklin was there with Mumme. (3) Speaking of whom, does anybody think it would be a good look for Tuberville to show up on the sideline sporting the Mumme towel around the neck fashion accessory?

Moving on, I thought this was the lede of the day…

Williams-Brice Stadium looks like an upside down cockroach.

… until I saw this.

South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier stood alongside the 17th fairway at Augusta National chatting with the parents of suspended quarterback Stephen Garcia during Thursday’s first round of the Masters.

If that doesn’t go down as the quintessential moment of the Spurrier era in Columbia, I don’t know what else would.

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Filed under SEC Football, The Evil Genius

One response to “SEC bits and snippets

  1. Chuck

    Senator, that quote regarding Spurrier is priceless. Bravo for finding it.
