To sleep, perchance to dream- ay, there’s the rub.

With this, it’s time to sell the movie rights to SEC Media Days, 2008 edition.  And we haven’t even heard from Spurrier yet.

By the way, welcome aboard, Mr. Hale.


UPDATE: Speaking of Spurdog, here are a couple of nice shots to wrap up Media Days.

For the media, “It’s like going after girls, I guess. You get the best one you can. Some of you guys have good-looking wives, which is unusual.’’

And for Bobby Petrino:  “He had about as much fun as I did in the NFL,’’ Spurrier said. “When he first went, I said I’ll give him two years. He almost made one.’’


Filed under SEC Football, The Blogosphere

2 responses to “To sleep, perchance to dream- ay, there’s the rub.

  1. NebraskaDawg

    This was by far the most interesting media days ever. Great story.
