No room for Leach

One last observation on the Leach contract, from John Pennington at, that I mention because I got a good chuckle out of it.  In talking about the spin of who approached whom with regard to certain SEC head coaching positions being open recently, Pennington notes

… These things get spun in any number of directions, of course.  Tennessee and Auburn sources would tell you that Leach approached them and they weren’t interested.  Leach’s people would tell you that he was approached by those schools.

(Personally, I think it’s a good thing Leach didn’t wind up at one of those schools.

Face it, there’s no way Auburn would turn to a spread offense after the failed Tony Franklin experiment… and a program like Tennessee would never want some loose-cannon as their head coach, running around saying God knows what.)

Boy, how things change…

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Filed under Mike Leach. Yar!, SEC Football, The Blogosphere

One response to “No room for Leach

  1. Macallanlover

    I don’t care how it worked out but I am glad neither of them got Mike Leach. He may be quirky, but he is far superior to either AU or UT’s new folks. In fact, of the three SEC openings I believe Miss State made the best hire…..and I don’t think Auburn was even a close second.
