Tuesday morning buffet

Lots of goodies to pick from today:

  • You wonder how long David Hale has been sitting on this pun.  Nicely played, sir. [UPDATE: Hale isn’t taking credit for the headline.]
  • “I am the athletic director, I can go in.” That’s the kind of year it’s been at Michigan.
  • Notre Dame hasn’t won a national championship in two decades.  It hasn’t won a BCS game – ever.  Yet only now is Stewart Mandel coming to grips with the reality that the program is no longer special.  Don’t they get cable in Montana?
  • Then again, maybe no coach is up for the task in South Bend.
  • Jeebus, haven’t we milked every drop imaginable from this story (h/t Team Speed Kills)?  Give it a rest already.
  • Michael Elkon explains why the gap between Georgia Tech and Georgia this year isn’t as big as you think.
  • “Breaking down the SEC race”?  Seriously?
  • Casey Clausen’s failure to become an NFL draft pick scarred little Jimmy for life.  I bet he was haunted by that during the limousine ride to his announcement to attend Notre Dame.
  • Kentrell Lockett on Coach O and the Peter Principle:  “Great guy, but he just wasn’t that head coach. He was a great D-line coach but he wasn’t that head coach.” That should make for a fun post-game howdy.
  • In conference play, Vanderbilt scores a touchdown once every 128 plays.  Wow.


Filed under Big Ten Football, Charlie Weis Is A Big Fat..., Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football, Jimmy Clausen - Boy Wonder, Media Punditry/Foibles, SEC Football, Stats Geek!, Tim Tebow: Rock Star

3 responses to “Tuesday morning buffet

  1. Legatedawg

    ROTFL!!! Leetle Jimmy scarred for life! Maybe Casey did get an offer that just got trumped by one at Mississsippi State to come be a graduate assistant. Too bad Jimmy didn’t go to UT instead of the Dome. I’ve often wondered whether our last two visits there might have been different if he had. Us Dawgs always had such excellent results with Clausens .


  2. Russ

    ND doesn’t need a coach. They need a “Corch”.


    • Dog in Fla

      But if Big Tuna Charlie loses 1 or more of his last three, this is the presentation that his agent has ready to unlease in case the AD/Father President of ND/South Metro-Chicago Diocese/Pope in the Vatican/Gipper in Heaven-Limbo-Purgatory or any combination or permutation thereof try to say good-bye to Charlie in favor of a corch named after an 11th century Pope…
