Round up the usual suspects.

Ruh roh.

1. NCAA investigators are coming to South Florida this week to look into the recruiting of several high-school football stars and the methods of several colleges in doing so, according to a source.

Among the schools whose recruits are in question: Ohio State, Louisiana State, Auburn and Tennessee.

Yes, rest easy, Miami, Florida and Florida State fans. This isn’t about you. The schools involved have been successful for years in getting players out of South Florida, and enough red flags have been raised about money changing hands in the recruiting process to merit the investigation, the source said.

High schools officials, street agents, seven-on-seven tournaments – they’re all going to be asked questions by the NCAA.

I wonder who’s been complaining.


Filed under Recruiting, The NCAA

10 responses to “Round up the usual suspects.

  1. 69Dawg

    I am shocked, shocked I say that this is going on. Here’s looking at you kid(s).


  2. Reptillicide

    Oh look, Auburn’s name coming up in an investigation again.


  3. Stoopnagle

    Dan Mullen is taking names!


  4. Dog in Fla

    After a decade or two the NCAA finally becomes curious about the Auburn-Broward pipeline.

    “5. From the Things You Never Thought You’d See Dept: Rioting in Vancouver.”

    Unless you saw the liquor-feulled mayhem in Vancouver when the Canucks lost a Game 7 to the Rangers:

    “The scene was vividly similar to one in 1994, when a Game 7 loss to the New York Rangers prompted another stampede of liquor-fuelled mayhem in the downtown core. This time, police tried to nip the violence in the bud by closing liquor and beer stores early, but it appeared to have no effect.” Many Canadian couches were burned.


  5. Scott W.



  6. Cojones

    Did WVU lose this tournament several times last year? Or do they have a franchise selling used couches to Vancouver? Must be one helluva business!


  7. Dude

    Maybe there’s a reason Randy Shannon stayed away from home recruits.

    I guess with Auburn, Tennessee, and Ohio State going down for the count anyway, might as well clean up this mess while you’re at it.


  8. SouthGa Dawg

    Gene Chizik – ala Frank Drebin in the Naked Gun – is right now saying. “Please disperse, nothing to see here, please disperse, nothing to see here…”


  9. 81Dog

    you know how this ends: New Mexico State is going to get two years probation and a bowl ban.


    • Ausdawg85

      And we’ll self report having our players identify where Miami is on a map during US History, putting Murray, Jenkins and Crowell into a 4 game suspension.
