Reconsider, baby.

For some reason, Donald Remy isn’t getting through to Judge Wilken.

Perhaps he should strenuously object.


UPDATE:  He did!

In a written statement Monday, NCAA chief legal officer Donald Remy disagreed with Wilken’s decision to not reconsider her summary judgment order.

“It is core to the NCAA and its member institutions that schools offer a broad base of sports, for women and men, regardless of whether those sports generate more revenue than they cost to support,” Remy said. “The NCAA will continue to fight against any rule that allows schools to pay men’s basketball and football players at the expense of providing college opportunities for hundreds of thousands of male and female student-athletes.”

Or colleges could cut their budgets for athletics administrators.


Filed under The NCAA

8 responses to “Reconsider, baby.

  1. Mayor

    The NCAA needs to settle this case. If the NCAA does not, there will likely be an end to the NCAA as we know it. Maybe that would be a good thing though.


  2. John Denver is full of shit...

    You called it Senator!
    Universities are like countries…the more people you have the more money you make…even the homeless count, see?


  3. Dog in Fla

    “The NCAA will continue to fight against any rule that allows schools to pay men’s basketball and football players at the expense of providing college opportunities for hundreds of thousands of male and female student-athletes.”

    Donald Remy. For the People. For America.

    Call 1 (800) Bite-Me


  4. Reipar

    I just do not see the problem. Cut the non-paying sports you don’t want and fund the ones you do. Title ix will not apply to football and basketball as they are employees. When title ix was first introduced everyone argued for a football exemption. Now you get one. Plus schools that are serious about some of the less popular sports can sink more money into them and have an advantage over the larger schools for a change.


  5. SSB Charley

    Almost used a link to that clip in a brief earlier this year, but decided discretion was the better choice. One of my favorite clips ever.


    • Reipar

      I witnessed an attorney utter these words in a motion argument. Surprisingly only about half the attorneys in the courtroom got her faux pas. Unfortunately for her the judge was one of them 🙂


      • SSB Charley

        Yeah, I was tempted because, while not the exact words, opposing counsel’s were pretty close. Fortunately, my judge was savvy enough to see through the strenuousness of the objections.


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    Lemme get this straight. He argued that the ONLY way colleges can pay football and basketball players more is to take it from non revenue sport budgets? I love it when lawyers say things they have to practice (maybe 2 or 3 times) in front of a mirror to say with a straight face. Six million dollar coaches? Oy.

    Anybody remember the movie Broadcast News, when the back office guy asks anchorman Jack Nicholson if he could give up a million or so of his salary to keep others employed? Same scenario.
