You can ask.

So Mark Richt wants to get some “good, honest feedback” about a couple of calls last night?

Good luck with that, Mark.


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football

29 responses to “You can ask.

  1. Q

    Feels like pro wrestling sometimes. UF Ark in ’09 was the worst.


  2. Honestly, I’m at the point with Georgia football where I feel we’re just destined for shit like this to happen, even without bad play calls. I’ve lost so much faith that I could just as easily see us handing it to Gurley, who goes in for the score, only to have it called back for holding. That wouldn’t have resulted in loss of down, but we would end up with three more futile plays and a missed FG.

    We weren’t meant to win it. And I think we hit a glass ceiling in the 2012 SECCG. Sorry to whine. It’s a feeling I had after UT last year, compounded after Missouri and Vandy. I buried in Jacksonville, and it rose again in Auburn last year. I mean, good Lord, why did the schedule makers force us to play there twice in a row?

    The Clemson win made me cautiously optimistic, but the feeling is back big time. I hope it goes away, but I ain’t seeing it.


    • It’s hard to overstate the disappointment, Coach, and you didn’t. To go over there, play well, and lose is one thing. I think most all of us can handle that. But not this.

      Yeah, it was big improvement over the 2012 game there, but what is that? We knew we had problems in the secondary, but there’s no excuse for the rest of the team, and no excuse whatsoever for not being sharp.


      • Mayor

        In a competently reffed game Georgia wins by 2 TDs–the TD that was called back on a bogus holding call and the TD that Georgia would have scored in the 4th quarter if the refs hadn’t made a BS grounding call.


        • IAmAGurleyMan

          Dear Coach Richt:

          We may have blown a few calls, but the reality is that you are looking to blame your failures on others. First of all, it goes both ways. We could have thrown your superstar tailback out for head butting an opponent. And we called a chop block on a guy trying to make a tackle. The reality is that drive should have started from the 8 yard line, not the 4. Funny how you don’t seem to want to complain about that. Second of all, if you had the brains to run your superstar tailback on 1st down from the 4 yard line, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Stop blaming us. Look within for the cause of your own failures. Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. Perhaps it’s time you tried to learn from your non-clutch playcalling in crunch time or your boneheaded management of the game clock and your timeouts.


          The SEC


        • I know. Not 100% sure about the grounding call, but the holding call for sure. But there were a lot of other things could have changed the game, some on both sides.

          But nothing can make up for the fact that, despite all that stuff, and despite all the mistakes we made on both sides of the ball and ST’s, we had a golden opportunity to win anyway.

          Golden, because it only required us to take the lowest possible risk. Not only that, we could rely on the best halfback the game has seen in years to win it for us.

          Instead, we chose to pass up our most viable option (Gurley), which was also the lowest risk, and take totally unnecessary risks. And it came back and bit us, and cost us the game. In one sense, we deserve what we got.


        • Mayor, I am not sure that we would have won if the two call you mentioned had gone our way. Given the ease in which Carolina drove up and down over the defense it’s more of a given to say the Gamecocks score right after both Georgia TD’s. Losing to Spurrier this season was a given, with or without questionable calls. A better prepared team beats Carolina. The Dawgs were not the better prepared from the 1st series on. I would like to hear Richt simply say they were not good enough and that the team has a long way to go before they are able to beat a quality team. The officials did not cost the Dawgs this game.


          • Mayor

            Skeptic, I am with you on that. Do not infer from my post above that I think the “refs were against us,” etc. and that is why the Dawgs lost this game. The refs were incompetent but I didn’t see any bias. Georgia lost the game because of poor overall defense (particularly poor DB play in the first half and poor D-line play in the second half) and the usual bonehead call by Richt/Bobo near the end of the game that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


  3. Bulldog Joe

    That will cost him some money.

    He can afford it.


  4. Anon

    There are a lot more important questions than about a few officiating calls.

    Questions about playcalls, special teams play, defensive confusion, etc.

    And Richt has never been in the arena as a referee, so maybe he should spend his time asking a few more important questions of his own staff.


  5. ctfain

    One time I heard a guy call in, tell coach Richt after a loooong intro that he was blind, but felt he could “follow the game as well as a sighted man.


  6. Coach stoops: the Gators also get to call timeout after the ball is snapped.


  7. Gene Simmons

    So are all of you suggesting that he should not complain about bad officiating?


    • Mayor

      Actually, I wish the UGA President would make a lengthy videotape of bad calls against Georgia and DEMAND that either the officiating improve (i.e. officials who are regularly making bad calls be fired) or announce he would take steps to initiate UGA leaving the SEC–that’s what I want. The game officials are the only people in SEC football that are not held accountable. If the players screw up they get benched–if they screw up enough at schools like Bama they lose their scholarships. If the coaches screw up they get castigated in the media and if they screw up enough they get fired–including the HC. If the teams (not just football) perform badly the AD gets replaced. If the entire Athletics Department goes in the tank, the University President gets the ax. The only personnel that seem to be immune from accountability are the game officials. Hell, the coaches and ADs get FINED if they say anything negative about the game officials–particularly when it is true. Hubert Bell’s crew is incompetent. Period. Marc Curles’ crew (they officiated the UK-FU game last night) is biased in favor of FU (they got suspended in ’09 for helping FU beat Arky with bogus calls–the only time I am aware that something was done in recent memory to discipline refs). And Penn Wagers–individually he is biased against Georgia and everybody knows it. But nothing gets done–ever–by the SEC to these worthless assholes. Total lack of accountability. That’s why they are the way they are. How long do you think it would take your business to completely fall apart if the employees all were freedom to screw up with impunity? That’s where we are with game officiating in the SEC.


      • Gene Simmons

        Who set up the system? Who is ultimately in charge?
        The NCAA? The SEC?
        It is ludicrous that in today’s sports climate that this would be allowed to continue. But what can actually be done to change things?


        • Mayor

          The schools that are affected by the bad calls (and that is just about every school in the conference except Bama, Auburn and FU) should band together and threaten to remove the Commissioner unless something is done. That would get things changed. If not that, the schools that are the most impacted by this (and that would be Georgia, Vandy and UK) should threaten to leave the conference and go elsewhere. UK is a really attractive addition to either the Big 10 or the ACC because of basketball–Vandy, too.Georgia would be a really attractive addition to either of those and the Big 12 because of football and the huge Georgia media market. But Georgia (and the others) just take it and do nothing. It makes me vomit.


      • Mayor

        *Hubert Owens–not Hubert Bell.


  8. Lrgk9

    And I Quote on Intentional Grounding Rule: “… or if a defender deflects the pass, there is no penalty.”

    A ball carrier, in any location, commits intentional grounding when throwing a pass that does not reach the line of scrimmage; for instance, throwing the football down near himself. An exception is that the quarterback is allowed to spike the ball immediately after receiving it from the center. At the cost of a down, this is a way to stop the clock that a team may use when it has no time outs left.

    Intentional grounding is also called if all of the following components are present:
    Imminent pressure. If the passer does not face “imminent loss of yardage,”[1] then there is no penalty. It is not a violation when the passer is not about to be tackled but simply misses his receiver because the receiver fails to run the route the quarterback expects.
    Location. The quarterback must be inside the “tackle box,” the area between the two offensive tackles on the line. If the quarterback scrambles to either side and is closer to the sideline than that side’s tackle lined up, there is no penalty.
    Target of the pass. The ball must be passed where there is no eligible receiver, such as well out of bounds. If a receiver is nearby but fails to catch the ball, or if a defender deflects the pass, there is no penalty.


  9. 69Dawg

    I don’t know why we are complaining, it’s not like the first time the officials have screwed us over. Now this crew is not as bad as Penn Wagers because I think this crew is just incompetent. Penn takes screwing us to a whole new level. We get penalized for playing while Georgia. The SEC has a long ass memory and the more you complain the worst it gets. We were getting screwed because of the crew getting suspended after the Jasper Shanks non-fumble in the Tech game. Ole Penn is still pissed by the excessive celebration in Jacksonville. I had high hopes that the officiating would improve under Steve Shaw but he has just become the leader of the Good Ole Boys. The SEC is the Billion Dollar Conference with the 25 cent officials.

    Face it in this league certain teams cough Alabama never get called for penalties. The rest of the great unwashed just have to make do with the terrible officiating. Remember guys the SEC office has got to protect the brand and having the Ole Ball Sack out of the East race this early is not good for business. Likewise having UF lose to UK would make a bad business model. SEC has to have compelling games later so as long as Alabama, Auburn or LSU are undefeated and the East is a horse race the media bosses are happy as hogs. It’s all about the money.


  10. Why is it that every f’ing year the SEC officials are subject to so much controversy around the league?


  11. Spike

    Sigh.. I was at the game. It was in our grasp to drop the hammer on them. Two points. Our pass D sucks. Swann sucks, notwithstanding FINALLY making a pick. He is always out of position and is a poor tackler. Second, that holding call on the TD that was called back was totally bogus. That’s not bitchin” about the refs. That’s the just a fact.


    • Normaltown Mike

      Agree about the first. On the second, some that watched the replay have said there was a hold on that play by Pyke, not Kublanow (I’ve not watched it yet).

      Regardless (or, irregardless as some like to say), our inability to defend the pass is why we lost, For SOS, it must have felt like one of those 90’s Fun-n-Gun games where the LB’s and Safeties were defending a Power I and had no answer for a vertical passing game.

      Commiserating about a single play call or a few penalties obfuscates from the glaring truth: our secondary stinks.

      Anybody that thought Shaq Wiggins, JHC and Trigga Tray were bums and we’d play better off without them should stand up and explain how 3 of our 4 current starters were riding the bench behind them.


      • During the game I wonderder if things would be different with the guys you mentioned, Wiggins, JHC and Mathews. I have to think that they would have helped in some form or fashion.


        • Mayor

          JHC and Matthews would have been hand-fighting with each other all game as passes flew over their heads and ball carriers ran by them. Wiggins…who knows.
