No time for tailgates

Tennessee game will be a nooner, on ESPN.


Filed under Georgia Football

42 responses to “No time for tailgates

  1. Will (the other one)

    I know there’s nothing we can do about it, but boy do I not like early kicks (remembering all to well that getting up before 11 was “way too early” during my undergrad years, and feeling pretty sure I was not an outlier.) Can only hope that ESPN returns the scheduling favor and puts our game against Mizzou at 11 am central down the line.


  2. CBS must o taken note of our pass defense too.
    Well good. Either I can enjoy the rest of my day after or I can move from anger to depression in the same day instead of it having to hold over & change on Sunday.
    This probably helps tenn w the crowd. So thanks for that.


  3. Take the points. No matter how many or few.


  4. DawgPhan

    back to back noon games…rough.



  5. Bulldog Joe

    Going to have to win our way back into the late afternoon / evening slots.

    Having a 12:00 noon home game this week helps us get the routine down for next week. Big Orange juice for brunch!


  6. Dolly Llama

    I don’t know where else to enter this, but, Senator, you might do a post on this:

    I actually saw this at S****talk. About to go back over there and read a bunch of geeks snark on it.


  7. Saul Goodman

    Mark Tennessee down as a loss.


  8. Boy, I think I need to stay away for a while. You would think with the comments over the last 3 days that we may go 3-9 if we’re lucky after a 3-point loss to a ranked opponent on the road.


    • PTC DAWG

      Agreed, the doomers crack me up


    • garageflowers

      +1 My iPad kept crashing when I would click on “Comments” yesterday. I took that as a sign. Not too bad today, but I’ll leave the weekend posts alone.


    • hambone

      it’s just kind of annoying that Texas A&M had no problem beating a ranked opponent on the road WITH a brand new QB. i got my hopes up; i thought we were a ball club playing on that level, not a SC level.


      • Normaltown Mike

        Our team is at the level that it has to score 40+ points to beat a good opponent.


      • I thought we were better especially on defense, but we found out this team is flawed. The season isn’t over. While it’s going to be a tough uphill climb, the team still has its goal in front of it. I’m not one to say playoff or bust – let’s see what happens and go from there. The negativity is just overwhelming.


        • Will (the other one)

          Well, the thing of it is, the team IS better on defense than last year. Instead of having no one on the top Carolina WR we had someone covering him. But 5-star recruit vs walk-on isn’t a battle the walk-on usually wins. And our 3rd down % wasn’t terrible (though some of that is SOS not needing 3 downs to get a first on those multiple 75-yard drives in the first half.)
          Only thing that I didn’t worry about that happened was the utter lack of pass rush. If Floyd and co. pull multiple disappearing acts (or get held without flags) a few more games we are in trouble.


      • Bulldawg165

        I don’t think our season is over by any stretch, but I’m a bit concerned that the worst scoring defense in the SEC last year held South Carolina to 16 fewer points than what we did. It makes me feel like we’re going to have to win shoot outs week in and week out, which doesn’t make me feel very well optimistic about our chances to go 11-1 or even 10-2, given our average passing game (that will hopefully improve considerably when JSW and MM come back)


  9. I am surprised by this. Certainly did not expect a 3:30 kick, but noon? And the two games at 7/7:30 are not good at all. What to look for going forward…It is obvious that our D has major issues and will have a difficult time stopping quality passing teams and teams with solid O-lines. The answer…Speed up the offense to maximize the number of potential points and number of plays. Healthy, rested, tired or banged up our D will give up points. It now falls on the the offense and special teams to score early and often to compensate for the D.


  10. Saul Goodman

    Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas. Think we drop 2 of 3, then lose to Florida and Auburn, to go 7-5.


    • If we can’t beat Tennessee with their lines of scrimmage at home and Arkansas with their one-dimensional offense, we don’t deserve to go to a bowl game. I stand by my pre-season prediction of either 10-2 or 9-3.


      • Will (the other one)

        Arky’s D isn’t exactly world-beating either. Don’t be fooled by them beating Texas Tech (TTU had trouble putting away Central Arkansas at home.)
        Mizzou-Sakerlina will be really interesting viewing. Other than pass rush, I think Mizzou is suspect on D, and Mauk can be mistake-prone, but they’ve got another crop of tall WRs and USCe has problems with that.


  11. Always considered this game dangerous. Now, I have to double-down on that.


    • Ivey, I agree with you. Early start times have not historically favored the Dawgs. Fans will be less than pumped. Empty seats will be all around. The Vols will have two weeks to prepare. Yeah, the Dawgs will be on Upset Alert.


      • We hammered Tech 2 years ago on a noon start. Tennessee isn’t going to come into Athens as this juggernaut. If we play well especially on the lines of scrimmage, we should beat them.


        • After 2 games this so far we have seen 2 quarters of solid defensive football from this team. I am not certain what our D is at this point, but I know they are not world beaters. With two full weeks to prepare, I expect the Vols to be ready and have a good offensive game plan to attach our “secondary” and D-line. If they are capable of pulling that off, then yes the Dawgs will most certainly be on Upset Alert.


    • CannonDawg

      Heck, Ivey, all the SEC games (Vandy excepted) look and feel different now.


  12. Macallanlover

    Murphy’s Law has definitely taken up residence in Athens, had this pegged for a 7-8 PM kickoff for sure. Looks like we got beat out by SC-Mizzou, which is our own fault, which I want to watch anyway, but would have preferred it with lunch. Dawg fans just don’t seem to draw the advantageous night crowd atmospheres.

    If we cannot put a rush on Worley, mediocre as he is, this will be a shootout. We all said before the season that our Front 7 had to take the pressure off the “pups” in the secondary until they grew up. Only thing that might save us is TN has neither SC’s OL or a strong RB. Noon kickoffs—-ugh!


  13. Chuck

    As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap. We had it coming.


  14. FCDore

    Can we play you at 9:00am the following week??? Pretty please, with sugar on top?


  15. sUGArdaddy

    Guys, chill out. We played fairly poorly on the road and lost a heart breaker. We got boat-raced up there two years ago then proceeded to play the best football I’ve just about seen us play since the early 80’s. After the mess in 2012 in Columbia, we won a sloppy one in Lexington, then our defense got nasty and our offense got amazing. Every game is a new game.

    Look at the top 10. There are a lot of teams there with weaknesses. I’m predicting one of those insane years. So many of the ‘good’ teams have big flaws. I think we’re pretty good. Get 26 and 86 back and the offense looks very different. Conley and bennett then get covered by safeties and LBs in a 4 wide set.

    It’s not the end of the world. I still think we’re the best bet to win the East. We’ve got a lot of fight in us. And, I’ll say this, Richt and Bobo usually learn. I’ll bet you won’t see us NOT hand it to Gurley again in that situation. However, the more I think about it, the more I don’t mind the call. You think incompletion at worst. Safe call to avoid a sack because he’s moving. You just don’t think grounding. You don’t run a play assuming you’re going to get a penalty if it doesn’t work. Mike’s thinking that we’ll give it to Gurley 2 straight times if it doesn’t work.

    How many times have we complained about running it up the gut predictably in the red zone. We can’t have it both ways. Offensive coaching ain’t our problem right now. Our defense is like a druggie in rehab. We were very sick, very broken, and very addicted to bad, bad habits. It’s going to take some time to heal, brothers and sisters. A couple of 5-star corners wouldn’t hurt.


    • Dawg521

      “How many times have we complained about running it up the gut predictably in the red zone.”

      I don’t understand why we didn’t run the toss sweep that worked so well vs. Clemson. USCe’s DL showed they were plenty capable of stopping it up the gut. If we really have the strength and speed that we claim to, why not run it around end? Just my two cents.


    • Bulldawg165

      I agree with the call, especially after reading the article Bluto linked to. I also agreed with the no-spike call at the end of the 2012 SECCG, fwiw.

      It’s a long season and anything can happen, but as I stated above, I’m a bit concerned with our defense. Our offense is going to have to win shoot outs every week and I’m not sure our passing game is up to that level (we’re serviceable, maybe even good, but not great). Hopefully JSW and MM give us quite a boost, but I’d be surprised if either are back for the Tennessee game.


    • Will (the other one)

      You’re right about this season throwing off some 2007 weirdness vibes.


      • sUGArdaddy

        I mean, just look at the polls. Everybody already has a loss, and 5 of the top 10 are from the SEC West. That ain’t gonna last. They HAVE to lose and it will start happening soon. It could be one of those crazy years.


  16. Debby Balcer

    How long until it is safe to read the comments again? This was not the same type of loss as two years ago. You guys built them up to tear them down. The D is young and the experienced D are learning bad habits. Go DAWGS!!
