The only reason the Heisman Trophy matters.

It’s been a long time since I’ve cared who won the Heisman.  But this year, I’ll make an exception.  Chris Huston has the explanation.

2. Todd Gurley, JR, RB, Georgia

Gurley had a career day in Georgia’s thrilling 35-32 win over Tennessee, rushing for 208 yards and two touchdowns on 28 carries. He is now sixth nationally in rushing yards per game and is averaging nearly nine yards per carry. More importantly, he is very close to getting on pace for the magical 2,000-yard mark. It may take a Bulldog appearance in the SEC title game for him to get there, which means Gurley has to lead his team to the SEC East title. Otherwise, he may be sitting at home on the last weekend of college football. It will be hard to win the Heisman if that happens, but he appears to be on pace to get to New York as a finalist no matter what.  [Emphasis added.]

He’s going to have to see his team make the SECCG to have a chance.  Which means, obviously, good season for Georgia.


Filed under Georgia Football

41 responses to “The only reason the Heisman Trophy matters.

  1. Merk

    Todd Gurley 69 carriers 610 yards 8.8ypc 6 Td

    Yea he is doing pretty good for only 4 games in. Esp considering he only had 6 carries in one of the games (which he could have turned into a 200 yd game, as Michel showed).


  2. uglydawg

    Here’s hopes and prayers and wishes that he wins it.


  3. Spike

    Just Do It.


  4. I have a simple plan that will lead him there: Have him double as a safety. That way he can carry the team on both sides of the ball 😉


  5. WarD Eagle

    Worst idea ever that a player has to be on a leading team to win the Hypesman.

    Yet another thing ESPN has ruined.


  6. His rushing yards won’t even do him justice. All-purpose yards need to be up there too.


  7. Awesome stats considering who his OC is. Booboo would still be calling consecutive pass plays if he could.


    • Macallanlover

      ^^^^Doesn’t get football. It’s all about the stats for the kiddos. And Mike Bobo has no credentials with the immature apparently. We will just keep the OC that is among the best in his profession and pass on observations and advice from folks like you.


      • Oh…sorry. I didn’t realize you were the genius. Please..share your credentials. You do realize this is about the Heisman, right? They sure don’t hand it out for playing tiddly winks.


        • dudemankind

          Don’t mind Macdonaldlover. He makes a habit of talking down to other commenters on here daily if they have an opinion that differs from his.


        • Hackerdog

          It doesn’t take a genius to understand that coaches care much more about championships than they do about Heisman trophies. Even quality players do. Spurrier still hates UGA with the heat of a thousand suns because he lost the UGA game, and the SEC title, in a year he won the Heisman.


          • And it sure as Hell doesn’t take a genius to call 6 consecutive pass plays to start a half while your Heisman candidate RB has 12 total carries. That doesn’t really scream wanting to win a game, Heisman or any kind of championship to me. And I’m not really worried about a blog genius questioning my football iq or fandom. Never realized football iq meant agreeing all the time. If folks were happy with that bullshit then I’m in the wrong place for football iq. Lol

            This is like the mistake I made of being critical after the Troy game. I was supposed to be satisfied with not working on the passing game because we won 66-0. Since we’re bringing up what coaches want…I’ve never known any to be satisfied and not trying to improve.


            • Dawgwalker07

              The mistake you made wasn’t being critical. It’s how you’re doing it. Making fun of Mike Bobo by calling him Booboo and insinuating that he has no idea how to call plays isn’t critical, it’s childish. The man has demonstrated year after year he knows how to call plays. Is he perfect? No. But he’s not an idiot.

              You’d think we’d have lost the game by the way you’re complaining. He called 5 or 6 pass plays and then how much touches/yards/first downs/touchdowns did Gurley get in the 4th quarter?


              • Again….he had 12 carriers in the first half so that argument work. Yes, Bobo has shown he’s a good OC. Good won’t win titles and hasn’t. It’s like folks choose to forget some if the bonehead calls he’s made. Other than ego there is NO good explanation for starting a half like that. It was a 3 point game and that stupidity could have cost us the game. But, nevermind, it seems that only SEC coaches have the ability to recognize the basics of football.


                • Silver Creek Dawg

                  I’ll be more impressed with your argument when you can point to a game UGA definitely lost because of the offense…


                • Easy enough. They sure choked away a perfect opportunity in the USC game. Again..another perfect example of Bobo being the QB instead of the OC. There is no good justification. Mason isn’t the best player on the field….not even close. Sure…he threw a TD pass earlier but the game was on the line and it was 1st and goal from the 4.


                • Silver Creek Dawg

                  No guarantee Gurley smashes it in either, If we run it 3 times and MM misses the FG, then is THAT Bobo’s fault too? Plus, as you correctly pointed out, we ran a similar play in a similar spot on the field for a TD.

                  Try again…


                • You deny that the offense choked that game away? Wow! Apparently, you think a guy who hasn’t shown much other than game management gave us a better chance to win than the guy who makes big play after big play. Real head scratcher. We lost that game because we couldn’t score and Mason was the last to touch the ball. Your argument is that we should not let our best player try to take over from the 4 because he might not get in. Not really a winning mindset and it seems one shared by Bobo. Well…that didn’t turn out too well, no? Try again?


                • Mayor

                  Basically every sports commentator in the nation agrees with you jabo. After the game CMR himself said we should have run Gurley. We have some posters on this blog who, unfortunately, will deny the existence of gravity when it suits them.


            • Do you realize how fucking stupid you look anonymously criticizing, from your arm chair, on the internet, a major college offensive coordinator who leads the currently 2nd rated scoring offense in the best conference in the country? If coach would have put you in, we would have won state, Uncle Rico.


              • Certainly no more fucking stupid than some anonymous badass going our out of their way to insult someone because they disagree. Certainly no more fixing stupid than someone who agrees win everything. Lol!


            • Hackerdog

              Real life is different from a game of Madden. Bobo isn’t in the press box pressing the circle button every play to send Gurley for a touchdown. In real life, players get tired and hurt. When UGA has a stable full of running backs, it makes no sense to give Gurley 35 carries a game (and possibly lose him mid-season) so that he can win a meaningless beauty contest.

              Can UGA do more to help Gurley win the Heisman? Sure. And they should. But that means they should mount a serious campaign on his behalf. It doesn’t mean they should hamstring Bobo with “Gurley left,” “Gurley right,” and “Gurley pass” on his playsheet.


              • He’d had 12 carries so your point and your condescension are invalid. And Bobo don’t need help with hamstringing himself as evidenced by the start if the second half.


                • Hackerdog

                  He had 12 carries in the first half. He had 16 in the second half and finished the game with 28 carries. But you’re arguing that 28 carries isn’t enough. So, how many more carries should he have? 35? 45? James Connor at Pitt is leading the nation with just under 27 carries per game. Why do you think every coach in the country refuses to follow your strategy of running their backs into the ground?


                • Boy did you miss the point. Lol! We have no business starting a half like that with Mason as our QB and the RBs were have. It’s like you didn’t watch what he had done previously. Unless something drastic changes it’s fairly obvious that Mason can’t carry this offense. So why waste two very important possessions?? We obviously aren’t good enough to waste opportunities. Most everyone knows how you start the second half is one of the most important phases of the game. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the game was close from then on. There is a very good reason why people talk about us playing to our competition. My problem is that I believed we’d turned a corner with Clemson.


                • Hackerdog

                  I see. So you think that Gurley’s 28 carries is enough, it’s just that the carries should have been distributed differently? Your opinion is that the first possession of the second half is more important than the fourth quarter possessions when Gurley was salting away the victory? I’m not sure I agree.

                  As for Bobo asking for Mason to carry the team, I don’t see it. Mason finished the game with 25 attempts. During the Troy game, which you criticize Bobo for relying on the run too much and failing to work on the passing game, Mason had 22 attempts. So, you’re saying that 22 attempts is refusing to work on passing, but 25 attempts is asking the QB to carry the team? I’m not sure I agree with you there, either.


                • Many words I’ve never said. We were rolling until he throws a pick, D went prevent before half and UT scores and then Bobo comes out the second half trying to force something. We had a chance to put things away but it was fairly obvious that it wasn’t gonna happen with Mason. I don’t really care who was running. The point is that our run game is or strength and our passing game isn’t anything close. The point is that starting the second half the way we did set the tone for the rest of the game. We gave them momentum that we were up against for the rest of the game. Crazy thing is that they didn’t even force it. Instead of stepping on the gas we decided to break out into practice. At least Bobo realized it and didn’t do it again and I’d say that alone is proof enough that it was a bad decision.

                  I honestly can’t tell what you guys are trying to convince me of here. That Mason has shown that he can lead this team? That Bobo hasn’t shown, throughout his time as OC, that he’s good for some real dumb calls at the worst of times? That’s great if we’re satisfied with where the program currently is. We’ve already lost one game because of it and could have lost another.


                • Hackerdog

                  When I restate your opinion, and you object, that’s a clue that your opinion isn’t particularly valid. Your point about “tone” and “momentum” is sufficiently vague as to be meaningless. As I said before, UT scored 15 and we scored 14. I fail to see how one team performed better than the other by the most important metric.

                  As for what I’m trying to convince you of, nothing in particular. I just have a visceral reaction to people complaining that real life football isn’t like Madden. If you’re arguing that Bobo isn’t perfect, I’ll agree. No coach is perfect. Fortunately, he is very good. If you’re arguing that fans should expect perfection from the coaches, I’ll disagree. If you’re arguing neither, then I fail to see why you’re getting so worked up about “Booboo.”


                • Also, I care more about winning and it’s no secret that Gurley and our running game give us that chance. So of course Gurley will have better stats and a better shot at the Heisman. Why anyone would think I’m all about stats or that they’re mutually exclusive is beyond me. Most Heisman winners were a big reason for their team’s success. Who is the last Heisman winner to play for a team that didn’t make some kind of noise? Unless something miraculous happens with the passing game, Gurley’s individual success is directly related to the team’s success.

                  We ARE, for the most part, one dimensional right now. Sure…you want balance to keep the D honest but starting a half like that isn’t doing us any favors. Again…it’s no coincidence that the game was so close after that. We aren’t good enough to waste possessions when we could have practiced against Troy. But…we took what they gave us and won 66-0 and everything is just fine.


                • Hackerdog

                  So, balance is good and being one dimensional is bad, except at the start of a half? Also, I don’t know what you mean about the game being close after the first drive of the second half. In the second half, UT scored 15 points and UGA scored 14. That’s pretty even. When you go into the second half with a lead and play even, you win the game. Yes, we could have run Gurley more and possibly scored more points, but you’ve already stated that 28 carries is enough for him. So, you’re not really making your point, whatever that is.


                • So you’re satisfied with how things are. Got it.


                • Hackerdog

                  Am I satisfied that Gurley ONLY got 208 yards on Saturday? Yeah, I guess I am. I would say that people bitching about that number not being higher are pretty foolish. I think that number is high enough to even impress Heisman voters.


                • No. Satisfied with where the program is. It’s clear that your are.


                • Hackerdog

                  It’s interesting that you equate Gurley’s stats with the overall program. Am I satisfied with Gurley’s production? Of course. Only a fool wouldn’t be. Do I think the team/program could be better? Yes. Those are two different issues.

                  When discussing how UGA could improve, it’s foolish to focus on Gurley and ignore the defense. But, we live in a world where fans grew up on Xbox, rather than paying attention to actual games. So, I suppose the criticisms that UGA doesn’t have the #1 scoring offense and Gurley is averaging less than 500 yards per game will become more common. Shame.



    Did Johnny Foosball have that rule applied?


  9. HogbodySpradlin

    The putz has Everett Golson third.


  10. HunkerDown

    Do you think they can get there with three losses? Arkansas will be too strong and then there is Auburn.
