Greg McGarity’s increasingly lonely stance

To follow up on the Hugh Freeze news, Jeremy Foley has made it abundantly clear that, while he may not have settled on a new head coaching candidate yet, he’s prepared to pay the next man more than he paid Will Muschamp.

Extension talks between Freeze and Ole Miss began earlier in the season, then intensified. The Gators’ interest — an offer in the neighborhood of $4.2 to $4.3 million annually fielded by Freeze’s representatives, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the talks — helped drive Ole Miss to the $4 million mark.

As for Florida’s next move, New England Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels is consideration, according to one source, confirming a report by Football Scoop, although there is concern regarding McDaniels’ availability to join Florida immediately upon his hire. The Ohio native and longtime Bill Belichick assistant has not coached in college since a stint as a graduate assistant at Nick Saban’s Michigan State, and his only head coaching experience came in 2009 and 2010 with the Denver Broncos.

Yahoo! Sports’ Pat Forde reports Colorado State’s Jim McElwain is a “leading candidate,” and the Gainesville Sun’s Pat Dooley says TCU’s Gary Patterson shouldn’t be ruled out.

NFL coaches don’t come cheap.  Neither will Gary Patterson.  And McElwain reportedly has a significant, as in multi-million dollar, buyout that Foley would have to cover.

Muschamp and Freeze both made less than Mark Richt this season.  Neither Freeze nor the new Gator head coach will be in that position in the next one.  And that leaves the management of Georgia’s athletic department in an interesting position.

By my count, once the Florida hire is made, there will be exactly one SEC head coach at a public school with an annual salary less than Richt’s, Tennessee’s Butch Jones.  (USA Today’s database currently lists two others making less, but Mark Stoops has already gotten a raise putting him ahead of Richt and I don’t think anyone doubts Dan Mullen is in line for a pay bump in the offseason.  Of course, we don’t know what Vanderbilt pays Derek Mason, but don’t forget James Franklin was supposed to be getting Richt-type money before he left for Penn State.)

This isn’t about lobbying for a raise for Mark Richt.  But what does it say about the perception of Georgia’s athletic program that Richt is paid less than his peers, despite in many cases sporting a superior resume?  I suspect it reinforces a message that Jeremy Pruitt was complaining of recently.

It’s a pretty consistent piece with this, too.

Georgia is eighth nationally in scoring offense and leads the SEC, and it still would if the defensive and special teams touchdowns were subtracted. All this after losing the star tailback in the middle of the season. Bobo’s offense has been prolific for awhile now, and he also happens to be one of the staff’s better recruiters. (He ran lead on Thompson.)

Bobo and his family are eating well at $550,000 a year, but he shouldn’t be earning $300,000 less than the defensive coordinator. He’s also had chances to leave or pursue the head jobs at Southern Mississippi and Georgia Southern, and he has passed because he likes Georgia and working for Richt. But at some point, money talks, too.

I think Bobo is at $585,000 now, but Seth’s point is a valid one.  Bobo is making a middle of the pack salary for an SEC coordinator, despite performing well above that level.  (Two defensive coordinators who were making more were just fired from their jobs, and LSU’s Cam Cameron earns a whopping $1.3 million this season to guide LSU into scoring two touchdowns a game less than Georgia has.)

It’s clear that the athletic department has done a nice job leveraging Mark Richt’s loyalty to the institution.  And maybe that will last forever.  But there are only so many ways you can tip the world that your preference is to operate on the cheap before everyone becomes convinced that’s all that matters to you.  And that has consequences, as Pruitt’s fretted publicly about.

And it might when it comes to finding new coaches one day.  Which is something the FIRE RICHT NOW! club probably needs to factor in to its fervent hopes.


Filed under Georgia Football, It's Just Bidness

113 responses to “Greg McGarity’s increasingly lonely stance

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    With tongue in cheek: I guess we get what we pay for with Mark Richt. Sorta another way to look at it?


    • Tronan

      (Tongue half in cheek) It is. And this is one of the main reasons why I think Richt will be in Athens until he decides it’s time to ride off into the sunset.

      For the record, I think Richt is a relative bargain.


      • Chi-town Dawg

        +1. I was formerly of the “we need a new head coach” mindset, but moved into the “Richt is just a symptom” camp and B-M is the real issue. A change in coaches is likely to yield similar or worse results because of the Georgia Way in which management runs the business.


        • Whiskeydawg

          We narrowly escape Glen Mason.


        • Dawgwalker07

          Yeah I kinda feel like Richt does a really good job managing the BM atmosphere. Not saying he’s flawless or the results on the field are as good as they should be, but I’m not sure we’re going to find someone who can manage everything like he has. It’s a real tightrope walk I’m sure.


      • Mayor

        (Tongue sticking out) I think Richt should have his salary reduced every time he makes a stupid end of game call that causes the team to lose. But after 14 years of that he would be owing Georgia money.


  2. Please, oh please, let Florida hire Josh McDaniels.


  3. Uglydawg

    Dear Florida AD,
    If you will hire me, I will guarantee a national championship the first year, or I’ll resign and give half the money back. Really. I’d do that.
    Yours with all sincerity, (agent) Uglydawg


  4. Scorpio Jones, III

    “Which is something the FIRE RICHT NOW! club probably needs to factor in to its fervent hopes.” Factor in a rational thought…yeah right.


  5. Richt made it abundantly clear from day 1 that he planned to move his family once. He hasn’t leveraged other jobs into big pay raises. He hasn’t even really let his name be floated out there for jobs other than media speculation. He’s going to retire in Athens unless he were to do something crazy like lose 3 in a row to tech.

    I really think Bobo loves Athens and the lifestyle he has. He has great relationships with the high school coaches in his recruiting territory, and Richt lets him experiment with the offense. As the years go on, I’m more convinced than ever that Bobo is the heir apparent when Richt decides he’s had enough.


    • Jim

      This. Our staff’s compensation is simple supply and demand. I doubt richt has ever asked for more and has never threatened to leave that we know of, and he seems perfectly happy with what he is paid. So why again would we pay him more?

      My sense from some friends that know bobo and his wife personally is that he is a lot more focused on stability of his family than he is looking for a raise every year. He is married to Vince’s niece and her family isn’t exactly looking for their next meal. There was talk at one point about bobo wanting to coach HS and raise his family as opposed to continuing the SEC coordinator grind, but that was a few years ago

      I agree he is the heir apparent if not formally then informally.


  6. Jeff Sanchez


    The “Fire RIcht!!1!!” crew needs to follow the UF coaching search veeeeery closely.

    If you thing McGarity can do better than what Foley ends up with this off season, well then I guess you have more faith in him than I do


    • reipar

      His (Foley) track record in football this far is 1 for 3 so not what I would call great success. If McGarity cannot do better than that we best pray that Richt does not retire any time soon.


    • Bulldog Joe

      UF is about to break the bank on an entire new staff and the huge facilities upgrade the new staff will demand.

      Foley and McGarity allowed UF to fall behind in facilities. Playing the waiting game will likely end up costing them more in the long run as construction-related costs have increased significantly since the recessionary days.


  7. Bulldog Joe

    I believe most everyone is already convinced that operating on the cheap and transferring athletic money to the University is all that matters to Georgia.

    I am not concerned about Richt. He is accustomed to dealing with it.

    I am more concerned about the assistants being as fed up with it as the contributing fans are.


    • Irwin R Fletcher

      Is it fair to ask how many assistants have gotten fed up and left? The only one I can think of that we wanted to keep and just couldn’t match the offer was Searels. Garner and Grantham…I don’t think willingness to pay them was the reason they walked.

      I do think there is valid criticism here…UGA should be paying these guys what they are worth, but at the same time, they’ve responded in the past to schools trying to laterally hire coaches we wanted to keep.


      • Bulldog Joe

        I agree it is a fair question and observation.

        How long will this loyalty hold up as the gap widens in not only compensation, but facilities and support as well? I believe there is a breaking point with the assistants.

        The next two months will tell us whether we have reached it.


      • Normaltown Mike

        Garner left b/c he got tired of putting on a ski mask every time he went to pick up his pay check at B-M.

        Grantham left b/c he’s just smart enough to know he wasn’t well liked, hadn’t recruited well and his units were trending downward.


    • No One Knows You're a Dawg

      Is there any independent organization of Georgia fans that speaks for the interests and concerns of the fan? I know there’s the Georgia Bulldog Club, but exists as part of the Athletic Association which of course is closely involved with the athletic department.

      One thing that’s obvious from reading this blog is that there is high level of dissatisfaction with the way athletic affairs are run at UGA. It goes beyond the question of who should be hired or fired for what position. Rather, it involves frustration and confusion over the direction and focus of the athletic department and a sense that Georgia fans are only valued for their money. Given all that goes on in the athletic department, we as {paying} fans are given scant information about what is done and why.

      For example, read this article about UGA’s reserve fund. It brings up more questions than it answers. (This article has likely been linked to in the past by the Senator.)

      So, we borrowed money to create a large reserve fund and we now have to maintain a large reserve fund because because of the money we borrowed?

      Revenue hasn’t been growing? What about money from the TV contracts? That’s not counted as revenue? Why not?

      There are also of course the never-ending issues regarding the gameday experience for fans-everything from tailgating to ticket pricing.

      None of this is being satisfactorily addressed by McGarity or anyone else at Georgia. It just seems there should be an independent, responsible voice through which issues important to Georgia fans could at least presented to the athletic department in the hopes of receiving action or at least a coherent response.


  8. Irwin R Fletcher

    One question out of this…has TV money made coaching searches a completely different animal? I’m not sure 5-10 years ago that Ole Miss could have competed with Florida’s war chest.


  9. The other Doug

    If Richt made $5 million a year he would be fired because they would demand results. As it is now, he wins enough and doesn’t cost too much.


  10. I have no comment at the moment, but I might have something to say next week.


  11. Bright Idea

    Those yelling to fire Richt after every loss never pay attention or know anything about the mindset in B-M and the BOR. Pruitt is the first to bring it up publicly and it will likely be the reason that he’s not long for here. He may first get frustrated with Richt for refusing to be a squeaky wheel.


  12. Macallanlover

    A business should not be run by those with an “accounting mentality” if it wants to be uber successful. This isn’t to say there should be a reckless disregard of the bottom line but the risk taking necessary to grow, and sustain growth, is inconsistent with penny-pinching analysis, and that is exactly what drives UGA’s Athletic Department. I am grateful for CMR’s approach but feel we are ridiculously taking advantage of Mike Bobo. Less than 1/2 Cameron’s salary for what he has done? Not a good statement to make UGA, looks like the Prez and AD are total clowns.


  13. there are only so many ways you can tip the world that your preference is to operate on the cheap before everyone becomes convinced that’s all that matters to you.

    A thousand times this.

    Georgia has a zillion things in its favor as a program. Recruiting base. Fan support. Good weather. Great campus. Beautiful campus (ifyaknowwhatImean). Really the only negative is how cheap, stingy, and “moral high ground-y” the University is.

    Eventually that takes its toll.

    As I’ve said a few places before, imagine how many little frustrating roadblocks get thrown up in CMR’s way throughout the year. It wouldn’t surprise me if memos come down from above that are the equivalent of “please use less paper clips, we are spending $137,890 a year on paper clips!” That shit would get old fast.


    • Chi-town Dawg

      LMAO – sad, but probably true! Very well said!


    • Irwin R Fletcher

      “moral high ground-y” the University is”

      Yes…it’s terrible as an alumni to have to justify to others that your football program does not allow football players to assault teachers, smoke a bunch of weed, and beat up their girlfriends.


      • Nice Straw Man.

        We don’t need to suspend kids for their first time smoking pot other trivial things. Nobody is saying anything about tolerating violent felonies. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

        Seth Emerson’s article today:

        1. Hold on to players.

        No more losing good them for silly reasons that other major programs laugh at. No one’s saying to look the ­other way with egregious acts that require discipline and dismissal. It’s admirable to seek a strong locker-room culture and to have the moral high ground.

        But this is football, and you’re not going to win the national championship with choir boys.


        • Bulldog Joe

          Agree. Seth has been around B-M long enough to know the deal.

          He gets it.


          • I get it that the smoking pot issue is much more serious at Georgia than anywhere else in the SEC besides Kentucky. And other schools cheat. We can bitch and moan that it puts us at a disadvantage. It does. Fine. It’s your right to bitch and moan or not. But it ain’t changing. It’s not ever changing.
            “No more losing good them for silly reasons that other major programs laugh at.” So what silly reasons did we lose a crop of talent to recently? Just off the top of my head. We’ve already covered pot. I not gonna rehash Gurley or AJ.
            Theft from a teammate? Wanting to clown around during practice? Interrupting a class and dissing a Prof.? theft by deception? arrest for felony aggravated assault/family violence? No they are not choir boys. Don’t know if that really matters. $Cam sang in the choir.


            • It’s not ever changing.

              I disagree.

              If people stop giving them money, and if they list this as one of the reasons, it will change.

              Bowel Movement answers to one thing: money.


              • Hmmm. By people I suppose you are meaning the fans? I don’t think the high dollar rollers like ESPN and the like will sign that petition. I cant believe anyone could motivate that kind of change in this Athletic Department”s DNA. Outside the President anyway. And his motivation would be ? …. To lessen the punishment so that we can neutralize the advantage that the Alabamas and Auburns of the world hold over us in order to continue to reap in the cash from fans? Morehead is here for a while. Shipley ain’t going anywhere, he’s remodeling his house.


                • Well, fans yes, but donors, boosters, and season ticket buyers more importantly.

                  If people buy less merchandise and donate less money every year, while voicing their opinion why, there’s at least a microscopic hope for change.

                  Also, having people like Seth Emerson list it as the #1 thing our program needs to work on helps.

                  Also: If our coaches start giving feedback that it is hurting our recruiting, that may also percolate up.

                  Or if we get another University president with the balls to take unilateral action with the understanding that winning football championships is the key to serious money, fan support, and higher profile.

                  Think about this: People who are right now in their 40s, 50s, and 60s became Georgia fans around the 80s. Right when we were actually winning SEC and national titles.

                  In another 20 years, that financial core of UGA’s fan base is going to start dying. Puttering around being good but not great is not going to create the core who believe in the program like the 80s bulldogs created. Just a thought.


                • “Shipley ain’t going anywhere, he’s remodeling his house”

                  For the love of God, man. If I ever become so obsessed with Georgia football that I know something like this, I hope somebody beats the hell out of me.


        • Uglydawg

          Ah, but the anti-thesis of declaring Georgia’s moral high ground to be a negative “thing” would be a declaration that low moral ground is a positive thing. This is another way of saying “win at all costs”. This is a college football program, not a professional entertainment team. It’s part of the college experience, like academics, community service and research.
          Maybe Georgia would have more Rhodes Scholars if they could just cheat on their grades a little bit..Georgia’s high moral ground is holding them back.


        • Irwin R Fletcher

          What straw man? No one has kicked anyone out for first time smoking or other trivial things. Ty Florney Smith was arrested for falsely reporting stolen textbooks and then got run after smoking in his dorm room. (allegedly) Trigger verbally assaulted a professor. (allegedly) Johnathan Taylor allegedly assaulted his girlfriend. Nick Marshall and Chris Sanders stole over $500 in cash and merch from a teammate. (allegedly) Crow had an illegal firearm in his car. (allegedly) Mett allegedly assaulted a girl at a bar.

          Then you have….Bellamy, who got popped for a DUI(!). DeLoach got popped for forging checks. Still here.

          If you want to complain that the policy is too tough, rather than make generalized complaints and claim ‘straw man’ (falsely) when anyone challenges you on it, feel free to draw the line on what is ‘moral high ground’ and what isn’t. Tell me which kids shouldn’t have been kicked off the team and why. I’ll get you started…kids shouldn’t be suspended for their first drug offense. M’Kay….what else ya got or is that it?


          • Your Straw Man:

            “allow football players to assault teachers… beat up their girlfriends.”

            Nobody here has proposed “allowing” that – not even close.

            See the link to Seth Emerson’s article for more detail on what I, and many others, are talking about.


            • Irwin R Fletcher

              That’s the point. There is no detail. Give me some of the kids that UGA ‘lost’ and tell me why they should have stayed?

              You aren’t talking about anything…you are yelling that we are handicapping the program without giving any sort of specifics on what that means. Do you have any sorts of ‘details’ other than ‘no automatic suspension on the first drug offense’?


              • Josh Harvey-Clemons

                4 players for trying to double cash their student aid checks.

                Should they be punished? Sure. Kicked out? Excessive.

                Numerous other suspensions for first offense pot smoking. Again, punishing them is fine, but suspending them just hurts the rest of the team, the fans, and the program.

                If you want more examples, take it up with Seth Emerson.


                • Irwin R Fletcher

                  JHC was kicked out after his third violation of team rules in 18 months. LSU kicked out the Honey Badger after three strikes for crying out loud.

                  The kids that ‘just’ double cashed their checks…none were kicked out for that. DeLoach is still on the team. John Taylor was disciplined but then was kicked out after assaulting his girl (alllegedly). Tray Matthews was disciplined and then kicked out after assaulting a teacher. Uriah LeMay transferred to UNCC.

                  I’m not disagreeing with you on the automatic suspension for a first time drug offense, but if that is the only real issue, just say so. Stop trying to make up issues that don’t exist.


                • Like I said: If you want more examples, take it up with Seth Emerson.

                  Or just keep sticking your head in the sand if you want.


      • Hackerdog

        Not to mention emerging from alleys and refusing to use their middle names. Is it the Bloods or the Crips that don’t give middle names?


  14. Charlottedawg

    Bobo’s getting screwed, his side of the ball is the one area that performs up to and frankly a little bit above it’s potential and the athletic administration in typical Georgia fashion uses Bobo’s loyalty to lowball him.


    • ? I don’t get all the gnashing of teeth over Bobo’s cash flow.

      Bobo has a family member that knows a little something about the career he has chosen. He has an agent, an accountant, a lawyer,an investment adviser and a Wife.
      I would think he had it covered.


  15. B.

    On an average 3 or 4 games determine your team’s season….38 big game losses in the last 12 years averages out to be a little over 3 games per season. The ‘BIG GAME’ list of wins is nowhere near this big! Win % means nothing if you’re not winning the ‘BIG GAMES’….just shows you’re mediocre….Better than the bottom 6 or 8 teams in the league, but not in the top 4.

    Yep, that’s about right. We lose the big game or games that determine the season every year…..We can win & we can play in the SEC….no doubt…..BUT until someone can ‘COACH’ some of the best talent in the nation, we’ll continue to do the same thing. Until the University gets hit in the pocketbook, it’s not gonna change & Richt will stay until he’s ready to retire….THEN, we may have the great privilege (insert sarcasm) of having Bobo as our head coach.

    Yea, Mark Richt is a hellva great man….BUT in the SEC, you get paid over $3 million dollars a year to WIN football games…..period!

    2011-BOISE ST
    2011-MICH ST
    2010-CENT FL
    2010-MISS ST
    2009-OK ST
    2005-W VIR
    2003-LSU X 2


    • HirsuiteDawg

      So a loss is always a BIG game?


    • AusDawg85

      Hi “Smith”!


    • Normaltown Mike

      “some of the best talent in the nation”

      stop it, my side is hurting.


      • B.

        maybe stop laughing for a minute & realize UGA puts more players in the NFL than just about any school….just look at the rosters of Auburn, Alabama, Tennesse, South Carolina & Florida….how many are from Georgia? How many of those teams recruited the same players that signed with Georgia…We consistantly have top recruiting classes. The talent is there. It comes down to coaching that talent… else could Boise State have the 50 something rated recruiting class in 2011 & still put a whooping on the Dawgs???? It’s called coaching my laughing friend…taking raw undeveloped talent & turning it into results. Not with just two or three players, but with a team. Got to get the best out of everyone.


    • Brandon

      14-31-1, UGA record vs. UT, UF, AUB, and GT 1989-2000.
      36-20, UGA record vs. UT, UF, AUB, and GT 2001-2014.
      Let’s not get too big for our silver britches.


      • B.

        If you are happy with that, then great (just above average)…UGA is as long as they keep putting money in the bank. When I was in school, I liked A’s & B’s, not just skating by with a C or D (36 wins outta 56)….Just goes back to my previous post.

        Better than the bottom 6 or 8 teams, but not in the top four.

        Play any statistics you want…there are no new National Championship flags, banners, or trophies in the last 14 years. In that time Auburn, Alabama, & Florida have all won one (or more).

        I would love to see Richt succeed. He’s a great man. But wishing & hoping for him to do so, only goes so far.


  16. amateur is for the love of the game

    the biggest travesty in “amateur” football is paying head coaches millions,personally believe they should make no more than the highest tenured prof,and thats too much imho,the nfl is where that money should be handed out,and failure is met with a pick slip.just sayin


  17. UGAgorilla

    if Pruitt leaves, I would be on the fire Richt bandwagon but i believe that Pruitt is just what the program needed. We will see what happens with the S&C and the Practice Facility to see how his input is taken.


    • If Pruitt leaves, I would be on the fire McGarity bandwagon. Hell, I will be on that bandwagon if the open records release shows that he bungled L’Affaire Gurley.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      Agree. As I said in a couple previous posts, when CMR refers to a promising future, I can only assume he’s referring to a future that includes CJP, CMB, and McClendon. Without those gifted assistants to do the heavy lifting the program is a hollow shell.


      • Mayor

        The entire staff is good, Westy, even CMR when he’s not making end of game decisions or deciding when to call a TO.


  18. 4 million a year for winning a couple more games?? This is crazy.


  19. You know there is plenty $$ floating around when a school like Ole Miss can pay someone 4 million a year when he hasn’t even earned it. I don’t know what UGA is gonna do when it comes time to replace Richt. He’s spoiled the hell out of the UGAA when it comes to salary.


  20. W Cobb Dawg

    “But what does it say about the perception of Georgia’s athletic program that Richt is paid less than his peers, despite in many cases sporting a superior resume?”

    I think its simple. The perception reflects Richt’s performance. If CMR had won more games and challenged for more championships, he would be getting paid more.

    Richt’s resume is “padded” because he didn’t start with a program that was 4-7. He had immediate access to some great players. It’s far more difficult to produce a top 15 program at MSU, ole miss, scu, etc., when you start with very little talent and an up-hill struggle to recruit. Mark Richt has never seen the day when he didn’t have huge advantages over most of his peers.

    The only place I’d say our AA is cheap is in regard to the pay of top assistants. Whereas Mark Richt needs to earn a raise.


  21. Clay County

    My concerns are more with the Athletic Director (McGarity). Look at the entire Athletic Department and the way it’s trending. His style and our current culture, is doomed for failure.


  22. Will Train

    Foley and McGarity did good at UF. UF had Spurrier & Meyers. Spurrier left them with a program. Meyers begin the burn thru due to staff leaving for bigger bucks. Then came the other 2. Well, Foley and McGarity are not always that smart. After all Muschamp, the darling of the SEC future HCs Club that can not fail, was the smart favorite of Foley. But Muschamp had no accomplishments [well one he finally beat his alma mater and CMR who need just that win to close it out], and his D was toasted in a bowl. That was the beginning of the ending for Foley and Muschamp.
    The Bull Gators have very deep pockets. Moeny will not be an issue. If you look at UF over all men and women’s programs they are very good. You pay for what you get. Sorta like, should the 5th year QB have passed the ball in tight coverage or made the hand off. Even his OC walking out the door and seeing a replay said the QB should have handed the ball off on the read. Hmmm!
    Coaching. Do we kick deep and pen them or let us squib and squander field position. After all they are a run team. Do we play the pass on the far hash mark and rush 3 and spy the QB. Yep. But the rushing three and out of position player allows a QB to run free thru multiple running lanes and no pursuit until the boundary becomes the best defender at 13 seconds. And they are undecided about to kick or pass, and the clock ticks down til 4 seconds remain and the FG team is not really aligned and if they kick and it is good there is a high degree of illegal procedure and a 5 yard set back. No, let us walk into the always used mindset of let us freeze the kicker and call time out. Yes give the kid time to settle down and get focused because his coaching staff was unsure of what to do.
    You mean like coaching presence and game management. Conclusion, PJ had some players bail out his butt, but CMR did not. Now who earned their pay check in that game. Let’s have the Butts-Mehre brain trust work on it.
    After all the speculation is the Dawgs go bowling with Maryland, who’s new AD will be Evans.


  23. Greg needs to spend more money on the S/C. Hire the best strength coach out there….and for crying out loud…get started on the IPF now!!!


  24. CannonDawg

    We look to Alabama as the gold standard in college football, as does everyone else, for good reason. They win big, have great facilities, and keep the recruiting pipeline primed with top-rated prospects. They have good coaches being paid good money, and their administration is fully committed to winning national championships.

    So how do they do it?

    It’s because Nick Saban has control, total control, of the football program. If he wants a facility upgraded, it gets done. If he wants to make a coordinator one of the best paid in the nation, it gets done. If he wants to hire some BillyBall guy to develop hyper-intensive statistical profiles, it gets done.

    With all the differences in the Georgia football program relative to Alabama, IMHO it all starts with the level of control that Nick Saban exercises. Mark Richt has nothing even remotely comparable in his level of control over the entire football operation, and that stands in marked contrast to the gold standard.

    Would Georgia be as good as Alabama year in, year out if Richt had the same degree of control? I don’t know. But what I do know is that whatever the gap is that now exists, it won’t be closed by maintaining the status quo. Whether it’s Mark Richt or another coach, we won’t compete on an equal footing with Alabama as long as our coach has to have a DC speak out about a facility need (which gets back to the institutional commitment to football that is yet another key differentiator).

    Either we’re in or we’re not. If we want to compete with the best, then we have to match the best. How can it work any other way?


  25. Cousin Eddie

    When/If Richt leaves McG will hire a coach like Muschamp or Pellini, someone that doesn’t have a buy out and can be picked up cheap due to the old school picking up part of the tab. I kid, well sort of.


  26. Big Albany Dawg

    As Taylor Swift says, here is my “nightmare dressed like a daydream”; they finally fire CMR but hire Bobo….


  27. anon

    If richt is in the top 10 in salary in the SEC then he is overcompensated.


    • sUGArdaddy

      You do realize that Freeze is getting anointed with $4 mil for going…9-3, the same record as Richt. They played Vandy and UT out of the East, a ‘not up to par’ (by their standards) Boise St. team, and 3 cupcakes. They got blasted 27-0 by Arky (6-6), lost inexplicably (literally) to the worst LSU (7-5) team in a decade, and got beat by Auburn (8-4) in a heart-breaker.

      Your boy, Mullen, played 4 cupcakes and UK and Vandy from the East. That’s 6 automatic wins (though UK scorched them through the air). They went 4-2 against the rest of their schedule, essentially, and were a much different team away from home. Their best win was over an 8-4 Auburn team. Their next best win was against a 7-5 LSU team.

      On the flip-side, we have a 9-3 Clemson and 10-2 Tech on the non-conference slate. Richt boasts wins this season over 10-2 Mizzou, 9-3 Clemson (who lost to FSU, UGA and Tech) and 8-4 Auburn. We lost 3 games similar to Ole Miss…heart-breaker to a 6-6 USCe, strange blowout to a 6-6 Florida, and a heart-stopper to 10-2 Tech.

      What do you think MSU is with our schedule, seriously? What do you think happens to them if their best player is out 6 games? Saban went 11-1, Mizzou went 10-2, MSU went 10-2. Ole Miss and UGA went 9-3. Auburn went 8-4. Every SEC team we played that went 8-4 or better, we beat.

      I am all for hiring the coach that never loses a game. Sign me up. I’ll up my donation tomorrow. But, if nut-jobs like you think there is someone out there who will actually win more than Richt, you’re gonna have a disappointed life. Saban has coached in another stratosphere the last 7 years. Give him credit. But, ANYBODY, looks bad compared to that. No one wins as much as Saban. No one! What I really want to ask people is this: Do you actually watch college football? I mean, really. UCLA had a mediocre Stanford team at home to clinch the South, still with a possibility of sneaking in the playoff and they got drilled. I mean…drilled. TCU scored a hundred points on Baylor and lost, and it might cost them a chance to play for it all. LSU went 7-5, with all that talent they recruit every year, and if the Florida TE could catch or Bo Wallace had a brain, they might have gone 6-6 or 5-7. The line is razor thin.

      Maybe we find the next Saban. But, the odds are that we don’t. No one else has seemed to be able to find him Michigan and Texas can’t find him. UT can’t find him, and even Spurrier is going 6-6 these days. Bret Bilemma just went 2-6 in the SEC and they think they’ve got a good coach out there. Notre Dame seems like they’ve got a good coach, and they just tanked the season away.

      My brother is a football coach, and he says: “People don’t understand how hard it is to win a football game.” The guys on the other sideline know the game and get paid to beat you, just like you get paid to beat them. Sometimes you can have a perfect game plan and the kids screw it up. Sometimes on blown penalty call changes the momentum. Sometimes the other coach or other team makes a dadgum good call or just makes a play.

      If Greg McGarity wants to do Mark Richt (and our program any favors), he’ll stop scheduling games like Clemson (and Notre Dame in 2017). Since the advent of the 12 game schedule (starting in 2002 but not not including 2004-2005, which had 11 games), the power 6 SEC teams (Bama, Auburn, LSU, Florida, UGA, and UT) have an average record of 9-3 when they play 2 OOC games vs. BCS level opponents. We just did that with Clemson and Tech…and went 9-3. Bama has done it once since Saban arrived. In 2010, with maybe Saban’s most talented team (a Sr. QB who was 14-0 as a starter and a Heisman trophy winning RB whose BACK-UP was Trent Richardson), Bama played @ Duke and hosted Penn. St. Bama went 9-3 and spent Christmas in Orlando. The only year Richt has enjoyed Bama/Florida like scheduling was 2012, when we played 3 cupcakes and Tech. Know what our record was? 11-1 and East champs, and arguably Richt’s best team. You know what that’s called boys and girls? Data. Cold, hard data.

      With our scheduling philosophy, it is a miracle we’ve won as many games as we have. That’s the simple truth. Mix in our drug policies, admission requirements, NCAA cooperation and the ACCPD, heck, Mark Richt might very well be the BEST coach in America. I don’t know if he is, but I know we’re sure lucky to have him.


      • Russ

        Well said.


      • Be interesting to see how far and long Nebraska wanders in that desert.
        9-3 /2014 On Sunday morning, Nebraska announced that AD Shawn Eichorst had fired Pelini after seven seasons in Lincoln.
        Nebraska owes Bo Pelini $7.65M through 51 payments of $150,000. If he finds another job, will lessen.
        The tenor of the room has changed since the Tech loss. Eeyore Dawgs gradually displaced by Disney Dawgs. At least Bluto ain’t getting cracked on. lol.


      • JP

        This is simply the best comment I have read on any blog on any subject in the last six months.


        • sUGArdaddy

          Appreciate the kind words, JP. I have hope for next year. We play 3 cupcakes and Tech. I don’t know that it translates into a national title, but it sure does translate into another game we can rest a banged up starter or hone a passing game that needs some work or try out a new DB. That was the model for Florida in Meyer’s heyday. They’d play 3 cupcakes and we’d play 2 and a game like Colorado or Okie St.

          Now, it’s not that we shouldn’t beat those teams. Colorado has been wretched. But, there is a mental aspect that EVERY PLAYER knows about — we better bring our stuff today or we’re going to get beat. You don’t think that way playing Charleston Southern, and your psyche kind of needs those off days in a long season. Repeatedly, we’d show up in Jax more banged up than Florida. How do we know that that 1 game each year exerting a little more energy didn’t cause that?

          Might not make a difference, but none of our rivals are rushing to play 2 of these games each year. maybe that should tell us something.


    • JP

      anon…ymous idiot


    • Mayor

      Sugar, I agree and have been preaching the scheduling issue for years.


  28. DawgByte

    Another article built on a faulty premise.
    Mark Richt is paid based on the terms and conditions of his contract. All the coaches Blutarsky is talking about within the SEC are NEW or recent additions to the league, so naturally they’re going to get $ based on CURRENT market values. When Richt’s contract is up for renewal there’s no doubt in my mind McGarity will make him one of the highest paid head coaches. His last major renewal had him right up there in the Top 3. What you don’t want to do is adjust the head coaches contract every year based on new league hires, because that would be fiscally irresponsible!
    Now if you want to talk about Program Mgmt. and spending money to get results, lets have a conversation about UGA basketball. Does anyone believe Mark Fox will bring us a Final 4 result? I know I don’t. McGarity needs to get serious about our B-ball program. There’s no excuse with all the talent in this state to field perennial cellar dwellers. Coach Fox needs to be read the “Dooley Ultimatum”. Next we need to be prepared spend big money to lure a top national coach who can mind this state of 5 star talent and get this program where it should be.


    • Um… Freeze had his existing contract modified. So did Stoops. So did Saban and Malzahn, for that matter.

      You act like these things are etched in stone and can’t be changed until they end. Of course they can. Just ask Paul Johnson.

      BTW, Richt had his contract modified a couple of years ago.

      And speaking of faulty premises, assuming you want to keep your coach, you don’t wait to renew his contract at expiration, because that’s bad for recruiting.


    • If you really understood all this Bluto wouldn’t have called you out. It’s just not your gig. It is Bluto’s gig.
      Jeepers …


  29. 69Dawg

    The fish rots from the head down. Coach Richt is just one of the Indians, he is not one of the Chiefs. The University of Georgia talks a good game but it’s actions don’t produce. We institutionally are not interested in Championship Football or Championships in any other sports apparently. We are interested in Money and since being in the SEC gets us all we need we have become less interested in whether we are Champions or not. Heck none of our programs are self supporting except football. Our basketball program doesn’t make any money. As long as the school has big contributors that are happy or really only care if we beat Tech in football then nothing will change. We can cuss and scream, we can take our entertainment dollars away IT DOES NOT MATTER. Georgia is Georgia we are nothing like Alabama, Auburn, UT or UF. All Universities are different We are a 75% average winning team. If the stars align like they did in 1980 we win A MNC but the rest of our lives we are 9-3 give or take a win. IF you want a better team pull for another school. Short of giving millions of dollars to the program your wishes and desires don’t really matter to the powers that be. It’s the “Georgia Way”.


    • The University of Georgia talks a good game but it’s actions don’t produce.We institutionally are not interested in Championship Football or Championships in any other sports apparently.
      We are not willing to “whore” ourselves out for the not so mighty Glass Trophy.”


  30. Tom Slicker

    Sorry if this has been said already, but is Richt’s salary more the result of when that was negotiated vs Butts Mehre is just being cheap. My guess is he will rise to the top half during the next negotiation.

    But we need to pay Bobo now. Yes every play call is not perfect. News flash no one else is either. The offense has been stellar for a few seasons now, the man deserves to make as much as Pruitt. The offense position coaches should be paid as well as their defensive counterparts too if they are not already.
