Travel Alabama!

Guess who’s rumored to be dropping by?

Can’t wait to hear what he thinks of the Laner.


Filed under Georgia Football

34 responses to “Travel Alabama!

  1. Normaltown Mike

    Not the best choice for Jacob. Lane migh be lame, but his pro style offense would be just as problematic as Richt’s for JP. He needs a single read Malzahn offense.


  2. Derek

    What’s Jacob’s problem with SOS? Doesn’t seem like a bad fit. He’d immediately be the most talented QB on the roster in his home state and he’d get to try and pull a John Dewberry. Anybody know?


    • Macon Dawg

      Have you ever heard of a big time QB wanting to play for Spurrier?


      • Garcia may have been a flake, but he was a highly regarded recruit coming out of high school.


      • No. It’s real blemish in spurrier’s resume no doubt. Doesn’t recruit the position well and he doesn’t lead them to long nfl careers. 2 things though: I’m not sure at this point park qualifies as “big time.” He may be but he needs to land somewhere he can play. Second, I don’t recall there being many sec caliber qbs coming out of that state anyway. For there not to be any interest just surprises me. Not that we got him two years ago, but that it isn’t looking like USCe is the landing spot now.


        • there’s a big gap in there between recruitment and nfl career and it’s the place that everyone on this blog loves the most – actual college games.

          maybe he’s not bringing in 5*s but he’s had a few good (record setting, heisman winning, MNC winning) college QBs in his day. maybe those QBs haven’t gone on to be NFL product but… who gives a f***, it’s the NFL.


          • Derek

            If it makes SOS look bad, I care. If it makes him look good, its irrelevant. Them’s the rules.


            • Mayor

              I think the real problem is that SOS is just such a dick to his QBs. It is very hard to find a former QB under Spurrier who will say anything nice about the guy. I’m not saying that Garcia didn’t deserve disciplinary action but for SOS to kick the kid off the team WHEN (mid-season) he did and LIKE he did (as publicly humiliating a possible) was just plain mean. Just ask Terry Dean, who was a Heisman candidate who got benched 4 games into his senior year in favor of Danny Wuerffel when Wuerffel was a freshman. Dean was a 3 year starter. I understand Dean hasn’t spoken to SOS since he graduated and has stated publicly he never will. Spurrier won the Heisman himself and if his QBs don’t live up to what SOS’s image of himself is he berates them privately and embarrasses them publicly. Why would any top QB put up with abuse like that when he can go elsewhere? That’s why SOS can only get second raters at QB there.


        • Bazooka Joe

          He doesn’t really have ties to South Carolina – was born and mostly raised up north if I remember correctly, moved to South Carolina.


  3. Dawgaholic

    I think Park would kill it at Baylor or OK State. Might do well at A&M too. His best plan is probably JUCO for a year and then see what the opportunities are. Since he redshirted, he could play at JUCO and still have 3 to play 3 once he’s done with his JUCO year.


  4. Smitty

    My worthless two cents: he needs to play at an FCS school or JUCO to show what he can do at a college level then transfer. He will find about 4 or 5 scholarship QB’s at Bama too.


    • Mayor

      ^This. He can’t go FCS and come back to FBS without sitting out a year but he can go the JC route and play immediately. Hello, Hutchinson Community College!


  5. Macallanlover

    If I recall, Park chose UGA over Alabama when he was #1 on both lists. The guy from Oklahoma HS picked Bama the next day, that would be interesting. I want Park to do well but not crazy about facing another UGA QB in conference play. Think we should block transfers to conference and scheduled teams.


    • Dog in Fla

      “Think we should block transfers to conference and scheduled teams.”

      Excellent idea


    • We don’t do that and you know it. Everybody there is free to take their happy ass anywhere they wanna go. Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.

      I like the policy. It’s their lives after all. If they don’t want to commit to the G we got nothing for ’em but our best wishes. No strings.


  6. gatorhater27

    So, does Park supplant Coker as the Bama Heisman candidate if he goes there?


    • Dog in Fla

      Yes he will become the new Driskel and that will be the year Lane wins the Broyles Award®™© ℠ and accepts a lateral transfer to be the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys where his first act of business will be to terminate SOD’s employment


  7. Cojones

    He and Cornwell were the big QBs for the SEC two years ago, especially Bama and UGA. He may see Cornwell as the one to best and since Cornwell is in the mix for backup (at least) , Park may see a better chance than we can see. He was recruited vigorously by Saban who knows more than anyone there about Park. Don’t think either one is wasting each other’s time.


  8. ViningsDawg

    What about the fact that Park is a walking talking UGA offensive playbook. Not to sound like a nervous Nancy but hell I don’t even like the visit. They’re a shrewd bunch of F’rs over there.
