We’re gonna need a bigger conference.

Whoa, baby.

North of fifty million a year?  This aggression shall not stand, man.

Looks like Greg Sankey’s gonna need to follow in Slive’s footsteps and break a couple of broadcast deals again.


Filed under It's Just Bidness, SEC Football

8 responses to “We’re gonna need a bigger conference.

  1. BulldogJay

    I don’t know how this can continue but congrats to them


  2. sniffer

    Regarding your comment about the commissioner. Greg Sankey doesn’t have the sense to come in out of the rain. That is one vacuous man, imo.


    • Cousin Eddie

      wonder if him and Greg McGarity are kin? They sorta look a like and neither one is very impressive when it comes to running an organization properly but are wonderful at covering their collective butts to keep their jobs.


  3. Russ

    Approaching peak TV.


  4. Captain Obvious

    I’m thinking OK and OK state, by 2020. And I hope we put them in the east just to piss off aubarn.


  5. Napoleon BonerFart

    I always thought Colorado State belonged in the SEC.


  6. Captain Obvious

    I hope they add Ok and OK St to the east just to piss off aubarn

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mayor

      Actually, OK and Okie State are the logical add ons. Bring them into the West, move Aubarn and Bama to the East and then move Mizzou to the West–you’re there! A 16 team super conference with two 8 team divisions divided up reasonably well along geographic lines..
