Today, in burning questions

Talk about your inquiring minds want to know

Former LSU center T-Bob Hebert, now a radio personality in Baton Rouge, decided to get a little more personal with Etling.

“Lloyd Cushenberry and Will Clapp — whose ass feels better?” Hebert asked the quarterback of LSU’s two centers.

“I can just tell you what you’re looking for as far as that in a center,” Etling responded without hesitation. “What you want is a nice, plump bottom. A surface area to put your hands on. You want them to feel you.

“As much as I love Will, and as great a football player as he is, he doesn’t have the biggest bottom. But him and I have really worked toward it. We’ve found a nice surface area to put my hands on.

SEC football, baby.  Puts a whole new spin on it just means more, don’t it?



Filed under SEC Football, The Body Is A Temple

21 responses to “Today, in burning questions

  1. Normaltown Mike

    not that there’s anything wrong with that


  2. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Meh. ‘Bottom’ is a word my wife would use. nyyawwt


  3. Got Cowdog

    As someone who is 50% Cajun, I love that sense of humor. No only will we eat most anything, we’ll say most anything and if it gets a rise out of an uptight asshole so much the better 😎


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    20 or 30 years ago, during a quarterback controversy on an NFL team, somebody asked the center who he liked better. He said “all quarterbacks feel the same to me.” Still worth a smile.


  5. Bulldog Joe

    Can’t find a fat butt in Louisiana? I call BS.


  6. HVL Dawg

    a nice surface area to put his hands on….. That’s football gold.


  7. AusDawg85

    QB under center: I didn’t tell you to snap it yet. Put the ball back down.

    Center: I didn’t, and that’s not the football.


  8. Bob

    Damn, Sidney Crosby should have played center on the gridiron instead of being the best center in the world on ice. Talk about a big booty. 😉


  9. The Dawg abides

    Well, Cushenberry sounds much more inviting than Clapp as a place to put your hands.


  10. Idlewild Dawg

    That exchange is so f’n tech
