PAWWWLLL, those officials is biased against Georgia!

Damn, no wonder South Carolina made a game of it yesterday.  Playing 12-on-11 with Mr. Chubb.

Too bad that wasn’t Penn Wagers.  I’d like to think if he had been, Nick wouldn’t have helped him up.


Filed under Georgia Football

16 responses to “PAWWWLLL, those officials is biased against Georgia!

  1. gastr1

    I was bummed by that. Also bummed by Chaney’s/Smart’s insistence on going slow in the 4th when their defense was gassed, particularly in the red zone on the drive that resulted in the field goal. I wanted the points more than the time.


  2. HirsuteDawg

    If it were Penn Wagers, I would hope that someone would have speared him in the pile😎


  3. 92 grad

    That moment got me thinking. Can you imagine what it’s like to stand in the middle of a defensive backfield? I’m 6’ 187lbs and so are most other guys, kids on the teams are huge and fast. No way I’d want to stand there and focus my attention on anything other than “holy shit”.


  4. 3rdandGrantham

    If that were Penn Wagers, Chubb would have been flagged 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct, followed by Penn running up to Smart and instigating an argument with a flag thrown on Smart as well. 3rd and 30 as a result, with Penn vowing payback against us for 10 more years.


  5. Castleberry

    I was really upset about this. If you’re going to bring a kid down you need to wrap up and get your shoulders lower. It was just really sloppy form and surprised it took Nick down. He should’ve been able to run through and pick up a few more yards. Must’ve been a mercy fall down.


  6. Cojones

    He had plenty of time to move back and to either side , but he seemed frozen – like a nude model in your headlights.


    • Macallanlover

      “nude model in my headlights” Damn that is some lovely phrasing right there, Old Timer, startling visions erupted in my head. I was just pissed that it cost Chubb another TD.


    • Whiskeydawg

      That happened to me in the old Art Department building one evening.


    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      Look at the video again. In real time, I thought he might have used the ref as “a pick”, but that only works if there is just the guy on his right, and there is a defender coming up on his left, and a move to the left runs him into that guy. Chubb has good vision and knew where he had to go IMO.


  7. Mayor

    That particular ref is from Alabama and reffed in HS and small college games a few years back. I am told he got run over a lot.


    • Ubiquitous GA Alum

      He’s also a FL grad .. prob wanted to prove to Gator Nation that anybody could tackle a UGA RB unlike last week in the Cocktail Party.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. SemperFiDawg

    When it happened the first thing I thought is what class it showed from Chubb. He knew he hit the ref and the first thing he does is look up to check on him. Then he helps the guy up and asks if he’s OK. Class all the way with this Mr. Chubb.
