Helluva game plan you’ve got there.

Referring to Nick Chubb and Sony Michel, Auburn defensive tackle Derrick Brown says his mates are “… going to have to be able to make them a non-factor.”

It’s rather stunning nobody else has thought of doing that this season.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Georgia Football

20 responses to “Helluva game plan you’ve got there.

  1. JG Shellnutt

    Auburn’s D stopping Georgia’s O is a big part of the game.
    Georgia’s D stopping Auburn’s O is another big part of the game.
    Add in special teams and even turnovers…they might just have to play this game on a field, not just on paper.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jack Burton

    Tony Barnhart plays DT for Aubs?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Biggen

    They had to come up with new material since Jake not being able to “pass” wasnt believable any more.


  4. 81Dog

    I’m not surprised at this brilliant insight. Everyone at AU knows the “n” in Auburn stands for “knowledge”

    Liked by 3 people

  5. 3rdandGrantham

    Reminds me of SCU fans last week saying they have a really good chance to best us if they load the box – which will shut down our run game – and force Fromm to beat them.


  6. Brandon

    At least he said “going to have to” which implies he does not consider stopping Chubb and Michel to be a fait accompli.


  7. Dave

    Of course it’s a relatively obvious answer, Senator, but I wonder what he could say that would not draw either the ire or amusement of Georgia fans.

    “We’re not worried about their running game.” – Responses: Yeah, how’s that worked out for other teams?

    “We’re going to overload the strong side, and work in a lot of run blitzes to slow down the run. Then, we’re going to run some zone blitzes, and show blitz, but drop into cover two pre-snap depending on where their tight ends are lining up on passing downs. Look for a lot of corner blitzes with our DEs dropping into coverage in the first quarter, and we’ll see how they respond.” – Response from Gus Malzahn: “Thanks a lot, moron.”

    I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t know what a reasonable answer would be from an Auburn defensive player. At least he didn’t repeat the, “They can’t pass” for the third week in a row.


    • Acknowledging that no other team’s been able to do it would be a good place to start.


      • Dave

        I inferred that. Nobody has been able to, and we’re undefeated as a result (along with a lot of other factors). He said they’re going to have to be able to stop them. I tend to agree.

        Splitting hairs, but every player on every team gives these kinds of canned or cliche responses every week. Ain’t no thing, though.


        • AusDawg85

          He appropriate response is to say he’s watched a lot of tape of UGA now, and he cried. He’s scared. He wants his Momma. Any other response is clearly a lie.


    • WarD Eagle

      Agree. He gave a simple, good answer. If they can slow down the running game, they have a chance. If they can’t, the outcome is a given unless Fromm becomes an INT machine.


  8. Macallanlover

    No question the defensive front for AU is the biggest obstacle we face Saturday. Had concerns watching the OL get handled by the SEC front last Saturday, the success was more due to the incredible skills our RBs showed (especially Sony) and some poor tackling. I am sure that is being addressed by Pittman, and hope Chaney has some misdirection and play action to go with the blocking scheme. Agree Fromm will be the key with his passing, but we have to find some ways to have success with the run. I think 175+ yards on the ground is the minimum we will need to keep them guessing and honest.

    I think our defense can hold them to the high teens or low twenties, but do not want to get into a FG contest with their kicker, nor keep their crowd in it coming down the stretch. This is just a helluva good CFB match up. Iwould give a slight edge to UGA but not enough to feel the same level of confidence I have enjoyed the past month.


  9. HirsuteDawg

    Auburn has played 4 teams with a winning recored and lost 2 of them. Dawgs have played 5 teams with a winning recored and beat them all. Expect the Dawgs to win this game – maybe not an absolute drubbing but a clean win.


  10. David H.

    The correct cliched answer: “You can’t stop them, you can only hope to contain them.” An old SportsCenter classic.


  11. Gene Simmons

    “We’re gonna try and stop what they do best. We know it won’t be easy, and no one else has done it, but that’s the game plan. Next question?”


  12. W Cobb Dawg

    So they’d rather be run over by Swift, Holyfield, Herrien, and Payne?
